map-marker New York, New York

They did nothing but tell the security guy to take a 15 min break

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Racial, sexual profiling, physically and verbally assaulting women of small stature and Latinas, The guy was huge and had no reason to be assaulting customers let alone small women and those with babies, He was not only verbally intimidated but physically bullied and caused physical harm to try and steal women's money/ valuables. He was trying to take purses and diaper bags.

One woman took her money out and put her bag down but he grabbed her and put her to the ground to try and steal from her. He lied saying that managers told him to do that, Sidy S. also M.B. who were managers both had told him not to stop customers or take their belongings but as soon as the 1st manager was out of sight this security guy attacked a woman and was yelling/ menacing my mother, myself with my baby and many other tiny ladies.

Then he was told by Sidy S. to take a break.

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Teresa R Awe
map-marker Minneapolis, Minnesota

Felt cheated

I took my 8 year old granddaughter and her family to the game in Des Moines Iowa at the Wells Fargo Arena. We made sure to get approval for a picture of Madison in her globetrotter outfit and her basketball put on metal to take in the arena.

I not only purchased 7 tickets for the game but also for the meet and greet before the game. We were informed by the description on the ticket site that we would meet players for pictures and autographs. I did the first meet and greet as I knew Madison, who was born with partial trisomy 13 she would not last throughout the game. After asking several people working at the arena we were informed we would be directed to the middle of the court.

We went to purchase two shirts, large basketball and small basketball for autographing. We did not bring the ones we had purchased previously at games as I did not know if that was allowed. So I spent a good little chunk of money there also. This is where I am disappointed with the Globetrotters.

After going to the middle of the court we were informed there would be no pictures or autographs till after the game. So here we stand with several others within the circle of the court seeing just the same things that others were seeing in the bleachers. As I predicted the game was over for us within 40 minutes and we were loading up.

We left with no pictures, no autographs, 1 jersey, 2 shirts and 2 basketballs. Very disappointing 1 1/2 hour trip back home.

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