

Interviewed Edge Design Group .. by the way not a group ….

one old lady. The exact story that I read on here was my exact thought when I talked to her. She claims to charge a flat quoted fee and not up charge anything. I was suspect and went on an internet search on this "company" Thank You pissed off consumer, by gutt was right.

This lady is full of lies and a bit mental from what I have read. If she hired an "internet spy" to find out who was posting bad reviews why are all the "lies" still up. Nice job Esther, you are a true wack job to post on a bad review that it was posted as a trap to catch whoever is slandering you. Go buy yourself a new pant suit and stop with all the lies.

better yet, have your internet spy take down his bad review… just sad that this old lady has no life.

Read about you too on Yelp. Thought that was coming down after your investigator posted his fake review to trap your enemy.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
1 comment

Sounds to me like you are the mental one. A bunch of us at my office Just read your rants via this site.

One of us were laughing old loud at how crazy you sound & brought to our attention. Seriously? You are an angry person that likes to harass people online. I tracked your long line of online bullying and I'm just an average person who came upon some of your reviews all over the internet and got nosey to check out what your doing online.

You realize there is a way to track that through Google login and IP Status? Yes there is a record that is public view.

I hope people realize these types reviews in general sounds a little bit to personal, angry and just don't sound right. Something is amiss.

Zarriah Grb
map-marker Las Vegas, Nevada

Posting Defamatory, False And Fraudulent Reviews?!?!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Regarding these reviews...There are false/fraudulent reviews posted on-line about Edge Design Group - Esther Graciolett.

A cyber investigation was conducted, and my investigator has positively identified the poster of these false reviews, and comments. As a part of our effort to uncover the person hiding behind these false, fraudulent reviews, other reviews and comments were posted.

We are in the process of getting them all removed. We now know, and have the absolute identity of the person posting these false, fraudulent, and defamatory reviews of Edge Design Group - Esther Graciolett. A great big thank you to one of my private investigator's for another swift thorough, and positive result!


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Reason of review:
A very positive experience
Aleeza Mce
map-marker Valrico, Florida

Seeking Advise

My wife and I had the same type of experience.

We don't know whether to seek legal advice or not.

We were redecorating our new home and hired an interior designer to help us pick out colors, furniture, flooring the whole shooting match.

This is the first time I have ever used a professional for this type of thing but because we are new to the Las Vegas area and this is a new house my wife and I wanted to do it right. Ultimately I think we may have been taken advantage and certainly dont think we got our moneys worth. Here are some pictures of before and after.

Let me know your thoughts.

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This review was posted as a part of a cyber investigation. We now know, and have the absolute identity of the person posting false, Fraudulent, and defamatory reviews of Edge Design Group-Esther Graciolett. A great big thank you to one of my private investigator's for a swift, and thorough positive result!

Esther Graciolett


Yes. We too are victims.

Esther is now trying to mark all her reviews that her business is closed. I'm not sure she's even licensed.

She's a *** artist for sure.

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Akira Trw
map-marker Las Vegas, Nevada

Total Scam by Esther Graciolett of Edge Design Group; misleading on price of her services.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

We hired Esther Graciolett as the interior designer for our home remodel. She sold us on the fact that she charged a flat fee for her services and this one time payment entitled us to her design services, and her professional discounts on the items she would buy for our home.

We paid Esther the quoted amount of ten grand. She began our home and the things began to be delivered. Although we did like the items very much, we noticed some quality issues with some of the art and a sofa. My adult daughter came over and took the list of items that we purchased from Esther.

She went online and found out that every item was sold to us at full retail price, in fact numerous items could be found at a lower price. We also found that several expensive pieces were indeed not the items shown to us and chosen from a catalog, but a much cheaper knock off of the item by a no name company. We paid for high end pieces at what we were told was at designer discounts and were delivered to our home cheap knock off pieces from low end internet stores that we were easily able to discover once we looked at the tags under the table bottom and sofa cushions. Esther had removed most of he tags to identify the maker of he item, but we found tags on 3 items to give us enough evidence to approach her with our findings.

Of course, she denied this and would no longer return our phone calls when we wanted her to assist us in returning the cheap items and refunding our money we paid her. Please do your homwork on this company, and it's one and only employee Esther the *** artist.

Horrible expensive lesson.

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  • Overcharged
  • Mislead her servies and fees
  • Complete lies and fraud
Reason of review:

Preferred solution: Full refund


Regarding these reviews...There are false/fraudulent reviews posted on-line about Edge Design Group - Esther Graciolett.

A cyber investigation was conducted, and my investigator has positively identified the poster of these false reviews, and comments.

As a part of our effort to uncover the person hiding behind these false, fraudulent reviews, other reviews and comments were posted. We are in the process of getting them all removed.

We now know, and have the absolute identity of the person posting these false, Fraudulent, and defamatory reviews of Edge Design Group - Esther Graciolett. A great big thank you to one of my private investigator's

for another swift thorough, and positive result!

Aleeza Mce


My wife and I had a very similar experience.

And are looking for others to possibly take legal action.

If interested I have enclosed our story and my private phone number for contact if you have any info you or others can add.

reply icon Replying to comment of Aleeza Mce

She is now claiming on Yelp

To be CLOSED. I think it's a lie to avoid her bad reviews. Post your review on Yelp also.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1223564

Unbelievable!!! This person who's posting FAKE REVIEWS on this business and Esther G., must be out of their mind to use my name to try and make another negative comment.

You do realize we know who you are, right? The cyber investigator has clearly done a great job to trace everything back to ONE person. Sorry honey but people are smarter than you think and there's no way anyone would believe I would EVER say anything negative about Edge Design or Esther G.

These FALSE reviews will be removed at a certain point. Stop while you THINK you are ahead of the game.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1223564

And just to clarify. I'm Anna A. The person who's left this negative comment under that name was very foolish to use my name for this negative review.


Thanks for this info. I was google searching this company as it was referred to me by a neighbor.

She is now looking twice at her furniture !!

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