Hardware Resources
Is this your business?
Bossier City, Louisiana
Hardware Resources
Post your experience with Hardware Resources here - totally anonymous! You can post information regarding their products and/or your experiences working with them.
Or you can post their comments. Your posting has to be 100 words so think hard and be descriptive in what you are saying.
This is a good opportunity to post what you want without it being flagged and finally the public will know the truth about Hardware Resources. Someone needs to let Riverside know what is going on as well although I think they may have an idea by now as to how HR is run.
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Hardware Resources
Hardware Resources is not allowing small business customers operate freely. Now they are trying to control how we need to operate by telling us what information we can and can't advertise otherwise they will stop providing us with their product.
They are becoming a MONOPOLY on their area and for us as a Small Business is very difficult to go against them because we need their product to sell. In the future, we need to find another source if we want to continue selling the same kind of product or look for another line of product.