map-marker Detroit, Michigan

Negative place to work!

Place is turning into a total "*** hole." Afternoon shift supervisor is never there and when he is he doesnt do *** except play on his phone. He doesnt even know his job.

Leads are terrible, day shift lead shouldnt be a lead and afternoon lead is a control freak who harrasses his people beneath him. He honestly needs a greivance filed against him. Fellow co-workers are constantly at each others throats. The company has the hiring standards of mc donalds.

Texas HQ doesnt give a crap about the site at DTW and the best thing that could happen is they lose the contract, which is common practice for this company. Union also doesnt do anything except constantly take benefits away from the union members.

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Work Experience or Job Application
els d
map-marker Dearborn, Michigan

Elite line services

elite line services at Detroit metro (gse,pbb,deice)is by far the worst site in the network!

the management team is the worst,the site mgr-jack.moskaitis has no management training what so ever,makes up the rules as he go,the in no consisities.

robert trunoske in just a pot smoking minion that has no balls,just a yes man

paul and jeff in deice just sleep all day,they r part of the good ole boy network(ex northwest employees)

jacks girlfriend Norene(that fat *** need to retire)but in the operation way to much, she needs to stick to ordering parts she barley can handle that job

then there is her daughter Meagan another fat *** she is useless

this site has the lowest moral anywhere in the network,

i will add more later!!!!!!!!!!!! no one is safe ELS Everyone Loses Something

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I have worked for a lot of places and I have never worked in such a unprofessional environment. The management staff doesn't do anything but get in the workers way.

Parts are never in stock and jobs take way to long to complete. There are leads that have a need to control everything. On top of that, the chairs in the leads office are destroyed by some know it all loud mouth fat *** who sits at a computer and download videos to their phone all day. The environment is obnoxious.

Certain individuals play their music with lyrics that are full of racial slurs such as *** ni***** and sing along to it.

As a white person I get offended by this. ELS = Extremely Low Standards.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-808230

I find it funny you run your mouth with no name,Maybe you are the problem you gut

less loser, stand up at work and be a man, dont hide in the shadows and cry on some web site, call patty like you losers always do,

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-821957

I find it funny that your not using your real name either. So who is the gut-less loser hiding in the shadows now?

I think your 1 of those people here that don't produce squat! ***, I'd be willing to bet that your 1 of the problems around here and should have been fired along time ago.

But the union is protecting your dead-beat lazy ***! Oh, call Party about that 1 loser!


This is a very sad company to work for. :sigh Office staff and management are unprofessional.

Co-workers are at each others throats due to managements unwillingness to manage. The customer lets their employees destroy everything with no reprimand.

Bob is a pot smoking "yes man" minion. So to those who think its a great place to us when we say look for something else.


JC needs to go WORTHLESS!!


No one here reflects the real public view of ELS. The whiny voices sound like the Midwest of the seventies - the union mentality that helped destroy the auto and steel industries.

The complainers are losers that have been released from ELS for being too lazy or too *** to do their jobs, to keep the company lean, mean, and competitive. It's the 21st century, folks, and the world doesn't owe you anything.

Individuals don't whine against a big service company like ELS unless they have a personal gripe. Quit whining and go get a job raking leaves or something.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-614735

I would certainly hope that this is not an employee from the Dallas office responding to posts by others by suggesting that this person get a job raking leaves. Let me be clear, ALL feedback, both positive and negative is welcomed by management.

If you have a concern, feedback, suggestion etc.

you may send an e-mail directly to InfoELS@***.com and ELS will respond accordingly. This e-mail is now being monitored by more than one person to ensure responses are received and forwarded to the appropriate party.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-618865

wow it sounds like reverse sensorship or something if somebody says something nice about the company in a dum forum not to an employee but probably someone who got fired. feedback should be welcome but not on a dum forum and naming people and slandering them while hiding their own identity - not exactly profeshional

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-618865

It doesn't matter anyways. Management at DTW does nothing.

So I believe that this holds true to the main office in Carrollton TX. as well. The DTW site gse/pbb are treated as the red-headed step children of all the sites. The hiring standards of els and delta must be the same as a walmart.

Maybe Daifuku Webb needs to be brought in to see how this place is being ran. :sigh



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map-marker Apple Valley, Minnesota


Report: Elite Line ServicesSharePrint EmailReported By: anonymous (Minneapolis Minnesota USA)Elite Line Services ELS hostile work environment 1625 West Crosby Road, Suite 100,Carrollton, Texas...Report & Rebuttal Box1Author 0Consumer 0EmployeeRespond to this report! What's This?What's This?

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Are you also a victim of the same company or individual? Want Justice? File a Rip-off Report, help other consumers to be educated and don't let them get away with it!Remove a Report? Arbitrate to set the record straight.Submit your case to be consideredfor the Judge Alex show!!Elite Line ServicesMSP Airport 4300 Glumack Drive Saint Paul, MN1625 West Crosby Road, Suite 100,Carrollton Texas 75006United States of AmericaPhone: (972) 389-****

Web Address:

Category: Maintenance Companies

Submitted: Thursday, October 07, 2010Posted: Thursday, October 07, 2010What goes on behind the scenes at Elite Line Services:1)Safety has been compromised at least once. One of the security doors that is normally locked so nobody without a security badge could get into secure areas was broken. It remained unlocked for at least a month before they got parts in to fix it. It was just rigged with a padlock to make it look like it was locked. 2)Mechanics are forced to do electrical work even tho they aren't qualified to do so. On many occasions, if a motor needs replaced, unqualified mechanics have to do the wiring. Sometimes the dayshift electrician was available but would refuse to help because he wasn't on the clock yet and overtime is not authorized.3)Because FMLA is 12 weeks, 2 people were fired when out on disability for 12 weeks and one day.4)Sexual harassment is ongoing. It's the good old boy network. Several women were harassed by John Wagner, who comments on their *** their *** and makes all kinds of perverted gestures. One girl had to quit because nothing would be done about it. Another girl tried to get help and was laughed at by HR, Patty. Patty twisted her words around and totally protected Wagner. When the girl listed her witnesses, all of them said they "couldn't remember" any of it happening, therefore not a thing was done about it. This girl was laid off, even though she had a supervisor supporting the fact that she was one of the hardest workers he had. Wagner doesn't harass just women. He has been witnessed screaming at other coworkers and throwing things. Nothing is ever done about that either.

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 10/7/2010 8:41:55 AM and is a permanent record located here: Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permittion of Ripoff Report.

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The same holds true for the Phoenix site. Safety and training is a joke.

The site manager has no clue or personality. OSHA would have a easy time at this location.

The turn over rate is over 50% in the last 5 years and will be higher as time goes on. Corporate needs to step in and look hard at what is going on in this company.


OSHA could have a field day with this *** Maybe they will

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