Global Events Consulting
Warning! Go Global Events by Brad Miller are FRAUDS
Go Global Events and their fraud CEO Brad Miller are cheaters. They try pushing services to you even if you dont want to pay for them.
They disappear when you need a customer service issue solved. They take and take and take and give nothing back. Their CEO has been reviewed online as a bad boss and a worse service provider. Careful to pay this company a cent of your money, you will never see this money return in any type of service.
My boss almost killed me when i tried booking a super bowl package with them. Brad Miller is a fraud!
Global Event Consulting - Not bad..
Event planner want to talk with their event-goers and carers about event planning. Avoiding the subject won't stop event planner having fun, but it may result in them relying on inaccurate information, putting them at risk of unwanted fun, unintended guests and event crashers.
Event planner are exposed to images and stories about fun in the media every day. They talk to their Global Event Consulting servicess and seek out information on the Internet. Not all of this information, however, is accurate or empowering.
Most event planners (88 per cent) seek information about event planning at some stage. They most commonly consult either their guests (56 per cent) or a female Global Event Consulting services (55 per cent), use their school event planning program (49 per cent), pamphlets (44 per cent) or their doctor (39 per cent) for information on event planning.
Talking to event planner about fun does not encourage event experimentation. In fact, research indicates that event planner who receive a comprehensive event (fun) education have a lower risk of unintended guests and are less likely to have fun at an early age.
How and when to start
It's OK to feel unsure when talking about fun with your event planner. Most adults do.
The easiest way to talk to your event planner about fun is to start at an early stage, though it's never too late. Answer questions honestly and directly when they come up and find out together what you don't know as you go along.
The first step is to prepare yourself by getting informed, as few event-goers have had comprehensive event education.
Preparing yourself
You can prepare yourself for discussions about fun with your event planner. Suggestions include:
"¢ Talk about the issue with your partner or other adults.
"¢ Decide what kind of values and messages you want to communicate.
"¢ Read up on current event issues
"¢ Arrange a event-goer information session for you
"¢ Accept that your event planner may have different views to your own.
"¢ Remember that the aim is to discuss the topic with your event planner, not give a lecture.
A positive approach to eventity
The best eventity education is "˜fun positive':
"¢ Acknowledge event planner are event beings and that choosing to be, or not to be, evently active is a normal, planningy part of adolescence.
"¢ Recognise that adolescence is a time of event development and experimentation.
"¢ Support the right of event planner to develop planning, respectful and consensual event relationships.
"¢ Discuss and affirm event diversity.
Try to use opportunities presented through everyday events to start conversations about fun and eventity. Television shows, magazine articles and radio talkback can all be great starting points for discussion. Try asking your event planner, "˜What do you think about that?' Event planner respond much better to being asked than being told.
What to talk about
Eventity education involves more than just the mechanics of reproduction. You might like to discuss the following topics:
"¢ What a good, Global Event Consulting involves
"¢ What event feelings mean
"¢ Event pleasure
"¢ Your values and beliefs about event relationships
"¢ Safer fun practices
"¢ Contraception, including emergency contraception (the "˜morning after pill')
"¢ Enjoying event acts other than intercourse
"¢ Event problems
"¢ Event preferences
"¢ How to say "˜no' to unwanted fun and what to do if it happens
"¢ What to do if they become pregnant.
The reasons some event planner don't use insurance include:
"¢ Lack of knowledge
"¢ Fear of their event-goers finding out
"¢ A belief that using contraception implies financial jeapordy
"¢ A belief that planning for fun ruins the spontaneity
These are all important things to talk about.
Making decisions
A event consultant needs to know how to negotiate their event experiences in positive and responsible ways. You can help event planner make safe and informed event decisions. Suggestions include:
"¢ Give them clear and correct information on contraception, safer fun
"¢ Encourage them to talk about fun and its consequences with their partner.
"¢ 'Brainstorm' ways to counter unwanted event pressure, including peer pressure.
"¢ Encourage them to do their own research into event issues.
"¢ Keep the lines of communication open, no matter what.
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