EV Jewelry Design
A lying and ignorant radioio representative
I tried through numerus emails and calls to get the guy who represents the advertising dprtmnt department for radioio a internet music station for a minimum space of 2 months and all i got in response was lies and stories such as I did not receive this email ! did you call me?
I was away on vacation and couldn't get back to you up to now !
Lies after Lies , And complete ignorance on the phone as if this guy russ is gods gift to the world I am hoping the owner of this station will catch up on this and try to reach me so i can make him aware what kinda people he is working with and remember whoever will read this i WILL prove all i say is indeed so ! I will provide anyone the dated emails and this characters RUSS BY FIRST NAME phone chats .
Our Products Speaks For Itself.
EVJewelryDesign has been in business for 7 years. It is not a new company, nor is it and up and coming one.
We at EvJewelryDesign stand behind our work, and have not had one complaint from any of our numerous repeat clients. Three words behind this malicious and hateful attack on this company, 'Disgruntled Former Employee.'
As the title states, our products speaks for itself. The countless magazine and internet press on our products present EV as being a master of his kind.
World renowned in the field of high end jewelry design with clients in the entertainment/High Fashion industry.
The truth about evjewelrydesign
My name is dafni AND UNLIKE THE REDICULUS COMMENT I JUST READ ABOUT EVJEWELRYDESIGN IS AN ABSOLUTE LIE . i have often done buisenes with evjewelry due to the fact that today to find jewelry of outstanding quality and price is not so easy you can find cheap priced jewelry but rare is to find and i ahve allways been pleased with the treatment i was given by the owner as well as the company stuff i will give an email address to anyone willing to reqouest it as to knowing THE TRUTH ABOUT EVJEWELRYDESIGN A COMPANY WITH INTEGRITY AND GOODSTANDING BUISENESS SENCE TOWARDS ALL PEOPLE . Hate and envy as well as lies i will not stand for!!!!!!
Ev Jewelry is fake!
BEWARE, I have seen his stuff and he told me it was fake, sells diamonds (fake) to clients. Shame on him!!!!!
He made it seem as he were proud how he took advantage over people , it was horrible. I worked with this guy and I just couldnt beleieve my eyes. Please be aware out there.
It is fake.
Ev jewelry is fake! Ev jewelry is fake! Ev jewelry is fake! Ev jewelry is fake! Ev jewelry is fake !Ev jewelry is fake! I JUST REALLY CARE ABOUT PEOPLE. that's all
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It's hard to take you seriously when you have grammar that's worse than a first graders. You need to learn proper grammar BEFORE you post anything. Otherwise you it shows what a true *** you're.