Global Bridge Holding
Global Bridge Holding - Staff Review from Land O Lakes, Florida
Hi I was wrongful hurt and was told lies to get my hopes up in believe that I was going. To save my house Mike Colons would make you believe that what he is telling you that he can do is true it's lies
after lies.
Hint if he asks you to meet him I guarantee its not office its Starbucks Panera Bread Clubhouse somewhere else. Mike has token more than $4500 from me had to sell my car and borrowed money from family and friends to try to save my home from foreclosure Mike told me can be able to stop the procedure and my house.
Please learn from my mistake I also learn he jumps around from state to state to doing this. Tampa has been the easiest city to get away from getting caught good luck Mike God does not like ugly what goes around comes around your time will come.
Mortgage Scam
Mike Conlon told me he would be able to assist with getting my mortgage reduced to fare market value. I trusted him since I was given his name through contact with a church group friend.
After it was all said and done, Mr. Conlon had an associate contact my bank one time after the paperwork was completed, that was after I turned in the paperwork on my own, since he didn't respond. According to my bank, there were no third parties involved in the handling of my HARP, even after Mr. Conlon informed me he had spoken to my bank on numerous occasions.
Conlon said he would be able to complete a TARP program to reduce the house to fair market value. It never happen.
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Verified Reviewer |Mike Conlon Ripped me off $3290.00
I hired Mike Conlon of GLOBAL BRIDGE HOLDINGS in February of 2011 to do a MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL REDUCTION for my house. I gave him a check for $1295.00 and all my financial info that he requested.
He strung me along several months, assured me it was all good to go for the final stage of the process and requested the next payment. So in June of 2011 he took another $1995.00 from me. After this It became very difficult to find this guy, several weeks then months would go by and he wouldn't return my calls or emails, when I finally got a hold of him I ended up threatening him with legal action in March of 2012; he responded by email that I had forfeited our contract by violating the terms of agreement in one way or another, accused me of lying etc....just bunch of BS to justify the fact that he had done nothing for me. He never refunded any of my money to this day.
Mike Conlon doesn't even have an actual bussiness office, he meets you at coffee shops and he makes you believe he represents a large firm with a team of mortgage specialists, but it is only him.
Any of his business addresses are residential and areas not offices. I am taking Mike Conlon to court to get my money back.I have a big paper trail on this guy since day one in the way of email communications and statements for proof in court.
Mike Colon Global bridge holding call me
Hi I have been Scam by mike and loss A lot of money myself i would like for anyone who has been scam By mike to contact me please I would like to file a Complaint with court systems has well has hire a Private investigator to find this mike colon and have him served with court papers etc . If you would like to be Anonymous I can respect your wishing just need a lot of people to step up and help my Complain to get what this guy Deserves what s coming to him by law . Marcus 813-516-**** call me or email me mroger_tampabay@***.com
Mike Conlon of Global Bridge Holdings is a LIAR running a Scam!
I hired Mike Conlon of Global Bridge Holdings in Oct. 2011 for his Principle Loan Reduction service.
I gave him a check of $1495 and another of $1995 for "closing costs" to be held in escrow. He was not able to perform his service as hired and according to his email I saved, am due a complete refund. He is a liar and untrustworthy in all ways! From what I've been told, he's not even allowed to collect money upfront as he's not a licensed broker or attorney!
He must be stopped as he's done this to several people! Beware!!!!
Global bridge holding and global sports funding
Gobal Bridge Holdings Complaint by 01blue
Hi. I hired mike colons to work on my home on getting it out of foreclosure Mike colons told me everything that I wanted and needed to hear to make me feel like there's no one that I can trust and help me with my problem . He told me that he can help get into a program that will approve me 100% I was told that he help may people and he knows what's best for me lies and more lies . Mike colons took more than 4k dollars from me and nothing was done I stop hearing from him he never calls to update with me just to ask me for more money on top of the 4k that I gave him already . Mike is no one to trust and be on the look out for him learn from my mistake people it's not over with me I will take him to court if I can get a hold of him.. Just ask yourself how can one man do a job of a team by himself . He will never ask you to stop by or come to his office because He doesn't have an office he only meets at Starbucks or pan era or other places club house etc .Mike colons is a fraud
Mike conlon lies
Hi. I hired mike colons to work on my home on getting it out of foreclosure Mike colons told me everything that I wanted and needed to hear to make me feel like there's no one that I can trust and help me with my problem .
He told me that he can help get into a program that will approve me 100% I was told that he help may people and he knows what's best for me lies and more lies . Mike colons took more than 4k dollars from me and nothing was done I stop hearing from him he never calls to update with me just to ask me for more money on top of the 4k that I gave him already . Mike is no one to trust and be on the look out for him learn from my mistake people it's not over with me I will take him to court if I can get a hold of him..
Just ask yourself how can one man do a job of a team by himself . He will never ask you to stop by or come to his office because He doesn't have an office he only meets at Starbucks or pan era or other places club house etc .Mike colons is a fraud God does not like lies and fraud .
Global Bridge Holding
The owner Mike Conlon states that can help with foreclosures but he has gone through two himself one in MN and one in FL. He is a complete fraud and liar.
stagy away from this guy and his company. His prior company American Patroit Mortgage left thousands of personal files in the street for anyone to get and steal id. He does not sep his word and again is a fraud and so are his companies. Florida and MN foreclosured property.
files you do the math.
do you want to give him your information.? would be a good scam artist oh he is already
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I too have been ripped off by Conlon with the same exact Principle Loan Reduction...I'm out $3490 with nothing completed. I've made a complaint with the BBB, Office of Financial Regulation and even made a complaint on 8 on your side.
If we all do this, maybe he can be stopped so that he doesn't continue to steal other people's money. If any of the above contact me regarding my complaints, would you be willing to come forward with your story as well?
Hello sir, I am definetly willing come out and tell my story and I will be filling a small claims lawsuit against this individual soon. I have a big paper trail of communication with Conlon (emails) that spans over a year where he lied and was pretending he was doing what he agreed to do, whatever happened he just kept the money. My name is Ron you can reply to joseronpk@***.com and we can talk.
30 April 2013