Haig Mgd

I watched El Taco Zamorano Restaurant harass a disabled patron 3 TIMES!

This place has a no persons with disabilities act tolerance. The place should be shut down as when the person tried to speak to the manager they said that the owner did not speak any English I don't understand how you can own a business and not speak English that should already be against the law.

the person was approached 3 times once when entering. she explained to them which she shouldn't have had to that she was disabled. a 12 year old little girl working at the place walked up to here and said no dogs are allowed. she tried to show her the dogs service license then a third man came from no where wearing plated shirt and called the woman all sorts of name including un sanitary after showing him her license. Noone chose to help this poor girl so I AM.

4032 Foothill Blvd Oakland, CA 94601

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1 comment
Funny M

This is not helping her. Go up to the *** as they are doing it. That will help.

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