Susan C Sfj

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Verified Reviewer

A return label

I need a return label. I have spoken with customer service and requested a label but I have not received one.

And thats been about six days ago.

Thank you. Susan Crawford

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  • Rugs are beautiful
  • Have not received return label

Preferred solution: Full refund

map-marker Lagrange, Georgia

A return label

I have no complaints. I just need a return label.

I was told a return label would be sent to me. I need to get these two runners back to your company.

Thank you. Susan Crawford

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map-marker Manchester, Connecticut

A very wrinkled rug with a few creases!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
eSaleRugs - A very wrinkled rug with a few creases!

I ordered a 8x10 rug (actually2 8x10 returned one)

The folding of these carpets has caused really relentless creases and wrinkles. I have tried everything to get this rug to relax lots of traffic walking on it and to no avail it is not doing anything..I do not know what else to do

My experience with these folded rugs has been so frustrating! I know its due to fedex wanting this but it sure has made these rugs just awful to calm down. Never have I gone through this till now. This 8x10 carpet looks awful in my room. Please advise what I should do

I do want to return it but I dont want to go through all I have through to put this carpet down!

To put it mildly its been *** Just letting you know these folded carpets are not the thing to do!

Thank you

Joanne Browning


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User's recommendation: None as of now

Joanne B Czk

Poorly packaged 8x10 rugs

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I surely am one of your pissed customers

I received my 8x10 (2) triple folded in the same package

1how the *** am I getting out those folds

2..why werent they rolled like they should of been being lg rugs

3I am so distraught about this that I have to now work at getting those folds out after cleaning up a major flood in my basement due to a backup from the street. The cleaning is beyond comprehension as you might imagine

4. The representative is saying should receive a refund for my inconvenience but is only giving me 10% that would be 34.00 well I think I deserve better than that

Like maybe a free rug or 50%???

I am very discouraged right now after ordering from you most times I need a rug. But I would like to be accommodated and treated like a good customer.

By the way. Lifting those 2 packaged rugs is so heavy I cannot even lift them! I will not send them back I cant lift them! Please may I hear from you soon!

I need these rugs I did t expect more work to do when I got them.

Joanne Browning


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  • Bad packaging

Preferred solution: Full refund

1 comment
Joanne B Czk

I did write my comment hopefully you have received it If not please let me know I just wrote today 11/2/22

map-marker Manchester, Connecticut

Rug folded not rolled

Its been over a month and a half that I ordered the 8x10 rug from you. Folded not rolled and it still has a lot of waves ripples in this rug it just will not lay flat

With everything I have tried.

It looks terrible and I wish I sent this rug back to you with the last one.

I am so disappointed that this rug is still doing this.

I am not sure what to do its been so much to attend to. We had a lot of clean up along with this rug adding to it

I know this I dont think in the future I will order any more rugs from you

I am just notifying you of my problems that still remain with this rug.

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Steve b Jmu

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

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No customer service

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eSaleRugs - No customer service
eSaleRugs - No customer service - Image 2

Bought a rug. When it came, it was not what was represented as in "good condition".

It was a wool rug that had very little wool left. Company warranted it had a free, hassle free return policy.

I've been calling and emailing for a week and not a word of response and they never answer the phone. All I want to do is return the rug according to their prescribed method and buy another rug but they just have cut off their customer service

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  • Misleading and seems like a scam

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Can't buy from an internet company that won't respond to phone calls and emails

Susan S Dtg

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Buffalo, New York

I have tried to correct an order all day. I have not received an answer and it is impossible to contact them by phone.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I mistakenly only ordered one rug and wanted to order a second. No matter how I searched was unable to even find the rug.

Since I got no response, when they confirmed that they were sending the one carpet... I sent a notice to cancel the order.

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Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

User's recommendation: You either need to have more employees available or make it easier to contact you regarding your product

map-marker Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Want to return and exchange

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

After putting in my new flooring the 4×6 area rug and it is going to be way too will be delivered tomorrow and I want to ship it back... I have already selected out 2 more rugs and have put them on my affirm I just need to return this one for credit please...

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User's recommendation: do love the runner and other rug I purchased

map-marker Erie, Pennsylvania

Cancellation of order I never received - 4A3ZF33KB2

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Please cancel the above order. I have ordered another rug from you - different rug and size.

I placed another order (DX3FPF5YPD-3312****)

I have tried several times to reach your customer

service department. Once in the morning and I was immediately cut off.

I want to make sure the original order is cancelled. It is the wrong size.

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