map-marker Marsa, Marsa

False Trustpilot reviews, False advice, overcharging fees

From day one I was given great confidence with on line chat, follow up calls and Trustpilot reviews. How wrong was it proved to be.

I asked if it was possible to put the site on hold until I moved overseas they said yes I would only have to pay £9.99 for hosting fee, they failed to make it clear that I could not work on the site while on hold and I would have to pay the standard monthly fee. Then without warning £71.99 was taken out from my account instead of the £29.99 +vat I had signed up to, when I complained I was told I had accepted the use of an account manager and that put me onto the next tier of monthly payments. This is actually a copy of my standard Invoice account detail: EKMPOWERSHOP−RENTAL−STANDARD−BUNDLE−59 e30ac £71.99 should that not read £29.99 + vat? Previously when I tried to email the account manager her email did not accept my e-mail eventually the Account Manager returned an e-mail after 3 days saying my mail was in her spam box!

(not very professional) I never did get that email to work and sent them from another on their web site which got results. Regarding Trustpilot, I wandered how they managed to get such good reviews, its because every time you ask a technical question you receive an email requesting if the technician was up to scratch if yes click on link, once this was done you then received a request to give him a 5 star review on Trustpilot, so now you know the reason! This way of obtaining 5 star reviews does not truly acknowledge the full and finished package for which I was lead to believe by reading these reviews, reading these reviews went a long way to make my ill fated decision to sign up with EKM in the first place. Please read the short reviews many of which contain the names of technicians and account managers which are actually being praised for there on-line help.

Andrew, Alex,Vicky , Shane , Jess , Tom, Beth, Jack, Rebecca, Steven, Dan, Angela, Jessica, Richard, Shane, Sufyan, Hamzah, Matthew etc,... There are many one-liner reviews including the words, excellent, great product, good service, great company, fantastic service, etc,. Would you sign up to EKM reading this kind of information? Probably you would combined with the headline 1,447 reviews as of this update.

Now let me get down to the nitty gritty, many of the 5 Star reviewers have multiple reviews, click on them and you will find they are mainly for praising the staff for their help whilst building the web site, in fact I just clicked on one reviewer who had made 9 reviews! All more or less stating how happy he was with the service he was getting, this is possibly in my personal opinion making Trustpilot into a false review platform just to increase the numbers for EKM marketing purposes, I only see this as sharp practices. I also noticed there were many free widgets to help your site to get up and running, but also many really useful widgets like on-line chat were an extra you had to pay for monthly. I realised then this was turning into a money pit.

When I originally spoke on the on-line chat I was told they would import my Etsy shop seamlessly into my new web site, this also proved to be wrong! They did import all my images and text but not my 13 categories, when I asked why I was told I needed a category pass from Etsy, after inquiring at Etsy I found that no category pass existed so I had to manually move all my 180 items into there relative categories, then I found out that if I deleted the "ALL" category where EKM had put all my Etsy text and images this would also delete my 13 categories, by this time i must have spent 30-40 hours building the web site, this was the final straw so I decided to close the account and ask for my money back, EKM emailed me a claim form which was not really relative to my complaints and within 24 hours of filling in the form my claim was rejected. (what a surprise) Also trying to cancel the account took me many e-mails to finalise. Just being a bit picky; EKM is a UK based web site builder but the dictionary is USA.

I hope my input will help you decide whether to use EKM or do some further research, I did warn EKM about this review.I will be adding more information to this genuine review and will be including most of the information on social media throughout the world. Caveat Emptor

Update: After publishing my review, my ex EKM account manager tried to contact me by phone twice, I rejected the calls then blocked the number. I then received a call from a withheld number and the man introduced himself as my original contact with EKM (Tony Rush). Basically he said he was to blame for everything that went wrong from opening the account and would rectify this by giving me a full refund, unfortunately he implied the refund was subject to amending or removing my review!

I replied that if I receive a refund or not I will not be withdrawing my review. He was apologetic and said he understands and I was perfectly in my rights to stand by my review. I then told him not to contact me again; which he agreed. what's the point I thought, they did not care a hoot until I wrote the review.

( no sign of a refund yet )

Just another twist to the story, I published this review on the EKM visitors Facebook page and it was taken down within 30 minutes and then I found I was blocked. (how strange)

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Art for Your Home Not Museums

Art for Your Home Not Museums

Mar 7, 2022

Art at home can add a special touch to interior design. In this video interview with Leonid Afremov Studio, we talk about art and the world-known artist, Leonid Afremov. Learn more about the unique technique that makes his paintings so special and how the studio is still in business.

David Afremov
David Afremov

David Afremov is a co-founder of Leonid Afremov Studio, where you can order original oil paintings, canvas, and giclee from the world-renowned artist Leonid Afremov.

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