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Civil rights/Americans with Disabilities Act Violations And police brutality

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Here is what the laws state in Arizona in regards to Americans with disabilities act and service animal laws. Which are federally protected as well as state protected.

Direct threat to the health or safety of others" means that a significant risk to the health or safety of others exists and cannot be eliminated by modification of policies, practices or procedures or by the provision of auxiliary aids or services.

2. "Discriminate" means discriminatory actions prescribed in section 41-1492.02 and includes:

(a) Refusing to permit an individual with a disability to enter a public place with a service animal or interfering with the individual's right to enter or use the public place.

(b) Failing to provide an individual with a disability the same services and access to the same areas of the premises as afforded to others.

(c) Attempting to impose a charge, fee or deposit because an individual with a disability is accompanied by a service animal.


However in addition to them putting us on a do not rent list after the first time we stayed there by claiming that my service animal was walking upstairs on the second level unaccompanied defecating. However we stayed on the third level next to the stairs and being told that it was me walking the animal however I never walked the animal at all when we stayed there it was actually my partner. Denied lodging which was a violation of the transient lodging housing because majority of people use hotels are in transit. They do not have a permanent home because they are traveling thus transient. That is against the law to not allow them to have housing. Unless they have committed a crime or some other infraction that requires them not to be put on that list and that's when they can and that's when it is legally justified to do so. But the game that's played with these very shady hotels that deal with very shady characters is. They will Trump up something and expecting a person to be ignorant will kick the person out steal their money and then turn around and resell the room to someone else.

When you are homeless and on the streets not because you put yourself there I should add but because other agencies did not do what they were supposed to do and acted in the same criminal like-mindedness as these hotels do. Getting a chance to get rest and relaxation and showers is most appreciated. But these individuals who have been breaking the law for so long and continue to do so will if the person does not comply call in the police however they will lie to the police and this is what happened to us. We had paid for the room in addition to pay two more extra days but after this individual try to con $100 cash off of my girlfriend was no doubt went into their pocket. Was angry when I confronted them about it and advised them of the law. So at about 11:30 at night a man comes knocking on the door looking for my girlfriend I do not believe he was there for anything but nefarious purposes and only God knows what would have happened had I not been there. But this man was angry because I had obstructed his intentions. So like all criminals instead of just walking away he proceeds to call the police. However myself knowing the law quoting the law the police were not too happy about it but nevertheless they had to put their tail between their legs and leave because they knew I was telling the truth and they made it very clear that they could not do anything about it because we had paid for the room and because no laws have been broken no crime had been committed it was a civil matter so therefore they could not have us move. But that did not stop these individuals. What they did and what I found out later on was for one the lady who I spoke to that day claimed to not be a manager yet when talking to the police he was very brazen and bold cussing my girlfriend out claiming things that were not true and said she was a manager. Quite a contradiction from earlier that day. They filed a false police report on me. I do not know as of yet what that police report contained but I will be obtaining that police report. Whatever that police report stated I'm assuming due to what happened afterwards had something to do along the lines of me assaulting or assaulting or something to do with my girlfriend because that guy who came knocking on the door did suffer nefarious reasons. More than likely to try to get at her. But I tripped up his intentions and it pissed him off so in order to get at me they filed a false police report a new when the police showed up when I was on the phone with the department of veterans affairs. The crisis line banging on my door and me not answering made entry in fact the staff member allowed them to come in guns drawn pointing them around the place pointing them at my girlfriend and pointing them at my service animal who had retreated into the bedroom scared not a threat at all attempting to go through my things and had the nerve to threaten to shoot my service animal. I'm not writing this report because I'm just making some complaint because I'm just whining. I'm hoping something will be actually done legally about this. Because these less than reputable hotels have been playing this game a long time and when you're on the streets for a long time dealing with hotels seeing the same thing happen over and over again you pretty much realize after a while that this is the game that they're playing. Conning people than having people removed under false pretenses and using law enforcement who may or may not be involved to enforce their policies that don't even exist. Because they're criminals and the people who work for them are criminals as well. I would like to add that this person who filed the false police report did get arrested last night as well. But as for me they assaulted me hit me kicked me need me choked me put their hands on my heart which is only working at 45% place their knees over my heart and their knee on my back which put pressure on my heart cutting causing it to palpitate and when I told him I had a heart condition they did not care. After putting me in handcuffs they were rough with me said they would push me down the stairs if I did not move. Tease me taunted me mocked me belittled me. When they put me in the back of the vehicle I had no shoes on my feet swelling three times the normal size because they were filled with blood extremely painful did not offer to put shoes on me of any kind. When I asked them to help me move because they was difficult due to my size and the fact my feet were swollen I was told and I quote. If you don't move your *** *** I'm going to tase you and miss you the other officer opens up the back door he goes I will drag you back here and restrain you. When I decide to comply with them after looking at them in shock they mocked me saying there you go there you go just a little more there you go yeah you can do it six of them mocking me. And then slammed the door on me.

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