map-marker Lakeport, California

Eric was wrongfully accused by a former schoolmate acting like a spoiled child inventing things as he went along.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I have known Eric Symons since 1984 and have never seen any of the behaviors this former school mate of his has accused him of. The guy is just nuts, Eric is a beloved member of the community, a father and stepfather to two boys who have turned out just fine and an amazing musician.

This guy took a small hissy fit into a major issue, a tempest in a teapot from what I can figure. They were elementary school mates and childhood friends before the guy went off on Eric slandering him in his misdirected anger. I have hired Eric many times and always been satisfied and proud of his talent. Perhaps a little jealousy was involved in all of this misspent anger because I know Eric is honest and good at follow through.

I know his parents and sister and they are just normal people who are all a little smarter than the average bear. I am glad the Pissed Consumer had to apologize but he really needed to.

Eric never messed with other people's money from what I can tell and I worked in San Francisco law firms for 32 years and we hired him for Xmas parties, summer picnics and such, besides he did my wedding 22 years ago. I have nothing but high praise for Eric Symons and his company, his honesty, integrity and talent.

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Reason of review:
Good quality

When Eric worked for North Bay Entertainment, he was nice. That outfit was a very good one. We worked closely with North Bay and I liked the folks there

Sad to see he ended up working for a worse one.


Childhood friend? The 7 people who have had issues with Eric have known him only 10 years or less

I suggest you google Steve Leflar and Simple the Best Entertainment to learn the real story,

There were many victims. For someone who worked for law firms for over 2 decades, you need a remedial course in English......


You sure have your facts wrong. Eric's partner stole over 700,000 from vendors all over SF,.

And your *** comment about a hissy fit should be laughed at

The man's kid was stalked by Eric's partner The kid was 10

You madam are an uneducated ***...

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-982222

Thomas Schoenberger is again posting on line anonymously-this from a convicted stalker who served time harassment. I feel sorry for Eric, who has since risen from the shameful agency debacle and has a successful company...I know you Thomas, and Steve Leflar is dead, leave Eric alone and go on with your life!!!

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map-marker Los Gatos, California

My issues with Eric Symons are resolved.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This is Thomas Schoenberger. Eric Symons was kind enough to have three malicious websites taken down.

Eric is a great guitarist and has a huge volume of music. I have hired Eric many times and would not hesitate to hire him again

Whatever garbage you read on the web, ignore it for what it is. My cell number is 415-632-**** and I can personally attest to the fact that what minor issues Eric and I had in the past are now over. We respect each other as fellow composers.

Neither of us care about badmouthing over the internet. I wish Eric well.

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Reason of review:
Good customer service

The above review was not written by me

I have nothing to do with Eric Symons, nor his now deceased business partner Steve Leflar.

Though it is true that Eric Symons once worked for me, I would never rehire him.

Thomas Schoenberger


Eric Symons had a partner with Simply the Best Entertainment

The man's name was Steve Leflar

Leflar died months ago after he stole a bunch of client money, which is why this is such a hot topic.

Did Eric keep the money? Who knows?

I prefer to believe Eric was a gullible person who booked bands that never got paid. Like us...

It's more likely Steve did , but now Simply the Best Entertainment, once known as Star Sounds Productions has again changed it's name to Eric Symons Presents


There is some serious debate going on about this matter, and we all have to review the facts carefully.

If you could live pain free without medication or doctors , would you chose so?

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map-marker San Francisco, California

Eric Symons is a child predator

That much says it all

Pretty sad when a grown man has to harass children and women

This guy is a grade a *** bag who has a partner named S

Eric hires bands and dos not pay them.. He is a famous thief who has taken so many nice musicians. Do not work with this ***.

he stalked me, ( Fara) and other people, including my son whi is just 13

This is so wrong and we went to the police to report him. He is a total slime bag who is fat, dirty, and is dishonest as well.

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This poster had her phone number on her web site, and I called her to ask why, since I do not know her, has she been writing defamatory letters to my clients and posting negative lies about me on line, so I guess that simply asking her why she is attacking me as we have never met or done business, it came down to her personal relationship with Thomas Schoenberger.

Calling an on line accuser in not stalking Linda!


Eric Symons and Steve Leflar are the scam artists that run Simply The Best Entertainment, based in Cotati and Rohnert Park, California. They have stolen thousands of dollars from musicians. Google either one of them, and their company.

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map-marker Cayucos, California

Eric Symons stalked me via e mail

In Feb. 2013, a man named Eric Symons send me repeated, unsolicited emails, even after I advised him to cease and desist.

Mr. Symons sent these e mails at the bequest of his "silent partner" Steven R Leflar, the defendant found guilty of stealing from a dozen bands from 2009 to 2012.

Eric Symons shares the same history of cyber stalking, harassing and terrorizing people with his e mails.

Leflar is even worse, and is a true psychopath. The purpose of this post is to warn people that Eric Symons is not the innocent lamb he pretends to be. I will testify to Eric Symons stalking me if needed. I am a 35 year culinary professional and could not believe this supposed business owner would act in such a scary and predatory manner. Eric claims he owns a comp-any called Simply the Best Entertainment. I believe, as do many, that Eric is actually only the "straw owner" and is covering for his boss, thief and child predator Steve Leflar

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This comment is from Linda Barrett, the girlfriend of Thomas Schoenberger. She is making false accusations that bare no truth.

There is no truth to what she says, and she will now be the subject of a defamation law suit.She has written poison pen letters to Eric's colleagues.

How dare she call him a child predator. This is so low and she will pay for her comments!


like anyone really cares about Eric playing victim?

He is a grown man

Eric should take down the websites he and his partner Steve Leflar created

That would be the only sensible first step


Eric Symons steals from musicians. His company Simply The Best Entertainment,owes me $75,000 and owes 40 other musicians and DJS


Superior Court of Concord. Case number CSC09-1099

Steve LeFlar DBA North Bay Entertainment (later changed names to "Star Sounds Productions", then changed again to "Simply The Best Entertainment") found guilty of non payment of the live band, "Big City Revue" at the Intercontinental Hotel. Booking was made by Eric Symons, working with LeFlar. Contract signed by LeFlar.

Total judgement - $5200.00 awarded to Associated Entertainment (AE hired Big City Revue) Judgement entered on February 10, 2010.

Although still working under the names "Simply The Best Entertainment" and "STB DJs", in the Sacramento and Napa areas, LeFlar has not paid this debt.


Superior Court of Concord. Case number CSC09-1100

Steve LeFlar again found guilty of non payment of the live band, "Six and The City" at the Adeszko Wedding at Auberge Du Soleil. Booking was made by Eric Symons, working with LeFlar. Contract signed by LeFlar.

Total judgement - $3600.00 awarded to Associated Entertainment (AE hired "Six and The City") Judgement entered on February 8, 2010.

Although still working under the names "Simply The Best Entertainment" and "STB DJs", in the Sacramento and Napa areas, LeFlar has not paid this debt.


I have just gotten off the phone with the woman Eric is stalking.

Eric Symons sent more e mails to her this morning, even after she demanded he cease and desist

Eric has some serious legal issues ahead if he thinks stalking a woman is wise.

I am now contacting Ron Israel, who says that he has also been stalked by Eric Symons and his partner Steve Leflar

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I was also stalked by Eric Symons, who claims to own Simply The Best Entertainment. I will be showing up in court to testify again Symons.

I believe Symons is not only a straw owner of Simply The Best Entertainment, but the true owner is Steve Leflar, a notorious criminal

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