

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Charles Fox is an ***, cheat, liar, ***, and pimp. He uses his daughter to lie for him, and he uses his staff the same way.

Never do business with him or GITU. He will promise you the world and deliver NOTHING! His staff is in cahoots with him up to their eyeballs. The are all liars and thieves.

His own lawyers dump him, once they catch on to his criminal activities.

He ripped me off for $73,000.00 dollars. He is under investigation by the Florida State Attorney Generals Office.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality

Preferred solution: Full refund


Received an email offering me 6 free interns to market our products. Free lunch?

Appreciate the heads up bud, and sorry for what you’re going through. All the best.

Wyona Oex

They sold me their product for $5,000.00 telling me they would market it for me, and make back my money and then some, which did not happen they then billed me an additional $5,000.00 and threatened legal action I didn't pay. I spent $10,000.00 on what I view as a fraudulent business and have nothing in return but them showing me they made some phone calls promoting their product for me.


It's great to hear experiences before developing any relationships.

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Billy B Nvv
map-marker Washington, District Of Columbia

Global IT University - SCAM

Never sign up as a partner with Charles Fox, President of Global IT University in Clear Water, Florida. He is dishonest, a thief, a crook, and scam artist who will take your money, promise you the world in training and support, and then sue you for a few more dollars.

He has a ***-artist attorney in the law offices of Copeland and Price in Jacksonville, Florida that Fox uses like puppets to squeeze money out of senior citizens. These are horrible people taking advantage of honest people.

What a way to make a living! Fox, Copeland, and Price are the *** of the earth!

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Helpful to know. We have dealt with companies that even have attorneys on permanent staff! When one finds that out, it's best to choose another competitor.


Yea, The *** (Fox) ripped me off for $70,000.00.

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The person to contact is Bob Felton rf@*** 301-523-****.

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What does Mr. Felton do to assist with companies that take advance of small businesses.

Please reply to Mr. Nolan nolanpressurewashing@***.com


I would like to hear from other individuals who have been scammed by GITU, please send me your comments to jas@*** or contact me a 520 512-**** ext 102

Avel Era

UTIG, thank you so much for your post. When looking at it from the outside in, you are absolutely correct, we came off the wrong way and that was truly not our intention.

This has been our very first time having to deal with something like this and I wasn’t sure of the best course or action to take, but you are right, it does make us look bullish the way we responded.

Since I am constantly on the go, I instructed my staff and others to handle this in a certain way and I wasn’t thinking about how it may come across and it did seem a bit arrogant, and for that I apologize.

Against my advisors telling me to just leave it alone, I instructed my staff to take some sort of action because of my frustration of how long it is taking to seek out who caused this unjust act and remedy it.

I would like to say that if anyone has been affected by our post in any way feel free to contact me personally at 727-447-**** x103. I welcome any questions regarding this matter.

We are not bullies by any means, and again my sincere apologies if it came off that way.

Yes, it is true and I admit it, this has been very frustrating for us knowing that anyone can post false accusations about your business and you are not able to do anything about it without a string of lawyers. You did bring a smile to my face however when you mentioned about “never argue with fools…” This is something I always tell my children and I should have heeded my own words.

I agree with you about focusing on other things which is exactly what we have been doing. In fact, I have been extremely busy working on a project for the last year and a half helping to provide homeless military veterans with affordable housing. (****/NEWS01/30110****/A-home-those-who-served ) We have also been focusing on teaching small businesses how to do more business with their local government. It brings me great joy when I get to see companies succeed in their business, especially when organizations send people to participate in our internship program which prepares the next generation on how to work virtually.

As I stated earlier, feel free to contact me personally and be assured you have been taken off my contact list and please accept my personal apologize for the inconvenience. I am sure if you actually got to know me, you would be pleasantly surprised as I am in the business of helping others and we pride ourselves on that. Let me also clear the air about who we are. We are not a University such as Devry, Phoenix etc…, although our company uses “University” in its name.

