map-marker Toronto, Ontario

Cooling h/heating /hvac

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i have a 2007 Honda have had issues with it almost running hot ,no heat ,heat only on passenger, side radiator problems just been one little thing after another with the heating system more than any other part,,,let me list ,,replace thermostat.replaced radiator ,replace blend door actuator back /forward flushed heater core all was very clean ,head was pressure tested and check by Honda dealer in my area car might run for awhile then act up again if i didn't need it id shoot it even bought one of those fancy flush systems ,Ive read that there are so many people with the something going on with their Honda dealer want to try this try that at your/my expense its some expensive guess work is there anyone thats has the problem and fixed it

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Poor customer service

Preferred solution: admit theres a problem with this model honda find a honest and no customer payout to fix it

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