map-marker Columbus, Georgia


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Bob Mcdougal the broker is theft. You will struggle to get paid.

He has no INTEREST in your commission all he is concerned about is covering himself. He lies to is agents for his own gain,

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Eric J Rbj
map-marker Keystone-Citrus Park, Florida

Future Home Reality - Simply The Worst Experience Ever

FHR Agent Derek Donnelly was my "buyer agent". He literally served as a junior assistant to the Sellers Agent.

I reached out to the FHR managing broker during the transaction. He seemed accepting of the deviant actions and behavior of Mr. Donnelly. I had a 93 page home inspection report of which "my agent" battled against me to have the sellers fix anything.

The FHR agents act as unsupervised lone cowboys. Worse yet, "my agent" along with a second FHR Agent have stalked me in public settings.

What a nightmare. Stick with a known brand real estate firm.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality

Preferred solution: Derek Donnelly should be reported to the State Real Estate Board

Jason S Fqb

Problem with Future Home Realty

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I listed my home with an agent from this firm (Kristin Orr) and she began to be very busy. There are too many things to mention here, however, I contacted Jim Schanz (Vice President of Sales) in Tampa regarding some of the issues yesterday, 6/20/18.

He assured me that the contract will be cancelled the same day. Kristin Orr still has the house listed with her and there is no lock box at my empty house and no viewers will go by since she is not working for me. Though, she is still keeping it listed under her name to sort of keep me hostage I guess. I have attempted to call Jim today and sent emails to him and her today regarding this situation but nobody is returning my emails/calls.

I have never ever had such a bad business to deal with.

My fiance and I are very upset and really wish we would have done further homework before signing with Future Home Realty. I have to find out how to contact the main broker tomorrow since we are at a stand still and my house is sitting without any chance of being sold now.

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  • Attention to detail
  • Customer service
Reason of review:
Bad quality

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

Elvie Xmi

It’s unfortunate this complaint was written to begin with, and that the issues brought up here, were already resolved on the date this was posted...also unfortunate. I do respect the need to remedy issues and bring disappointments to the attention of who one hires to conduct business on one’s behalf.

However, upon finding this complaint, it would not be right to leave this comment here, without reflecting the other side of the story. First, being a client under an agreement to sell your home, your interests were of the single-most importance to me. I appreciate all of my clients and respect all of your concerns and opinions, which is why I always request your input. Please recall I offered to sell your home at a rate which would help you retain more of your equity, without reducing any of the quality service I provide to all other clients.

You received professional photography and marketing, experienced consultation, extensive and frequent communication, open houses, maximum paid and targeted exposure online, as well as aggressive follow up with all agents and leads/inquiries. No stone was left unturned while we were under an agreement to list and sell your home. Additionally, I brought three offers for you within the first several weeks. One of those offers ending up being a full price offer, but you instructed me to tell the buyer you would not come down if it didn’t appraise - which I told you I was afraid it may not, at that price.

Another of those offers was the exact price it ended up selling for several months later - months after you listed with another agent. Had you taken my advice, it could have sold approx 3 months earlier than it did. It seemed as though you were rejecting those offers and refusing to negotiate or take my advice because I did not personally represent the buyers who made those offers, which would have further increased your equity, per our agreed upon terms. I never held the listing hostage.

I’m not even sure how one does that. You said, “Kristin Orr has the house listed with her and there is no lockbox at my empty house and no viewers will go by since she is not working for me” We were under agreement, & we were discussing solutions and a cancellation agreement to exclude buyers I brought to your house, for any future listing agreement you signed with another broker. Plus, we had several showings scheduled and I certainly agreed to, and did allow, the listing to expire on the date we finalized the cancellation. You took my sign down prior to the agreement being cancelled, and were rather impolite and demanding to me, while I was trying to conduct business properly - under my broker’s guidance.

I picked my lockbox up from your house - and the sign you took down and placed in the shrubs - the day after we finalized the cancellation. Also, to reiterate, we had showings the day we were discussing your cancellation request - the date this was posted. How were buyers not viewing your house, if we had showings scheduled through the date we cancelles the listing? Jim and I were both very responsive to your demands and complaints, however unfair those were.

In fact, I put the remainder of a tour for a previously-scheduled out of state client on hold while I took care of cancelling. To properly do anything with legal agreements, attention to detail is pertinent. In my opinion, I carefully detailed advice, opinions, processes, efforts, feedback, target-audience, and all things related because, by nature, I am detail-oriented, provide attention to detail always, and care about my clients. I will not, however, cancel an agreement without making certain the loose ends are tied, per the commands of another, while I am with another client doing business.

