map-marker Anaheim, California

Wrongly approached

Me and a group of friends, both men and women, went to what we thought was going to be a night of fun listening to a live band, having a couple drinks and some dancing.

Instead, me and the other ladies were approached to have an orgy. I was wrongfully asked SEVERAL times to ******* not appropriate in my book.

Since when did FOX FIRE become a swingers club.. Cougar place for sure, but swingers? WOW!! I would have not guessed this.

Foxfire has REALLY let themselves go over the years. We used to be able to go and not worry about anybody approaching us like this.. so much for returning. We will NOT after this occurrence.

If your into cougar bars and Swingers hitting you up, then Fox Fire is definitely your place.

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map-marker Anaheim, California

Management SUCKS

Went to the infamous Fox Fire in Anaheim Hills, and was not only slipped a roofie in my drink, but had a gun pulled on me and when me and friends approached management, was told we had to leave and deal with our problems outside. WHAT! are you kidding we asked? we were asked to leave and not return.

The Management and the Bouncer's there would not deal with any of us with regards to our problems.

It is quite a shame that people have to be treated this way especially when we spend good money there.

We DEFINATELY will NOT be returning nor will the big group of us who once enjoyed going there..

I am sure that there will be other places that will gladly take our business and treat us with the customer service that we should get.

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