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Trash receptacle being placed in the middle of driveway entrance after pick-up

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Original review updated Jul 28, 2023

FCC Environmental just came in a couple of months ago to service the trash needs of the City of Palm Coast. While I appreciate that regular trash pick-ups are completed on the designated days, I am extremely unhappy with how the garbage crew returns the empty receptacles.

I always, without fail, place my full trash receptacle on the right corner of the driveway, closest to the mailbox.

However, after the FCC Environmental crew empties the receptacle, it is returned and placed in the middle of the driveway entrance. With the receptacle placed this way, it impedes and makes impossible a safe ingress and egress into my driveway. I have to get out of my car and move said receptacle to the side to be able to pull into my driveway. It is not a big ask to return the bin to the corner where it was initially found...it is decent to do so.

Adding insult to injury, the lid is strewn all over the yard.

This is not petty, as it happens twice weekly, and it has come to a point of extreme annoyance. I tried to resolve this issue by filing a complaint with the City of Palm Coast on Jun 21, 2023, and FCC Environmental was duly notified of my legitimate complaint. The complaint was closed as completed on June 26, 2023.

However, the problem continues. Let it be known that this issue of returning the empty bin in the middle of the driveway entrance is not just an issue that affects only myself, as it does happen to my neighbors on both sides as well, and along other parts of my street.

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  • Completes regular pick-ups
  • Inconsiderate

Preferred solution: Return trash receptacle where originally found. Do not obstruct ingress and egress into my driveway

User's recommendation: Speak up if the same issue happens to you....it might get us more attention

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