map-marker Miami Beach, Florida

Elaine Ferretti

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

i met Elaine Ferrettii many years ago in Miami. She was recommended by a very wealthy friend of mine who only sung her praises and found her to be highly accurate.

During my many winters in Florida, I consulted Elaine on many areas of my life. I also found her to be highly accurate to the point that I did not believe certain things that she told me but they later turned out to be true. I did contact her to let her know that unfortunately for me. That she was accurate in her predictions.

Money was never and object for me and many times Elaine discouraged me from getting an unnecessary reading from her. I do not understand the venom in the negative comments about Elaine.

That is not the person I met and the comments sound unhinged and desperate. Elaine is an excellent astrologer/psychic and human being.

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  • Professionalism
  • Personality
  • Accuracy
Reason of review:
Good quality
map-marker Sunrise, Florida

Elaine Ferretti Natale

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

ELAINE has been doing my astrological readings and numerology for several years. I was somewhat skeptic at first, although open minded.

Elaine has turned me into a true believer. She is spot on. In every area of my life, she has helped me tremendously. My two grown daughters go to her, as well.

When I ran into a financial fall, she was so compassionate that she helped me through it with her readings and coaching, and never charged me. This lasted about one and a half years.

Fortunately, just as she said, I am back on track, and still trusting in Elaine more than ever. She also channeled for me, and left me breathless.

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Reason of review:
Good quality
Adriana Daw
map-marker Lake Worth, Florida

Elaine Ferretti is awesome!

I was looking up Elaine to find her to go see her again, when I saw several complaints about her. I could not imagine how you could find her to be a scam or a fraud, she is sincere, kind, and has this energy about her and best of she tells you how it is.

I guess some people are just upset because she did not tell you "what you wanted to hear"... maybe she could not read you becasue you are the fraud... If you are transparent person, then I recommend her.

Elaine, so many people love you and you have helped so many people... God bless you.

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laurefaiveley F
map-marker Miami Beach, Florida



Dear Elaine Ferretti or Natale, which Legal Notice are you talking about? Which Legal documentation are you talking about? I of course want to see those suppose "Legal Notice" and "Legal Document"!!! You can not accuse anyone without proof!!!

I did not receive anything and your supposedly attorney did not contact me!!! The Law Office that is suppose to represent you does not exist!!!

To be a scam artist you must charge people for a service is not provided through a business does not exist, for example!! It is what you do, we don't!! You pretend to be a psychic / astrologer and you are not. You are using different names, and your business does not exist even if you are charging your victims by credit card from your home!!! Any one can check by using the public search on the web of the Florida Corporation, it is one of them.

You did a huge mistake by accusing us of something is untrue. The law exist to punish people like you that are lying to protect their crimes and try to escape the legal consequences of their actions.

Why do you not try to reach me directly?? Why do you not answer my e-mails?!!

Thanks to let me know that you want the New Times to know the truth, I am taking care of it!!

Please, if anyone has informations on this woman let me know, your name would not be exposed, you can reach me by e-mail: laurefaiveley@***.com.

In my attempt to try to settle this matter with Elaine Ferretti, I was expecting an answer.

Even if my accusations are serious she is simply running away from her responsibilities.

She did not attempt to defend herself or threaten me of a law suit. I am not even sure that she consulted an attorney.

She did not denied any of the facts included the fact that she is using stolen SS#.

In my opinion, it means that she knows I am right and that she does not know what to do. She is simply afraid.

I am suspecting that she thinks to move to New Jersey.

Elaine Ferretti is not only a fraud

and scam, she is a coward.

After updating the report # 601546 on the 14 of May, 2010, on Rip-off Report I received a letter signed by Paul Hampton Crockett, attached to an E-mail from "The Crockett Law Firm" that is supposed to represent Ms. Natal. Of course, in this letter, Paul Crockett an attorney at law, the supposedly author of this letter, did not mention "Ferretti", one of the name this woman used for her Psychic / astrologer scam business. He even did not mention her first name.

This letter was supposed to be a response of a Legal threat letter sent my e-mail to try to settle a financial compensation for the damages she caused me.

I was eventually expecting a treat of a law suit for defamation.

1- "The Crockett Law Firm" does not have any legal existence. According to the Florida Corporation there is no record of "The Crockett Law Firm" as fictitious Name or Legal Entity, like Corporation or LLP.

The address of "The Crockett Law Firm" is 1737 S.W. 12Th Street, Miami, 33135. Florida. That is very disturbing because this address is a residential address in a residential zone, so can not possibly be a "Law Office"!!!

2- This letter had been sent to me through Elaine Natale or/and Ferretti, the supposed "Law Office" client e-mail address, bocastarzz@***.com. I was not contacted directly by her supposed attorney.

3- In this letter I had been informed on those term that "Any further communication with Ms. Natale has to be in writing, and not by telephone or other means".

So this attorney decide for me how do I have to communicate with his supposed client!!! I don't think there is a law to impose a specific way of communication.

But what should be the proper way if Elaine Natale or/and Ferretti is his client, is to request from me to direct all form of communication to his Law Office.

If Elaine Ferretti or/and Natale is represented by "The Crockett Law Firm", I should not be able to communicate directly with her but with her attorney!!!

To ask me to communicate by "mail only" with his client, seems very odd and suspicious.

4- I strongly believe that this letter had been antedated on the 12 of May, 2010, but had been written on the 14 of May, 2010, after Elaine Natale or/and Elaine Ferretti read the update of my report against her.

5- This letter is too personal, bossy, hateful without any rational facts to prove any point. The individual who wrote this letter was angry and was looking for revenge.

