Hamburg Fairgrounds Casino
Terrible thieves
i have been going there weekly since they opened and always loose at least one hundred or more dollars a week, oh boy they gave me 5 dollars in free play i don't mind loosing sometimes but i would like to win something. well i'am done they can kiss my *** i will go to the senecas and spend my money not just on gambling but on the dinners and other concessions that i purchase.i have a group of friends and family that go gaming with me and they will come with me they do not like hamburg (thieves) no longer, greed will be your downfall when a lot of people stop attending hamburg.i hope to gain followers to boycott this house of ripoff through social media and more you will know me
- Workers and concessions the buffet
- Gaming is unfair and does not ever payout
I took out cash with my debit card at the Casino in the Hamburg Fairgrounds and they removed twice the amount they gave me from my debit card.
After calling them and spending 1/2 hour to an hour's worth of minutes on my cell phone. John Bennett the Cage Manager didn't do squat about it.
I told him I need the money that they robbed from me to pay my auto insurance so it won't be cancelled. Don't take out cash at this Casino with your debit card. They are crooks and scoundrals. Not only do all the Casinos rip-off the public in general, but this Casino takes it to "a whole 'nother level".
The town of Hamburg should be ashamed of having this business that conducts itself in this manner in their community. Now the debit card company says it will take between 1 1/2 months to 3 months for me to dispute this amount. Never mind the paper work I have to fill out, my time and energy, the money I have already lost from fees that I have incurred because of this situation, and what was supposed to be an evening of fun has turned into a nightmare. I expect this complaint to get to JoAnn Fry's, the Controller at this casino and for her not only to correct the mistake, but to give me some sort of compensation for putting me through this nightmare.
I also consumed between 1/2 hour and 1 hour on my cell phone calling the debit card company. They told me to call the casino and see if the casino would rectify their mistake. The person whose phone I used to make these calls has charged me $20. for using their phone.
The manure just keeps on piling up.
I guess some people are nasty and jealous of other people trying to have a good time. May you all "reap what you sow".
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And I also think that the jackpots are all rigged they're hooking their friends and family I put the jackpots don't tell me they don't know when the jackpots are going to go off because they know they're hooking their friends and family up with the jackpots we need gambling laws here in the state just like Las Vegas has got them the machines need to be checked and made sure that they're paying like they're supposed to that's enough of ripping the people off and it's awful funny that our Governor's husband works for Delaware North too that shouldn't even be allowed and the guy that runs the Hamburg Casino he needs to be fired
You're exactly right they are nothing but a bunch of Thieves there the best thing to do is not go there there's no fun fun about losing that's the greediest casino I ever seen they don't even let you get bonuses if they don't make any changes there will be shut down I need to fire the guy that's running it he's running to the ground