Carolyn P Trk

Racist Police Force

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Greenville North Carolina Police Department - Racist Police Force

On 12/15/2015 I made a call to the State DHHS.I was inquiring about a medical file from a previous case.Sandra Terrell the then MAD Director had other plans.The conversation wasn't to my liking so I hung up.Later in the evening I get startled by banging on my door..woke me up.Two police officers were at my door waiting to interrogate me for simply making a medical records request.How did the police end up at my door?Sandra Terrell the witch, filed a false police report against me.Now keep in mind that all of these perps are Caucasian and they have never seen before in their life.I called the Chief of Greenville NC Police, Ted Sauls, I called Tara Stanton.. Lieutenant and told them about what happened.My replies by emails, phone, have gone unanswered.Why?

Because The Greenville North Carolina Police Force is running a racist scheme on certain negroes.That's right...these people put my name into the police data base as quote having "mental issues".Have Ted or Tara seen me before?. NO.A racist rant?

in full force.Who does this to a person without laying an eye on that person? Crazy racists....WHITE SUPREMACISTS.

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Carolyn P Trk

@Pissedconsumer....thanks for changing some of my words....the internet is full of idiots.


Acting out on the phone is still acting out. If you made threats over the phone then the price of doing so is having the police called on you.

Black or white bite it doesn’t matter. Funny you toss out the race card when the reality was your spastic behavior caused it.


Please tell me you're trolling for hits.

If not, you should punch yourself in your private and not reproduce.

Clearly you're not telling the total truth here.

You probably started talking all sorts of @#$# which led to the visit.

Do the rest of us a favor and be a real MAN or WOMAN and save the racial complaints for a real event.

Mopes like you dilute racial complaints and make it hard for a real brotha or sista to be heard.

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You are probably an In-The-Closet Patsy boy

Machele Imf

And, the producer of this drivel is Looney Tunes.

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Truth hurt evil folk

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1336628

And you, "anonymous in Charlotte, NC" certainly come across if not evil, then certainly effed in the head!

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