Guarantees UK Ltd
Sinclair delivers
We applied for a SWIFT to Guarantee UK. We met Philippe Sinclair.
He stressed that banks gave loans on projects not on guarantees. Our broker who arranged the meeting assured us Sinclair was wrong, Said that all we needed was a bank guarantee. Sinclair gave us a contract to deliver a guarantee which he said that all we needed was a bank guarantee. Sinclair gave us a contract to deliver a guarantee which he did and was paid for.we did not get the loan.
We reported the matter to the police. It was thoroughly investigated and found that Sinclair had done exactly what his contract said that we had no complaint with him. I just wish that I had listened to him.
Sinclairs words still ringing in my head. Banks lend on projects not guarantees.
Thomas Hartden
Scotland Yard Investigation
A complete investigation has been taken out by Scotland Yard about GuaranteesUk Ltd and Mr Philippe Sinclair.Scotland Yard has dropped the complaint after three to four month and found nothing criminal and unlawful against Mr Sinclair and GuranteesUK Ltd.Scotland Yard allowed Mr Sinclair to do his bussiness.For any clairfication and confirmation anyone can contact contact to concerning officer at Scotland Yard.Mr Sinclair is doing this bussiness from last thirty years and doing very well.It is fact that all the world believe in professionalism of Scotland yard.We are here to here to help the real client and real bussiness entities and well come them
Ray Khan has stolen my money£3500
Mr Ray Khan who claims is so called broker has refered us only one client and borrowed £3500 from me as a loan inspite of returning of loan he started typical blackmailing tactics and asked us for £10,000 from client,s money which we refused to give because of his unreliable position and history the client is now directly dealing with us and happy.Ray Khan has been disappeared two months ago and not answering our e-mails and our phone calls.We have information from other people that this Ray Khan,s way of blackmailing for little money we here to inform all respected providers be careful to deal with Mr Ray Khan in future
Phillip Sinclair - a scammer who deceives clients by taking their money and not delivering the promised BGs
More than three months have passed and Phillip Sinclair has still not delivered the banking instrument he had promised. We have informed the Police and investigations are underway.
There is little or no hope of getting the client's money back. All victims are cursing Phillip Sinclair, who has now changed his name to Michael Sinclair.
In August 2013, my US based client spoke to Mr. Phillip Sinclair of Guarantees UK Ltd. and expressed his interest in confirming an order to acquire a Bank Guarantee for US$ 19 million. The client was sent a contract, which he discussed in detail with his attorney and decided to go ahead with it.
The client then wrote to Mr. Phillip Sinclair and confirmed that a wire transfer of US$ 50,000 has been made to his company's designated account at Lloyds TSB in London. Sinclair confirmed that money reached his account on 29th August 2013.
Thereafter, Sinclair disappeared from the scene totally and stopped receiving all calls. We kept on sending reminder emails to him to expedite the delivery of financial instrument to the client, but no reply. One month later, Sinclair resurfaced and said the he was in a hospital and was hence unable to complete the documents.
Thereafter, a series of emails were exchanged with Phillip Sinclair. Every e-mail was aimed at buying time on one excuse or the other. On phone, Phillip Sinclair never listens to the caller and loses temper. He shouted at the caller on scores of occasions and narrated a *** and bull story of sitting in HSBC and getting the bank instrument issued. Phillip Sinclair always has a stereo reply, "We are ready to go. I am awaiting a reply from the monetizer. etc. etc." Then on 1st October 2013, Phillip Sinclair changed his name to Michael Sinclair. Mr. Phillip Sinclair was informed that the client is no longer ready to wait for this instrument and requested him to return the money he took from the client direct to the bank account from which the money was transferred to his account. Phillip Sinclair has not replied to this request.
Discussion with other financial consultants revealed that Sinclair has stolen US$ 300,000 from four different clients in the past one year. All of them have been cheated. None of them have been given the promised banking instrument. They are all cursing Sinclair for his lies and deception. Typical scammer - attracting clients by offering instruments at a marginal price and then disappearing with their money.
Phillip Sinclair managed to convince all these clients that they would get huge returns by monetizing the BGs issued by him and that he too would collect his balance fee direct from the monetizer from the first tranche of the monetization. Most investors fell for the trap because Phillip Sinclair convinced them that he is investing his own money to get the BGs issued and that he would also get a pie of the profits from the monetization.
Phillip Sinclair is a big scammer and deceives people due to his old age and convincing arguments. Let all readers be warned that they should never deal with Phillip Sinclair of GuaranteesUK Ltd. London.
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Sinclair defrauded me in 2017 of £10,000 Sinclair is a master criminal. He will rot in hell