Jesscia Xwl

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Stay away if you want to be treated like a human being

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This is a review of the Houston Texas Hazel’s Hotshot Office. It used to be a good place to work I enjoyed myself there but as time went by it was terrible.

First off the general manager in the Houston office has been Hunanomously hated By the entire company at our offices he is really a backstabbed. he’ll pretend to be your friend and then he’ll turn around behind your back and he’ll write an email or call the chief operations officer if not the owner of the company and make you look bad. And then to add insult to injury he he will go and talk about your situation behind your back to other drivers. And the chief operations officer says well since the drivers are not complaining everything must be fine.

I’m sorry to say that this is not the case the only reason the drivers don’t say anything is because basically nothing gets done about the situation ever. And if it gets back to this general manager he still has the power to blackball you not give you loads or basically find a way to punish you. And since we get paid per load instead of per hour or per mile he will starve you by not letting you get any loads and he has done this in the past to contractors that I have talk to and they told me this. And he has stated to me because I have found out that if you are an employee he will starve you as well because if he fires you then there’s a chance that they will have to give you unemployment and he does this so you will be eligible for any unemployment and he has stated this to me!!!

That he has to try to save the company some money and by doing this it’s saves them money. The company is worried about keeping you as a driver outside of the office They don’t want you to see what is going on internally this is one thing that the owner wants.....I have no idea why but I kind of Guessing at it as a driver we always asked why don’t we get paid vacation? why don’t we get paid days off? and of holiday pay?

breakdown pay? sick days etc. and they’re like well the company is having issues with taking it into advisement we’re working on it!!!!!! It going on for years working on it.

it’s the same thing every single meeting but yet for some apparent reason The office staff such as management, dispatchers, etc. Always get Christmas bonuses, paid vacation, sick days the owner even flys from Dallas to personally hand the bonus checks to the dispatchers. This is why I believe the owner wants the drivers to be outside or never to come inside the building because he doesn’t want you to see what is going on. Out of sight out of mind!!!!!!

the only Christmas bonus that we get as drivers is a tin can with three flavored popcorn and they’re so cheap that they don’t even buy and include a Christmas card specially tailored for the driver they put a customer business Christmas card that says thank you for your business. There’s no incentives nothing at this company. The equipment is garbage. its old its always breaking down and they expect you to pick it up and take it to the mechanic shop on your own time.

You only get paid for what you work. So you can sit there all day and if you don’t have any loads you don’t make no money. And here’s the kicker they’ll have you come in at 7:30 in the morning work all day around the city picking up and dropping off loads. And if you don’t do any loads that day and or if you do sometimes around 3 o’clock they have a customer that always wants loads picked up and delivered to Midland Texas Odessa Texas in the morning by 8 AM so basically you’re going to go and waste all your time from your logbook and drive illegal and they ask you do this all the time.

Obviously upper management doesn’t know what’s going on down Houston Texas but if they caught wind of this I’m pretty sure someone would get in trouble. I don’t know what else I’m missing but they used to be a good company to work. It can be a good place to work again and all they have to do is get rid of the general manager but he’s made of Teflon nothing sticks to him. drivers had complained, office staff has complained, and he still there....

honestly I don’t know why they have them there he has no significant value whatsoever he doesn’t like to do anything he likes to pawn off all the work to everybody else even makes one of the dispatchers cry!!!!! Oh and I found out that they had a driver who used to be a contractor he delivered in a pick up truck and he was forced into driving their equipment as a contractor because he had a CDL class a and this driver told me that he had made a deal with the general manager that he will drive a 20 foot stake bed but he did not want to drive a tractor trailer And the general manager agreed but then as time went on all the contractors the drove their equipment became employees. And they were always short staffed because the under pay, the going rates and then they always wondered why they never had any drivers so knowing that this driver had a CDL class A and could drive a tractor-trailer in the beginning he told me that they would ask him to do one load here another load there just to help them out and in good faith he said he would help them out. But then after a while they stop asking and we just forcing him to do it he said he got tired of it and I don’t know what kind of story he gave the chief operations officer but the chief operations officer stated that if he has a CDL class a he needs to drive what we need them to drive for after he knew good and well that they came to an agreement in the beginning.

