map-marker Woodstock, Georgia

Lied to and lead on

Do not take your business here. Rude staff.

I BOUGHT a car under the promise that it was built and had to just be delivered. *** me for trusting these crooks.

Turns out my car isn't even built yet and when I asked why I was told that if I have a problem they can give me my money back. I just want my *** car.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
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Stop whining you little sissy. No dealership builds the cars.

Stop blaming a first class organization for your stupidity.

Some people will complain when the sun comes up. Grow up will ya?

map-marker Kelso, Washington

Recommended unneeded service, transmission failed, and they voided warranty.

I bought a brand new car, a nice 2011 Honda Fit Sport, so my wife and baby could drive places and I would never have to worry about them. I pay the dealership, Hennessy Honda of Woodstock, to service my brand new car so I never has to worry about the warranty.

This dealer recommended a transmission fluid flush at 28,000 miles, on a manual transmission. I, being the type to make sure my wife and child are taken care of, pay for this service. It turns out this service was not only not recommended by Honda North America, but was a complete shill by the dealership, Hennessy Honda of Woodstock, to defraud me.

Some short mileage later, my brand new car is covered in transmission fluid. A tow truck is dispatched to retrieve the poor Fit where the dealership admits they didn't tighten the drain plug, and it fell out. My new car's transmission is now dead.

So what does Hennessy Honda of Woodstock do? They force me to accept a used transmission, voiding my 60K mile new car warranty, and Honda North America agrees with it! So now if the transmission were to break at say, 45K miles, I would have to pay for it instead of Honda because this dealership ruined my transmission with an unneeded service, and then screwed me over by not making me whole.

This made my me so angry I immediately went and bought a new 2013 Mazda5 from a competing dealership, and traded in my now warranty-less on the transmission Fit. I should mention that the Fit was my 15th Honda, and now my last.

I cannot say enough how badly Hennessy Honda of Woodstock messed up. They recommended a service that was not needed, messed up that service which resulted in a broken transmission, then forced me to accept a used transmission that VOIDED his factory Honda warranty.

The General Manager, Jerry Goddard, dealt with this matter and felt no obligation whatsoever to make things right by me. Scott Bailey, the Service Manager, was even worse. He flat out lied to me about needing the service in the first place, and then lied about what transmissions were available to replace it (FYI Scott, the transmission is available new! 20011-RP4-G72, there are currently 2 in the Chino, CA warehouse. You can have it in about 4 business days. Retail price is $2375.29), and then lied about how the used transmission would affect my factory warranty.

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I have dealt with the owner during this whole process and this is a true and accurate account of what happened.

Very sad, shame on you American Honda, and shame on you Hennessy Honda of Woodstock.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-673991

Monetary loss $20,000? Please....if you were harmed in reality, an attorney could have resolved it.

You need to grow up and stop posting your own juvenile rants. I happen to know Scott and he’s first class.


what a tool


I know the Fit owner, and know all to be true

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-673947

Sure you do...sure you do. I don’t even know Hennessy but I know a liar when I see one.

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map-marker Woodstock, Georgia

No customer service

We needed repairs to our Honda, because our mechanic couldn't identify the problem. He refunded our money and suggested we try the dealership.

Hennessy Honda refused to even look at our car. We were told it was their policy not to work on a car that obviously had been ruined by a bad mechanic and used old parts. Our mechanic had bought the parts from Honda! I've never had a business refuse to make money and turn a customer away.

We contacted our mechanic and he called Honda Carland in Cartersville and arranged for us to take it there. They found the problem in just a few hours and charged us only $116.00.

We were very pleased.


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Did it ever occur to people that businesses are private operations? If they refused you, you obviously gave them good reason.

Grow up. Signed, a Hennessy lover.

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