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Verified Reviewer |HAARP is being used to manipulate the weather
There is a weaponized system that is being used by the U.S. Government to purposely experiment with and manipulate the weather.
They are using it to create anomalous severe weather events such as heavy rains, hurricanes, winter storms, tornadoes, heat waves, extreme cold, etc. It has caused an increase in thunderstorms in areas where I live. And as well as throughout North America. The government has disguised the system as HAARP High frequency Active Aurora Research Program.
They claim it's for ionospheric research, but in reality, it is being used to manipulate the weather in certain places in this world. They are using it to create different crisis's across the country and around the world. Another form of geoengineering they use is through chemtrails. Everyday they have planes that go around and spraying chemtrails across the country.
It is causing brainwashing people and making them sick.
They also use geoengineering as a form of brainwashing and dumbing down the population so that way they don't know about what dangerous schemes they are pulling against us. If anyone sees this, please I encourage you, do whatever it takes to get these monsters to stop manipulating our weather and our minds.
- That they mess with our weather
Preferred solution: Stop manipulating our weather and stop spraying chemtrails
HAARP is purposely creating storms and wrecking people's lives
HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a system being used by Barack Obama and the United States Government to purposely manipulate the weather over certain areas of the country to create abnormal weather events and to create major severe weather events. It is being used to cause droughts, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, major winter storms, blizzards, and other natural disasters.
I myself have noticed an increase in thunderstorm activity in the Southern Appalachians where most of the nations coal is being produced. They are purposely creating thunderstorms over certain regions of the Southern Appalachian area to cause economic problems and to kill the coal mining industry. They claim that HAARP is used for ionospheric research, but I know it's actually being used to purposely manipulate the weather. There are other means of weather modification being used as well.
The National Weather Service's NEXRAD radar system which they claim as being a weather radar but is also being used to create and steer storms. And there are also chemtrails being sprayed into the atmosphere to produce storms as well. Sulphur is being purposely sprayed in the atmosphere to create storms as well. We need to tell our corrupt government to put a stop to this and we as U.
S. citizens need to take a stand.
We need to get people to pay attention and protest against this nonsense. Because it's only gonna get worse if we don't pay attention and stand up.
High-frequency Active Aurora Research Project (HAARP)
The Gakona, Alaska based frequency system is being used to purposely manipulate the weather to cause, natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornados, floods, droughts, and major snowstorms. It is also being used to cause unusual weather anomalies to create havoc to our nations economy and wreck people's nerves.
HAARP is also being used for mind control.
It has already affected my mother's mind as well as the minds of others to trick people into believing the government's not involved. I think HAARP needs to be defunded and shut down if there gonna used this for sick purposes.
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