And to add insult injury they made him work at night and somebody broke the lock and chain of the company’s fence and entered the property and stolen his pick up truck. And the company did not want to do anything to help his driver out because they recovered it the next day and it was damaged severely and it was his only way to get to work and basically they wanted to give him a loan that wouldn’t even cover the cost to repair the vehicle and they had no umbrella coverage no kind of insurance nothing to help the driver out. So this driver quit and come to find out that another driver was told that “I know he’s not gonna like this but we’re gonna put them back on the night run again” after the contract was already over. So the company was going to have him work at night again and park the same pick up truck outside again not caring that it was going to get stolen again just so they can cover their own behinds.

Oh he loves to micromanage. If you’re in the parking lot he will come outside and mess with you look at your truck and try to find problems with it. I was told by a driver that he went as far as telling him not to leave a Coke cup or can in the cupholder of the assigned truck that nobody else drives for him just to find anything to complain about. Here’s another one about the general manager anytime a truck has a catastrophic engine failure suspension failure wiring issues everything is pond off on the driver and he states that your water level is low!!!!

the oil or water level that’s why you have catastrophic electrical failure etc.

etc. If I remember more details I’ll come back and I’ll post in the reply section or if I can edit this I’ll edit it and put more on here.

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Don't ever work for Kevin in Houston, backstabber


Please email me... courtney_steele14@***.com

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He smiles to your face, the backstabber, Beware be of Kevin


My Husband is having the same issue... Can you contact us???

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Management has no integrity and communication skills

I was a contract driver for the San Antonio, Tx location for approxiamately 7 months. The general manager(John) decided to end my contract early because I had no hours to run an out of state delivery.

I had been working the last 7 days, weekend included, and was short of hours. I had all the necessay paperwork and efficient logs to support my week of hours. This wasn't the first time this had happened. This manager only cares about $$$$ signs and shows absolutely no concern about the well being of his drivers.

A manager is supposed to know his drivers! He didn't even know what my last name was. He constantly took jabs at me and was untruthful about everything. Once said he had me on recorded video on a phone call we recently had.

What the *** does that mean? There is much more negative attitude the guy brought to the table but not going to waste my breath. I will say that all the deliveries I made, I had no complaints and was often commented on my professionalism and approach towards the business. It's ashame that someone of that stature is even considered to hold a management title.

I know, I once held a regional director position at a large retail business. I just hope someone will see through him like I did.

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You gotta inform us dummies who/what Hazels Hot Shot is.

Never heard of 'em so I can't write a valid opinion.


But my guess is that everyone sees through the *** - and there's at least one in every company somewhere.

map-marker Lewes, Delaware

Hazels Hot Shot - Review in Transportation and Storage category from Lewes, Delaware

As of yesterday I resigned from Hazels hot shot.After 4 yrs of working there I couldnt take it anymore.Im warning you this is not a good company to work for.They don't care about there drivers at all.People in the office and upper management get all the benifits.Drivers dont't get paid vacation not to mention they only pay 50% of your taxes.So what that mean is come income tax time.You will have to pay the other half of your taxes from the previous year.No holiday pay or even sick day pay for drivers.All you get is a pay check if you get in a accident.They make the drivers pay out of they pocket for damages.Another thing they dont train you at all.Once you hired they give you the keys to the truck and send you out.Most jobs train you and let you ride with another driver.If the truck break down they want you to do everything on your time.Like picking up the truck from the shop on off days with no pay.You sit around Waiting on a load .But you could be sitting for hrs and you are not getting paid.This company stressed me out and is not realiable.If you reading this im warning you what you are signing up for .

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map-marker Dallas, Texas

Hired me and paid about 40% less than promised.

Several months ago I worked for Hazel's Hot Shot (Service) in carrollton, TX. I was given an "average" 300 mile delivery run and then told how much I would make for that. Well, after working for 11 out of 14 days, and driving about 1,500 miles in my own vehicle, I was making an average of 60% of what the example showed. I was told that I had to work there longer to get the better deliveries.

Founded about 1977, "Hazel" ran this wonderful business until about June of 2011 when her grandson began to take over. The grandson is who gave me the numbers. Good luck. I give them about a year!

Arrogance usually does not make for a good business.

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