The contents of this letter is unethical. I have a hard time to believe that a licensed attorney could write "…even as you dig yourself deeper and deeper into a black hole of criminality…", "…however, and the exact point at which you opened up for yourself a world of serious trouble", "…Act wisely, and listen…"

6- In this letter I had been accused of "Extortion", "Grand thief" and threaten of being arrested, prosecuted and jailed!! But any legal actions against me had been mentioned in this letter.

7- This letter is in fact an attempt to scare me and to intimidate me to restrain me to publish anything on Rip-off Report or other site and to restrain me against my will to file a complaint to the authorities.

The will to try to scare me to force me to give up on my rights is very overwhelming.

If anyone are interested to read this letter, I will be glad to forward to you by e-mail, you would see by yourself.

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Psychics do NOT exist! Every one of them is a *** artist that preys on the misfortunes of others.

laurefaiveley F
map-marker Miami Beach, Florida


Be AWARE of Elaine Ferretti or Elaine Natale or Elaine Ferretti Natale or Elaine Ferreth.

20 Island Ave. Apt # 1017, Miami Beach, FL 33139.

Land line: 305 535 ****

Cell ph: 305 321 ****

New Jersey Address: 313 Fifth Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302.

It is the same person Who is running a psychic / astrologer SCAM business.

The all picture of her business is shaping to misleading people and runaway from her legal responsibilities. Elaine Ferretti or/and Natale manipulates people to gain their trust and exploits people desperation for financial gain without being concerned if she causes them financial and emotional arms.

She is known as a psychic / astrologer as Elaine Ferretti but she is using the name Elaine Natale as well for other matters.

According to the Florida Corporation Department, the only corporation registered with one of the name she used, Elaine Natale, as Officer/Director is "The Center For Enlightenment, Inc." which is inactive since 09/24/1999, so she does not have any company.

That means that she proceeds of illegal banking transactions in her home through a credit card merchant machine by using illegally a FEI #: 65069**** to a company that is inactive.

She did not file any Tax annual Reports for this company since 1998, but she still using illegally the business account of this company to make pay by credit card her victims of her scam that she calls her clients. I was one of them.

She does not have a Home Base Business License to operate her business in her home.

Her address; 20 Island Avenue, # 1017, Miami Beach, 33139. FL is a residential zone that means that she does not have the legal right to conduct a business where she has clients come and go. She does not have the right to take any money in exchange to any services in her home. She does not have the right to process any payment by credit card with a merchant machine in her home.

For a psychic to be a "scam" in legal terms, it needs to be proved that she manages to deliberately convinces people that she really is a psychic. Since she advertise herself as a psychic without writing "For entertainment only", she is a scam.

I think she knows that she is a scam and that she screws people over. I think she knows that she is operating an illegal business because she is using different last name.

According to yellow, the phone number 305 534 **** belong to Elaine Ferretti, Elaine Natale and Elaine Ferreth. I am even wondering if she does not use different stolen SS#.

She does not have any website anymore, and she runs her psychic scam from the privacy of her home.

If anyone had been victimized by this woman, please contact me. Together we may be able to stop this woman to hurt other people.

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I agree with the negative comments about this entire family. They will never be honest with anyone ............what a pity. They live off of poor unsuspecting folks like the ones mentioned above.


bad news this ferretti family.......liars and *** artists always looking to have other people pay their off of others who have succeeded in whatever endeavor they have pursued. They are not educated at all to succeed in anything and *** people left and right.

I know many people who know them both in the North and the South. Please stay away and don't believe anything they tell you.


This family is not an honest one and I know first hand.


I just wanted to respond to the comments by Rhonda York about the family of Elaine Natale and her brother. I am her cousin and you could not be more wrong!!!!

Elaine's mom went through some traumatic experiences and hospitalization. She had three wonderful children who were essentially raised by her sister. The entire family was poor but very loving, especially to Elaine and her brothers. Unfortunately, the maternal family themselves had a series of tragedies that could best be described as "the poor man's version of the Kennedy's".

There were about 11 - 12 children (including Elaine's Mom) in the original family. They went through the murder of a brother, hospitalization death of a sister, cancer with another brother, and all that during the Great Depression and after. Additionally, two other sisters took in their nephews and raised them as their own following one sister's death. Another sister took in a child from her husband's family and raised him as her own.

That's through everything -- fever's, school, clothes, etc. I don't know what Ms. York is alluding to but I can tell you that the children from our original family grew up to be outstanding Americans and citizens. I think more Americans could learn to copy their family traits with love, tenderness, and fellowship.

They in-turn had children who are fine and upstanding citizens.

I'm proud to be one of them and can understand the depths of privation and tragedy the maternal family had to live through to make it. It could take a book to learn it all.

Lindsay A Ohg

Who cares? Is this seriously some crazy woman claiming that a psychic is a scam artist?

let me guess, you believe in this nonsense and let her convince you that you should move across the country to begin your fated career as a country music star?

If you want to accuse someone of something, do it, but you can't accuse someone of causing you to be foolish enough to believe in psychics, that's your own fault. Although I guess if you really want some one to blame, blame the people who raised you and allowed you to believe in fairy tales.


Laure Faiveley and Jerome Vincenti are on Legal Notice for from my attorney...I have documentation as to whom the real scam artists are...they have my address, where is their address...


I will not leave my name, but yes she is a scam as is her brother the entertainer. This family is very sordid with a horrible background since childhood.

All that you say is true, but I dare so little can be done with this type of personality.

I wish you luck in your quest to possibly get her to come clean. I know many stories about this family from NJ and now FL, and you would be shocked about what I know.


Elaine Ferretti Natale wants the New Times to know that Laure Faiveley and her accomplice Jerome Vincenti are on Legal Notice from my attorney. I have Legal documentation as to whom the real scam artist's are. Please contact me 305-534-****.

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