It would be doing all involved, a disservice. To date, I pride myself on the service I provided to you, and the integrity myself (and my Broker) exhibited, because without those two traits, I would not be as successful as I am, and have been, for a very long time in this industry. To possible clients doing your due diligence: It was upsetting to find this complaint as I was evaluating my online presence, which I periodically do. I take this very seriously and have plenty of happy clients I welcome you to contact.

We resolved the concerns and canceled this client’s listing. My goal is always to provide you with the quality representation you deserve.

I invite anyone to contact me, personally, if you would like to learn more about this scenario and how problem-solving and honest advice is part of my service repertoire, as well as how we navigated the unscrupulous complaint. 386.336.5059.

reply icon Replying to comment of Elvie Xmi

Good feedback from the realtor.


After posting yesterday the home is now not tied to the firm. The agent released the contract. I just wish there was more customer appreciation or service before this review had to be made.

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Stacie Fya
map-marker Tampa, Florida

Keri Walker & everyone that works for future home realty are incompetent liars-horrible customer service skills

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Filed a complaint with the BBB and still no one responds. Is this company still in operation b/c I still see houses for rent online but when I try to contact the listing agent NO ONE REPLIES!! I tried contacting every location in the state of Florida and still no one replies. Keri Walker was my agent. After reading a lease on a possible house rental-it stated "no smoking inside or outside this house". Keri stated "I wouldn't worry about that", knowing I am a smoker and some of my family members. I could not in good faith sign the lease and than potentially get kicked out. After talking directly with the landlord we discarded the lease and never heard from Keri Walker again. I understand agents don't make much money dealing with rentals but that is NOT my problem as a potential renter. This company is a joke! They are liars!! I would stay clear of Future Home Realty.

Keri Walker

Realty Solutions Group

Future Home Realty

M: 813-922-****

O: 813-855-****

F: 813-855-****


Certified 203K Renovation Specialist

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: This is serious and I believe a discrimination issue so I want to speak to the regional manager or someone competent enough to assist me! I am sick and tired of being ignored


I don't see any details of the alleged wrong doing.


My agent seemed to cancel the listing finally. So it seems the agency took care of my issue.

Jason S Fqb

K. Lee, if you obtain further information regarding contact information with home office I would also need this. Thank you.


Jim, I have an issue with my agent in Jacksonville. If you can let me know what phone number to call so I can speak with a manager as soon as possible. Thank you


This is Jim Schanz, the VP of Operations at Future Home Realty. The BBB contacted me this morning, 06.14.18, and I immediately contacted Keri Walker who responded to the complaint within 15 minutes.

As Realtors get busy at times, it can become difficult to contact customers back. As stated in the response, she was working with you quite successfully for over a month, but was unable to find you a suitable home to rent based on your criteria. Suggestions were made in our response to contact a company that specializes in rental homes and Property Management. We feel you will find a home quicker and one that can suit your needs because they have access to a much larger pool of rental homes that are not on the MLS that Realtors have access to.

We apologize for not being able to help you, and we wish you all the best. I am unsure what numbers you called, but you may reach out to me anytime directly at 727-417-**** if you have further concerns or issues.

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Bad experience with agent

An agent there by the name of Karen wanted nothing to do with me when she found out my credit was bad. Made me feel very bad

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map-marker Tampa, Florida

Krystin Lee of Future Home Realty SHOULD NOT BE A REALTOR

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

KRYSTIN LEE has no clue what she is talking about and answers whatever you want to hear! She speaks without even researching the specific questions asked about a property.

IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUY A HOUSE FROM HER.. DO ALL OF YOUR HOMEWORK BECAUSE SHE WILL LIE!!! Further she does not follow nor understand what a legally binding contract is..

and will do as she pleases without even thinking twice about the amount of trouble she can get into should one decide to sue or report her to the real estate association against her license. I ASK THAT ALL BUYERS AND SELLERS BEWARE!

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  • Krystin lee
Reason of review:

Future Home Realty, Tyler Sheff has a new scam

This guy claims to be some long term realtor on his profile on facebook but in actuality he just got his license back a few months ago. That does not stop this liar to scam people into believing he has been an active realtor for 15 years. Try for a few months.

If you google this phrase "tyler sheff scam" or "tyler sheff pissed" you will see his trainwreck of a business scamming, threatening, stealing and lying.

Now is probably going to be using Future Home Realty and scamming with rentals to get peoples credit card numbers to steal from them too.

