map-marker Deerfield Beach, Florida

Faith Family church/ greenacres

Sent to me from another Scam the Debehnke family pulled off to scam money:

"Most people go to church to "pray", some people go to church to "prey".I am convinced Jared and his family are the later. My wife and I know exactly what you are going through and how this not only effects your fnances but your trust in fellow man.

Now that you have exposed Jared it will be difficult for him to explain you away. THE CHURCH THAT MIKE AND DONNA PASTOR SHOULD BE MADE AWARE OF WHAT IS GOING ON. At he time I knew Jared he was involved with the church in youth ministry I believe.

For my wife and I we are out a couple of thousand dollars. We paid $650 for the corporation wth Jared. Personally lent him $600. And 2 months of expenses including time, travel, htoels, food, gas. Jared contributed zero.

An interesting point I rediscovered when I reread an e mail between Jared and I is that one of the checks I wrote was made out to his dad Mike Debehnke. I remember now Jared had horrible credit and did not have a bank account so he had me write the check to his father.


I ignored alot of red flags along the way, that is my fault. I hope you are Able to Recover your money. For those of us that exist that have been SCAMMED BY JARED I know we all appreciate what you are doing so less people fall victim.

It is unfortunate that good peole like us find each other this way."

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evie j Ahk

jared debehnke

Posted: 2010-10-18 by iwasscrewdto

Company information:jared debehnke

boyton beach , Florida

United States

i saw jared debhnkes youtube account it said that he is the number one skyline dealer in america that he really doesn't do it no more that *** do it any way i wanted to give him a cashiers check he said he needs cash because thats what people need to bring in cars and that the car would be here in 1 month so when that month was over i called him he told me it would take to weeks more...long story short i gave him several other months because i felt sorry for him but i asked him for a contract he told me he will but he never did then told me that i will get a car but i never did i went to his parents house lookn for him his dad went into the other room and i got stuck talkn to his uncle his uncle told me that jared debhnke stole money from him and that if i want he would kill jared debhnke if i paid him but i said no i dont want him killed i just want my money back then i talked to his dad one day and explained what happened n his dad told me that he spoke to jared that jared said to me that he told me that i cant say nothing about the car or ill never get the car or the money back so then i said that is not ligit long story short anybody hew got scammed by jared debhnke from some money please get into contact with me

Comments United States Scam & Fake Checks

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evie j Ahk
map-marker Deerfield Beach, Florida

Faith Family Church/Lakeworth scam artists

Pastors Mike and Donna Debehnke set me up to be scammed by their son Jared and his bride or shall I say "Bridezilla" Shannon. I was scammed of $50000.00. I want my money back.

Pastor Mike and Donna set the scene for the scam: they meet you and rave about their son's integrity knowing all the time he has scammed in the past: See rip-off report: Jared and Shannon Woodin Debehnke and A1A Towing and Recovery for additional info.

I spoke with several individuals whom Jared Debehnke scammed and they related the same story that his parents are aware and on various occassions participated in the scams

If you check Palm Beach Clerk's records: Triology Turbo has a judgment against Jared: Jared owed him money for work he did on the car he always brags about. I was told Mike Debehnke the pious Pastor used a church check to get the car out of his shop in the later part of 2008 Who knows what else church funds are being used for? The Pastors owe money all over the place. Just check the Palm Beach County clerk records.

I think it is vile to use religion and rip people off: By the way: the pious pastor hid in the bedroom when I went to their home on Snowden ave and asked that they get their son Jared to do the right thing: the pastor mother played dumb dumb dumb. MIKE AND DONNA DEBEHNKE KNEW THAT jARED AND SHANNON STOLE $50000.00 FROM ME AND PARENTS THAT DO NOTHING: WHAT KIND OF PARENTS ARE THEY???????????????????????????????????

I want Jared and Shannon Debehnke to pay me my $50000.00 they stole.

Oh and by the way: Chris dEBEHNKE who is supposed to be an influence for the youth:JUST GOT A NAME OF PASTOR: WHAT IS IT A TWO WEEK COURSE ?????????: IT IS LAUGHABLE: knows about all of this and totally went along with the scam and took advantage of the situation. I CAN THROW UP FROM THIS SO CALLED CHURCH FAMILY.


pS: Jared has a bench warrent out for his arrest: driving with no drivers' license, speeding, no proof of insurance: He had the guts not to show up at his court arraignment.

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dms2222 said it best -"they take your money and you get zip, nada, zilch in return."- Even if these "pastors" are running a legitimate business with their church, it is just that; a business. To be a member you have to put up 10% of your income, and in return you get what?

In gods good graces? You can do the same at home, reading a bible.

All i'm saying is, where do you think Jared got his work ethic? because even the legitimate business their family does run is still a *** I N G scam!


Do agree with queen sofia. They are great people who serve the Lord! I have know them and loved them and nothing you post on the internet can change that.


Queen Sofia is the type of *** the Debehnke's need to keep the scam going.


If we choose to believe everything and anything people like you say about our Faith Family Church Pastors then we couldn't focus in All the amazing Good things God is doing in our lives and in their lives. Obviously, you don't know our Pastors and their family. We know who they are and nothing that you say and write about them will change our minds and the love we have for them. And for those of you who believed your lies, then they never knew them anyway. They can join you in your parade.


TH aka as Queen Sofia

P/S. Yes, they are Artist. They sing, they play instruments and Most importantly they serve the Lord with passion!!!We don't believe all this nonsense


If we choose to believe everything and anything people like you say about our Faith Family Church Pastors then we couldn't focus in All the amazing Good things God is doing in our lives and in their lives. Obviously, you don't know our Pastors and their family.

We know who they are and nothing that you say and write about them will change our minds and the love we have for them.

And for those of you who believed your lies, then they never knew them anyway. They can join you in your parade.


TH aka as Queen Sofia

evie j Ahk

jared debehnke

Posted: 2010-10-18 by iwasscrewdto

stole my money

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Company information:

jared debehnke

boyton beach , Florida

United States

i saw jared debhnkes youtube account it said that he is the number one skyline dealer in america that he really doesn't do it no more that *** do it any way i wanted to give him a cashiers check he said he needs cash because thats what people need to bring in cars and that the car would be here in 1 month so when that month was over i called him he told me it would take to weeks more...long story short i gave him several other months because i felt sorry for him but i asked him for a contract he told me he will but he never did then told me that i will get a car but i never did i went to his parents house lookn for him his dad went into the other room and i got stuck talkn to his uncle his uncle told me that jared debhnke stole money from him and that if i want he would kill jared debhnke if i paid him but i said no i dont want him killed i just want my money back then i talked to his dad one day and explained what happened n his dad told me that he spoke to jared that jared said to me that he told me that i cant say nothing about the car or ill never get the car or the money back so then i said that is not ligit long story short anybody hew got scammed by jared debhnke from some money please get into contact with me

Comments United States Scam & Fake Checks

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They are ALL *** artists...they take your money and you get zip, nada, zilch in return.

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