June D Jnc

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| map-marker Township 1 Charlotte, North Carolina


East Charlotte Nissan - Disappointed and Truly HURT-HARMFUL AND LIFE THREATENING
East Charlotte Nissan - Disappointed and Truly HURT-HARMFUL AND LIFE THREATENING - Image 2
East Charlotte Nissan - Disappointed and Truly HURT-HARMFUL AND LIFE THREATENING - Image 3

East Charlotte-I want to say I am so hurt by your lack of concern for a human life that was displayed to me when I went to get my car service, I want you to know I have been with Nissan for years and pretty much my entire family are all customers of Nissan, until my last visit in 2/2020. I would have recommend anyone to you!

I am saying this to say I am not a disgruntle person with any type of vengeance in my heart. I came to Nissan because my car was making a grinding noise so I call Nissan right away, I was told my bear/axle was damage-it would cost me over $800 to fix. I couldn't afford the price so I went to a competitors to get there quote. which to my surprise was extremely cheaper but Nissan would not budge in the pricings I received from two different competitors.

I was told that the bearing was covered and fix but my car still needed the axle fix, I think when they fix the bearing the servicer made the axle even weaker, and cause me even more pain and anxiety and I was force to have someone else work on my car, Not the reliable source I always had which was Nissan and I almost lost my life behind your unwillingness to cut down the price!! I was told the car could make it home but drive it slow, Well my Nissan Versa did not make it home, I thank god for my steady hands an for the person who almost hit me in the back when the axle gave away I wasn't even 3 miles away from leaving East Nissan, There is a god!! Nissan because I lived to write you this story and also sadly in March of 2019 I had to get a brand New Transmission in my Car, This car appears to me to be a lemon from the gate with all kinds of issues. But I loved this car, Nissan I need you to think about the lives of your customers coming in and out your store its about presenting a caring spirit for your customers, I serve Veterans from all over the world everyday and I have dedicated my life to this- I have been featured in The I CARE Magazine for my great Service and my commitment to advocate for the Veterans and I truly disappointed in YOU NISSAN- MY Life does matter and so do all your other customers you are suppose to service!!

I was so surprise when the mechanic said Mrs. June I can not believe the bolt Nut that was placed in your vehicle if they fixed it. it was Definitely the wrong nut it wasn't even in all the way, that is why it snap so quickly, perhaps they thought you were going to come back in with the money and get it fixed with them, but to let you go without checking the car again that could of cost you your life, now I know this was this mechanics opinion, but I took the pictures of the before and after nuts that was placed on my car. You tell me Nissan could I have received better service, Could you have lower the price for your customer after they presented you with two different quotes that was extremely less then your quote!!

The Shame part was one of your sales men came in and said your Father has A-One Credit maybe you can contact him, and get him a New Vehicle and I could take that one as a swap because he had low Mileage and a great credit history with Nissan, it was all about the Sell and Not the Care. My Life could have been taken. Please Nissan make an adjustment on the coaching of your salesmen and servicer. AT EAST Nissan- Here is some photos for your review- Please feel free to contact me on this matter@***4-562-****.

Sign- Disappointed Customer and Family.

June Johnson Advanced Medical Support Assistant | Health Administration Service (HAS)

CPR and CSI-Certified


42-1B- Inpatient-Outer Banks


G. (Bill) Hefner VA Medical Center

1601 Brenner Avenue | Salisbury, NC 28144


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