Here is what is on his facebook profile: I am a Realtor who earned my real estate license in Y2K focused in the Tampa Bay market. I specialize in residential single family and multi family homes.

Here is what is online:

Licensure Date: 12/07/2000

Expires: 09/30/2010

Licensure Date: 11/21/2014

Expires: 09/30/2016


Below is a previous report on this scammer. You need to stay far away from this piece of shyte

Written by GD, on 14-01-2009 08:50:****3401.html

I used to work for this guy and all the above claims are 100% true. This guy will avoid those he owes money to and lie to those he thinks he can scam. He operates under many different names and continues to scam even on eBay. Tyler will tell you that it is his competitors that are trying to undermine him but the truth is that Tyler is the only one doing the damage. I have watched him lie to people and then threaten them with bodily harm. I have seen him scheme and plot to steal loads from his competitor by calling their customers and telling the unknowing customer that the competition is lying. He enjoys the plot. He spends most of his time sleeping but if he is working then it is only working on ways to scam whoever calls him. He is someone to be very careful of dealing with. UTI should listen to all the people that have complained. I have filed against him. If you have been scammed by this dude then you should file charges with UTI too. WARNING- dont not give him your credit card information because he will save it and use it for his own shopping sprees. He has done this already - for those who already have fallen victim - check your charges!

One last note; don't be fooled – Tyler B Sheff is not as smart as he pretends to be he just lies so good that he believes his own lies.

When has competition and breaking the law gone too far? Based on a UTi Transport Agent Tyler Sheff, it should go as far as bodily threats and physical harm.

Tyler Sheff, who has been reported online for bait and switching, seems to feel directing his anger on these actions at other companies/people. To the point where in desperation he threatens to break legs and hunt people down. Not very professional if you ask me……..

Per Tyler Sheff's remarks online:

"Run and hide ***"

"time to feel pain"


"coming to find you"

"legs to be broken"

"you are a ***"

"boy this is gonna hurt"

Is this the model employee that UTi Transport Solutions allows? By their corporate counsel Dennis Heil (General Counsel / VP Legal UTi Transport Solutions Inc. - a UTi Worldwide Company), yes and he has allowed it to continue.

I was told that since their company representative is an independent agent, they have no control over them. If that is the case, then it would seem that UTi has a bigger problem than rogue agents.

Where does the liability fall? Who can be liable? Does it seem UTi Worldwide allows their agents to break the laws, even when they are opening themselves to litigation by allowing and condoning illegal activity from their agents.

Logged IP addresses showing a trail of lies and threats of physical harm have been presented to Dennis Heil of UTi and his answer? Do nothing say it is not UTi's issue. Even though all agents who access UTi via computer need a static IP address, he still denies this illegal activity happened.

There have been several reports about Tyler Sheff and his "shady" practices to getting legal brokers kicked off a website so he can run his dubious practices of bait and switch.

He has also been known to purchase domain names in forms of competitor's business names as well as personal names and create slanderous blogs and pages about those people.

He has also emailed and called companies as a UTi Transport Solutions representative and lied about employees and their actions to try to get them fired from that business. UTi's response, nothing that we have seen.

Who does this really hurt? Tyler Sheff, a UTi Worldwide agent seems to think only his competitors. UTi legal counsel Dennis Heil seems to think it is not a UTi Worldwide company issue.

Tyler Sheff operates under several business names/aliases

eBay: parcelsforward (has been changed multiple times)


Tyler Sheff Incorporated (listed under different address)

Captaintylersheff (located on Amazon but not restricted to)

On a report listed:

Tyler Sheff in his own words states "It is unfortunate that a competitor chooses to use slander as a tool to increase his business…. we pity them for feeling the need to resort to such childish antics". It seems that Tyler Sheff; FairPricedshipping/UTi Worldwide agent cannot take his own sagacious advice.

Per Dennis Heils' statement about this legitimate threat of violence from a UTi Worldwide agent: "high school kids sniping at each other". Does this mean that in his high school days, he faced physical threats and violence that seems commonplace and acceptable? Was breaking someone's legs a typical school day? What a rough neighborhood he grew up in.

Authorities in multiple states have been notified that UTI Worldwide agent Tyler Sheff of is the IP address owner, which was not denied my UTi. He should be held accountable for his crimes and I am sure they are working diligently to put together the pieces to make sure this type of dishonest work and more importantly, threats to do bodily harm are documented and that he be held responsible. Hopefully UTi Transport (UTi Worldwide) will take the same action and eliminate their exposure to legal proceedings do to a "rogue" UTi agent and realize that physical violence is not how most companies succeed. I have heard of Guerrilla Marketing but this is far beyond the normal scope of doing business.

