Lauryl Iyb
map-marker Atlanta, Georgia


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

My bank card and my cell phone was stolen on 9/12/2023 and I didn't notice the card was gone for a couple days when I got a new phone and I started seeing notifications in my email and I immediately emailed the bank and cancelled the card. I sent several emails to the branch online.

I thought everything was fine until I went to the bank and the lady had removed $8765.00 using Cash app as the 3rd party. I brought this to the banks attention and filled a police report. While it was obvious that this was fraud they bank wouldn't refund any money. I couldn't pay my bills I had to sleep in my truck.

After weeks and several complaints the did refund $4000 but then turned around and said their investigation determined it wasn't fraud and wanted me to pay back the $4000 and go after cash app for the money was removed from my cash app account she used her cash app account to transfer the money from my bank account into her's. This was my banks fault not only did they not contact me when all these cash app transfer started but the allowed her to remove way over my daily limit I had set for my card. In 3 days $8765.00 was removed.over 40/50 transfer a day and I never use cash app..

they said they tried to call me but couldn't get ahold of me but didn't freeze my card. I am still out $4000.

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User's recommendation: Bank else way!

1 comment

If they did not go through your cashapp, how did they get your bank account number to go directly between their cashapp and your bank? No app or web site ever displays your bank account number. It’s only the last four digits.

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