Chiyoko Ulm
map-marker Saint Louis, Missouri

Elemental Solutions St.Louis MO Ripoff

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Elemental Solutions Of Missouri - Elemental Solutions St.Louis MO Ripoff
Elemental Solutions Of Missouri - Elemental Solutions St.Louis MO Ripoff - Image 2
Elemental Solutions Of Missouri - Elemental Solutions St.Louis MO Ripoff - Image 3

Elemental Solutions

St.Louis MO

My experience with these *** artists goes like this. Before payment, after first payment, after 2nd payment, they quit before the 3rd payment when I started pointing out how bad of a job they were doing.

Before payment;

Kenneth Goskie called every day, texting ideas on what to do with my tile, telling me they do tile jobs all the time and how fast they can get my bathroom done. He said he has a crew to quickly get my deck remodeled, and a bunch of upgrades all throughout my home would be done in 4-5 days tops.

1st Payment. Week1 of 1 weeks worth of work.

They came in and tore out my deck, tore out the old tile in my bathroom. Cleaned out the mess. Took them longer than they expected but they also only worked for about 1-3 hours a day and not a full day. Took a week just for this part when it was supposed to be completed the first day.

2nd Payment. Week 2 of 1 weeks worth of work.

Start laying deck boards and start tiling. Kenneth stopped returning phone calls asking for progress. He texts when asking for access to my garage, and continuously texts back how they are going to have a whole team in tomorrow to finish the whole job in a day, while refusing to answer what they will be doing or working on. I came over to see this team in action, and it was only one guy there and he was confused on how to put in tile and needed my wifi password to look up directions on Youtube. The guy doing it is Fred Williams which is Kenneth’s father in law, the other guy they had on the job was Freds grand kid. They don’t have actual people working for them it’s just these 3 scam artists.

One day I came home early to catch Fred standing on the deck, only half finished, talking on the phone. They promised that day a whole team would have had it completed. Fred said he couldn’t finish because he ran out of screws. Seriously, he ran out and didn’t know how to go get more.

I had been logging the open and close times of my garage and all together they came in daily for only 30 minutes to an hour, then finally on Friday for 5 hours but only one guy and only ¾ of the deck was finished.

3rd payment. Week 3 for 1 weeks worth of work.

Seeing that they started the tile work, and finished laying the deck boards, I paid a third time bringing this up to 1500 dollars. They put all the tile in wrong, everything they said they could do with the design they promised, the trim was in the wrong place, the cut in for shampoo didn’t have the trim around it as he said he could do. It was just all wrong. The guy just threw the tile up over the old scraped up wall on most of the bathroom instead of sanding it down so it would all lay flush; all the tile is raised up more or less from the adjoining tile. They used Gypsum Sheetrock board (Green paper drywall) for the backing to the tile in the tub area. (I bought it based on his recommendation, and I had every opportunity and was open to purchase any backing board for this, no problem at all, this is what he said I NEED FOR THIS JOB). The second contractor I consulted said it’s the WRONG backing and should have used a cement board to mount the tile. I don’t know any better, and this is why I hired someone who knows what they are doing, and they did it wrong.

They replaced the backing to the tile in the tub area with regular gypsum drywall and the code is to use cement board, saying it will be fine. They didn’t use any kind of moisture sealer either. Then they finally call me as they had to stop because they put the new wall over the lip of the bathtub causing it to stick out ¼ an inch over the rest of the bathroom walls. The tile won’t lay flat now over this area. It’s literally flush till the last foot of wall over the tub where it slopes out. I had to have another tile company come out to assess the damage, they were supposed to use filler around this lip but were lazy and threw the drywall up over the lip. Can you imagine your wall sticking out places? Then they say they can’t go on because of their mess up. Then they tilled directly to the bath tub, no room for grout at all and the professional tile guy said this would cause water to leak back there in no time.

The deck, they didn’t notify me they would be staining it. It’s supposed to sit for 6 months before staining. Because they stained it early, it’s already starting to crack! 2 weeks out and it’s cracking! It’s prime cedar tone ground contact pressure treated lumber. Not the cheap stuff. It’s all ruined.

Week 4. For 1 weeks worth of work.

Text from Kenneth that he’s bringing in a whole team on Tuesday. I text back, “Please leave the tile alone and work on the other tasks, unless you can call me and tell me the plan I don’t want you to be in the bathroom”. He refuses to call me, he refuses to pick up the phone. They still have to finish paint and staining the deck, fix my p traps, and he stole the handles for my shower that I bought, didn’t fix my master shower handle which was on the list to be completed first, and he claimed he knows how to do wood working and took all the MDF board I had bought back to his shop so now I don’t get any of the trim I paid for and he had promised he was making all the last 3 weeks. Since I told him I don’t want them to complete the tile, he threatened me that this is a breach of contract. I haven’t heard from them since.

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  • Promises
  • Lies
Reason of review:
Damaged or defective

Preferred solution: Full refund

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L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach

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