Biggest counterfeit scam exposed in America
with complete investigation , evidence and documentation.
It will give you details on how counterfeit trade and piracy are working along with various big companies, b2b sites and agencies like ERAI, IDEA etc.
Many companies in America sell same old chinese garbage with ISO-9001 and other banners.
America has been door mat to world's counterfeit industry. Well China's cheap labor has been utilised by American companies to produce more and more counterfeit goods for higher profit, eyewashing world community using various tricks.
You can find more details on
please read carefully and understand what we need today, and see how we can fight these scams and illegal networks in North America.
Illegal trade network promoting global counterfeit trade - ERAI
Off late many American companies are now involved with trading counterfeits, pirated & fake goods for achieving higher profits, with no concern for quality or copy right acts.
Most of these transnactions are carried out through corrupt trade networks like ERAI (Electronic Retailers Association , international) , The Brokerforum etc.
Millions of Dollar counterefeits are traded through these networks every week.
Even payment facilities, escrow( Mostly under invoiced deals), visual inspection services are provided for these counterfeits to avoid interruption at various border controls and to please end users so that cosmetic quality norms do not become a reason for getting those parts trapped .
These trade networks provide value added services (mostly external parameters & visual inspection) so that even even most professional services cannot detect these counterfeits when it changes various hands right from shipper , CBP, other officials, ISO and OEMs in initial investigation and detection.
All these deals are performed in very professional and white collared way, while dealing with illegal products.
Had these trade networks refrained from supporting global counterfeit trade, world wouldn't have faced epedemic of counterfeits in every part of our life.
Main culprits are these north American trade networks who are responsible for promoting this illegal network of counterfeiting.
The whole trade becomes illegal for few reasons stated below:
1) Most of merchandises are counterfeit/pirated/back door items
2) Under invoiced deals, with no export control
3) Relabelled parts, refurbished parts, illegally upgraded parts from Commercial grade to Military grade.
4) It breaks all copy right acts and intellectual property acts.
5) Deceptive visual inspection facilities which are often used to trap a customer(oem) and to avoid inspection , investigation at export control points, customs and border security.
6) Many illegal international financial transactions carried out.
7) Many illegal exporters involved who do not have basic business license of the city of trading with dubious bank accounts.
Companies Similar to ERAI
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I don't think ERAI is as goodie two shoes as they would like to make themselves out to be. I have become to believe they play both sides of the fence which hurts many good "honest" businesses and doesn't use the power they have to oust the "non-honest" members.
Just my opinion. It kind of irks me to read some of their articles, when they have done just the opposite of what they say.
Shannon Wren (visiontech)and Kristal Snider, Mark A. Snider helped each other in selling millions of worth military counterfeits.
Sniders were well known about National Semi Military counterfeits produced and retailed by Shannon. Since Sniders of ERAI were equally beneficiary, this business grew leaps and bounds. Even today most of ERAI members are doing same, it is wise to say not guilty until proven. and it will be proven only after major disaster.
Many helicopters , choppers and flights are down , the major reason behind is counterfeiting. Most American and Chinese counterfeit brokers are directly affiliated to Snider family.
Shannon Wren ( visiontech) and Kristal Snider, Mark A. Snider helped each other in selling millions of worth military counterfeits.
Sniders were well known about National Semi Military counterfeits produced and retailed by Shannon. Since Sniders of ERAI were equally beneficiary, this business grew leaps and bounds. Even today most of ERAI members are doing same, it is wise to say not guilty until proven. and it will be proven only after major disaster.
Many helicopters , choppers and flights are down , the major reason behind is counterfeiting. Most American and Chinese counterfeit brokers are directly affiliated to Snider family.
To Whom It May Concern:
For the last several years, ERAI, its principals and employees have been the target of an intense smear campaign orchestrated by an individual who seeks to bring harm to ERAI, its principals, employees and any person or business who interferes with the perpetrator’s ominous cyber attacks. For a long period of time, ERAI was more or less exclusively the primary target of these libelous broadcasts. Now, numerous businesses are among the victims of these often-times unprovoked outbursts.
ERAI is frequently asked why these posts have been and continue to be made. Simply put, due to the nature of our organization which involves monitoring, investigating, reporting, and mediating issues affecting the global supply chain of electronics, it is not uncommon to have companies that have been reported by ERAI attempt to discredit our organization. The hundreds of posts that are currently visible on the Internet have been made by one individual using dozens of Internet screen names. Because the Internet provides bloggers with a cloak of anonymity, a person can create the illusion of numerous disgruntled or concerned individuals when that is simply not the case. The author of these posts is an individual that was reported by ERAI for selling faulty material. He made numerous threats against ERAI and its employees both during the investigation and after he was reported.
It helps to have a better understanding of our organization in order to understand the motivation of these types of criminals. Founded in 1995 and incorporated in 1996, ERAI is a privately held trade organization that has been the industry's primary reporting and investigation service supplying information, mediation and risk mitigation solutions to electronics professionals worldwide. Membership to ERAI is open to franchised and independent distributors, OEMs, OCMs, CMs, test houses, government agencies and associations serving the industry. ERAI is actively involved in a number of committees and task forces that are addressing the issue of counterfeit parts in the global supply chain of electronics.
There are a number of reasons why counterfeiting has become so rampant in the last few years, such as the breakdown of trade barriers among countries with less restrictive IP laws, the green initiatives that have led to more e-waste and easy access through the Internet to market and sell material easily. Counterfeiting has become a global issue affecting multiple industries from electronics to golf clubs, pharmaceuticals and tobacco, among others. It is particularly troubling to ERAI since counterfeit electronics can not only affect individuals’ health and safety, but could even be a threat to national security. Every industry has been affected and ERAI is working diligently to address the problem in the electronics sector and to offer solutions to this very serious issue. Unfortunately, we have to accept the fact that the Internet creates an audience for individuals to post information that is entirely false, inaccurate and without merit.
ERAI is uniting the industry in addressing issues that are plaguing the market and we hope you can be part of the solution with us.
ERAI deeply regrets the frustration and/or confusion these cyber attacks have caused. Despite the difficult obstacles ERAI must sometimes face, it will continue to provide the valuable information and services its Members have come to rely upon to make the most informed business decisions possible. ERAI remains committed to serving its customers with the integrity and professionalism the semiconductor industry has come to expect.
Kristal Snider
Vice President