We are a corporation that offers organizations Learning Management Systems (LMS). A LMS allows an organization (small or large) to track and manage a company’s human capital and allows them to create their own online tutorials that are proprietary to their organization’s learning checkpoints. The LMS we offer allows companies to customize the learning plans and customize the learning experience for their specific needs and users. However, we also offer courses such as soft skills, professional development, business ethics, coaching, communication, project management, etc.

which are included with our LMS. The reason you might see the same picture is that we offer a standard look to the LMS that you are seeing, however, that look can be customized by the client if they so choose. In closing, I want to thank you again for your post and I very much appreciate your honesty and agree with you 100% on the points you have made. My staff and those involved were just following my instructions as I stated previously.

I have been very busy with other projects and just came back from traveling and I felt I had to address this post and hopefully clear the air. Again, if anyone would like to speak with me personally about any of this, feel free to contact me via phone at 727-447-**** x103 or email cfox@***.com. I would be extremely happy if you and/or anyone else gave me the opportunity to clear the air. Thank you so much for your time!

Charles L. Fox Jr.

/ CEO 727-447-**** ext. 103


Dude - funny as ***! Love your post. Why do people get sold on these scam schools?

These people are the same ones using and look at the pics!

If that ain't no scam going on I don't know what is. Why use a bunch of different names with the same website and same pictures? They didn't even try to change up anything. Devry, Phoenix, and all those fake education schools should be run out of business.


To GlobalITU Legal Team...

Stop threatening the sore bunch and move on with business as usual. A few words slighted in your direction will not affect the majority of your business.

I am sure there are better things to do with your time and money and legal team.

If you fight petty word wars with irritated consumers, threatening them with legal jargon they almost certainly dont fully understand (not to mention referencing previous and perhaps unrelated rulings that may in fact have no bearing on any claims by or against GITU)you just look like a bully. Maybe even a frustrated bully determined to defend themselves against possible truths or half-truths. Maybe. I for one dont do business with bullies.

Ever hear the saying "never argue with fools, because people from a distance cant tell who is who."

Well this next one makes me think of this whole blogged conversation, and GITU specifically.

“I walked a mile with Pleasure;

She chatted all the way;

But left me none the wiser

For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow;

And ne’er a word said she;

But, oh! The things I learned from her,

When Sorrow walked with me.”

You see, you barely have to even open your mouths before your sorrow begins filling the room, so please stop. If people are mad or disappointed with their results, you would be better served to get use cases or statements from satisfied customers to post rather than threatening people. It certainly gives you a better appearance.

You give the appearance of foolish arrogance, and the means by which you publicize your issues deems you untrustworthy in my eyes....not the reviews and statements of others. Im a big boy, i can fight my own battles and decide my own actions. I dont let others make my decisions for me.

It does not help me make a decision by GITU attempting to repeal the 1st amendment of our Constitution.

Disclaimer - All comments included above were said in jest, by no means were they a declaration of my or anyone else's true feelings nor should any implications or judgements be made from my above statements.

Now that i said that i should be safe from getting the pants sued off me!

^...See how ridiculous it gets GITU...^

By the way, have your people quit calling me. They tell me how Mr Fox would like to politely describe the purpose of a potential partnership before emailing me...well guess what? I get emailed all the time and ive never had that conversation. Plus, im not interested.

So go pay your $800/hour legal team to find my IP and send goons knocking on my door to have me persecuted for my statement. See if shiver one hair...the NSA is listening too...not worried about them either!

Keep the *** off your boots and you wont be standing in *** its that simple dude.


How dumb can anybody be? These schools open every day and are total scams and they don't even have an .edu domain.

they have a bunch of domains and the sites show various addresses all with the same pictures on the front. if you just look up there address you get all the other scam address they use. :grin they all got the same people smiling in the pictures.

yo, who would tell you to look on the bbb site when they have like 4 issues with advertising. scam man never think it through. I would not chance it and lose my $$$.


Many of these schools get slammed by disgruntled employees or students because of grades.

I wonder if they ever filed a lawsuit?

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