So far UTi Worldwide's reaction "Obviously if you can track his IP address you have the means to block him from your site easily enough". Yea, that's what we will do, that will stop Tyler Sheff from following through on bodily harm and I can see that IP block working on my home or office front door or better yet, my 6 year old daughters' school. Thanks for your actions Dennis Heil, I feel so protected now.

I hope Eric W. Kirchner UTi worldwide's new CEO does not make company decisions based on this sage advice from UTi's lackluster crack legal team.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
1 comment

I worked with tyler at NOAA a federal gov agency. there he was the chief bosin.

he was testing for his real estate license in 2014. around sept 2014 he left the ship and never returned.

I cant speak on his business adventures but I can say this, he is slippery and at one time according to him was a cop in FL and a military police officer. he bought sever item's while on the ship and at time were bought with government funds, I cant not say if all transactions were legal but I can say it seemed to be a lot of personal items and mostly from

map-marker New Port Richey, Florida

Tyler Sheff, new scam in Real Estate for Future Home Realty

This guy was trying to rent out a place even though he was not the listing agent. He tried to scam extra money out of us and thank GOD I did a search on his name "Tyler Sheff Review" and "Tyler Sheff real estate scam". I was actually directed to this website and wanted others to know that they need to google search listings to find the actual realtor. He is working for Future Home Realty since December and be warned! He is a scammer

I can tell you that this guy is bad news. Him and his wife. They stole thousands from people running a site called Fair Priced Shipping,

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

This scammer lists one of his mommy's listings on his own site. Can't even get business. Glad to hear that this scammer is getting shut down****

listing agent: Lynn Sheff (813) 855-****


Seems Tyler is trying hard to make it seem like a "3rd party" is chiming in. Tyler, we know all your sleazy tricks.

Soon anyone who deals with you on real estate and googles your name will too. You copy/paste foolishness onto this page but fail to realize that your reply makes you sound even crazier. Maybe you will take a minute next time and as you are trying to cover your tracks, you actually read what you are copy/pasting against? Hmmm?

You can't hide sleazeball. Police in Tarpon Springs and New Port Richie have been called and warned that you are now up to no good with Real Estate scams. Lord knows how anyone would rent or buy from a Realtor who got his own house foreclosed on.

(01/23/14 Sold: Foreclosed to lender)

I will also assume Tyler Sheff is play acting as Miguel too since there is nobody on Future Home Realty website. If only someone had shivved him in jail.



This seems like a invalid don't need a real estate license to rent real estate you own AND any licensed real estate agent can procure a tenant for another agent's I question the validity of this post.

Sounds like someone has a personal vendetta against this agent.

Why would you "put down like a rabid animal"?

I believe the suggestion of killing someone is illegal no? Kinda scary that someone is threatening to kill this guy, if scams were true why wouldn't you just call the police on him?


The company may be great but I cannot find a Miguel O on their agent site. Sounds fishy to me.

Maybe you can clarify how to validate your statement that you are actually an agent for this company?

The issue is Tyler Sheff has moved from transportation scams to real estate. A duck is a duck. It is only a matter of time that Future Home Realty gets a bad rap like UTi did when they employed Tyler.

This guy leaves a train-wreck where ever he works or what ever he does.

He should be put down like a rabid animal.

His house gets foreclosed on and he is selling real estate afterward? Who would hire this guy with the reputation of negative reviews he has amassed?


I am an agent for Future Home Realty. The company is a great company to work with and and for as an agent.

The public should be aware to check out any formal complaints against agents by checking the data base at FL DBPR:

You can also file a complaint towards an agent there too.

Buying or renting a house can be tricky. Take the time to find a good realtor, conduct your due diligence when interviewing the right agent to work with.

If you have any question, feel free to comment back.


Funny. I saw this online and this troll starts slandering me online again the next day. What a childish ***.

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Real Estate Expert Talks

What Do Property Management Companies Do @ Interview with Property Management Expert

What Do Property Management Companies Do @ Interview with Property Management Expert

Nov 27, 2020

Property management companies: What do they do? How much do they charge? Do you need one? Find answers in an interview with Colby Hager, a real estate investor, and expert who share his experience with property management companies.

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Colby Hager
Colby Hager

Colby Hager is an experienced real estate investor with Capstone Homebuyers. He has years of experience in renovating houses, home remodeling, and property management.

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