Melissa H Ifq

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Los Angeles, California

Bad customer service

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I was recently in the Encino salon on Friday June 29. The manager Justin was extremely rude and very unprofessional.

Earlier in the day Justin sent me a text asking if I could come 10minutes later than my appointment, I said no problem. I got to the salon at 2:40 like we agreed on, I sat quietly in the waiting area til 3:05

25 minutes, during that time Justin neither acknowledged that he was actually running later than he thought. So still no acknowledgement from him at 3:10 I got up and asked what was going on? And how much longer be would be?

Justin response was “ should I tell him to leave”. Shocked with his nasty response I told him I had an appt and was waiting for an extra 25 minutes. His second response was “ your rude”. Shocked again, as I walked out I told him he was rude.

So as far as today I have called the corporate office spoke to Cindy which she said, Ronda and Gary are in a meeting that was 2hours ago. The sad part is now I’m calling this office and one one is picking up the phone there.

On their website it states they care about customer satisfaction and excellence. Will anybody call me is the question??

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Webster, New York

Hairzoo - Staff Review from Webster, New York

Where do i begin. .

Hairzoo is just an other chop shop yet the owners gary reed & the biggest *** in the world Elaine reed who claim to be a local family owned place yet the truth is two money pigs who are the most arrogant human beings i hace ever worked for. They do NO TRAINING . How do ik? Because i worked there...

not to mention i had a temporary license which expires after a few months since all u need is ur hours... no testing. & my whole time in this *** hole i havs only leex thys genweatio . These idiots only havw one tnimh kn there *** d....

wni.hucb izis parjatavstqyws in buisness ... they hire pwople right out of scjool & call themselves the "hair experts" ... wow... i have necer lefy a job in a vax way..

i walked oi5 on hsitxoo elaone is the bigfest xunt ever i woried ay 5he maon locati9n & every client n9yuces the t7rn ober.. i ne er couor sat why. But 5h8s is wgy we arw woried 6 dats a week with these dumb duvks watchibj us on vameras callo g uz up to yell at is if elzome doesmt come diwn & trwat yhe poacr poke her petsonal c9ntinentsl sxhppl. I hsve becet had a worse job exper7e

mce in my life i lsufh at these iduot owmers ...

like seriously gary reed is sleeponh wit rh9nda from uostsirs on 6he emipre blvd locatopm who elsine w94shups evem tho h3r husbwmf 9s sleeponb wut 5bis mess wgl coeznt comb her hsir mever wears make7p & twlls elains wgar to do... yhis is 5he wotst, most un professional place i hsce scer w9roeem. Im ashamed to say i ever w9rled tjere... pleasr never gibe ur mone6 to tgese ri h crooks...

i mean who chsrges $6 for just a shampoo & cojdituob? Gary & elslaine reed ... oh by rhe way if ur stylost juzt disa0eared w86giy ibf8rminh u where yhey went? thats becauw3 we zign a doxumeuy sayojj theh pwn clienys & if we gdll the clienyd we are g9ing and whete..

we ade sued by hairzop... yrs if u go to hs8ezpp u zrw owned by these monepigs ...

sace ur money & go sompksce u lniw i4 srypod5 will stat cis hsitxok rips u off & they claim ghwu pwm uM... *** u elaine reed ur a money thirsty vunt who watches it *** husband *** hid disguatinh fat butcb infelnt of ur beady eyes ....

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Learn english so that people can understand what *** you are saying

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