Envy Hair Salon of Cape Coral
Guarantees to fix your hair if it did not go well the first time. WRONG!! Take your money and ignore you!!!4/27/2013
Felicia TaylorOwner Envy Salon1333 Cape Coral PkwyCape Coral FL 33904Ms Talyor, I have been a repeat customer of your salon for the last three years for hair straightening. Unfortunately, I live across town from your salon and it is not convenient for me to visit biweekly for color touch up. Therefore, I have another stylist close to where I live who colors my hair for the last three years. Michelle has been kind enough to CHI straighten my hair yearly. All of these details provided are not new to Michelle.In the past, I have been so pleased to have had Michelle work on my hair. I have had yearly CHI straightening done for the last three years. Year two, we had some problems with dryness post CHI and Michelle was very helpful to restore my hair with deep conditioning. This year I had the process done again (early April), and I have had trouble with extreme dryness with my hair to the point that people began commenting on it. I have texted Michelle several times for suggestions and I have not been having a very positive response. Let me explain. First I am a highly educated professional with a good understanding of instruction and follow up. I paid $800.00 for a CHI straightening and expect some adequate, helpful and intelligent response to my concerns which were not met. My instructions from her prior and post treatment were as follows:-no color 10 days prior to treatment…done-she was well aware I had foils done 2 months ago.-she is well aware I have my roots colored every 2 weeks. -post treatment she told me no humidity x 3 days, no wash x 3 days, use chi shampoo and conditioner, which all was followed to a tee. -she told me no coloring for 10 days post treatment—done.
When I called her to tell her my hair was very, very dry…broom stick-like, she stated to use every conditioner in my house at once and leave on overnight, which I did. That worked for a day. When I called her again her questions were as follows:-did you box color---no-did you color your hair—yes, just the roots professionally and she was well aware I just had chi treatment done 2 weeks prior. -did your stylist run the color through your hair---no, I distinctly talked about this with my stylist. -did you put more highlights in ?---noWhen I dropped in to the salon on 4/27/13 she was not happy to see me. I told her my hair was breaking off, she said it was not and all was fine (tell that to my hair in my brush). I told her my hair was dry and she said, "I don’t know what you’re doing with your hair." I told her I was doing what she asked of me. She then said I colored it again, which I did not. She was very irritated and accusatory as what I had done to my hair. This unintelligent conversation was brief, and I thanked her and left. It was very embarrassing to witness how she was responding especially in front of other clients, my family and my friend that were in the shop that day. I find this very uncharacteristic of her behavior. Again, as an intelligent consumer who had been pleased with Michelle’s work the two years prior I am having a hard time understanding why she is resisting helping me. Again, I paid 800 dollars for a less than professional job. I was hoping she would help me as she has done previously, but there seems to be some problem with her assistance and her overall unprofessionalism as a stylist as well as a conversationalist. Your guarantee is to fix problems…..I have tried, I prefer a refund and certainly a response from you as the owner of Envy Salon.Sincerely
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