map-marker Denham Springs, Louisiana

Dura Loc roof with 50 yr warranty / Not warrantied

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I have a dura loc roofing system and paid excess of $ 30,000. and when I contacted the company in Ontario they denied my claim, said it was improperly installed. The installer was certified by Duro Loc. My problem is that the shingles have come loose from the metal/aluminum. It had a 50 yr warranty and now is not the beautiful roof that I purchased . I did research in Ontario,

sarching records and found that the owners of the new company in Ontario, most are the same owners that operated Dura Loc.

There was a lady had read my complaint on interenet and had same problem/ Lynda Silver, Napanec, Ontario, Canada

I have her phone #

A class action suit should be filed.

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  • Poor customer service
  • Its a defective roofing sytem
Reason of review:
Damaged or defective

Preferred solution: replace my beautiful once roof back to what it was when i purchased it

map-marker Bracebridge, Ontario

Granules keep coming off the metal tiles.

The granules keep being washed off the metal tiles. This has been going on for a few years at least.

I contacted the installer in my town and he said to go on the web as there was a class action in regards to Duraloc. So this is what I am doing. My total cost was near $12,000. with a 50 year guarantee.

The material was installed 15 years ago. I do not want to pay any more money to join the class action however. Is there any resolution for this problem? I hope to receive my money back.

Companies like this should be held accountable for their products and their guarantee. Is there any remedy to be had?

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map-marker Bracebridge, Ontario

The granules are coming off the steel roof.

The granules are coming off the duraloc roof on my home. I have a 50 year guarantee.

The roof has been on for 15 years. What am I to do?. Is there a class action law suit? I would like to get some money at least to cover some of my costs.

Who do I contact for this complaint and a resolution? I am not aware of how to proceed. If any one can offer assistance I would be grateful. This is very disappointing since I paid so much for the material and installation.

Is there any financial relief out there.

I thought that companies would have to buy an insurance policy to back up their guarantee, but that I do not know. It is very frustrating to say the least.

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I am sorry but there is no class action lawsuit. One was in the planning stages, but once Duraloc became an Ont.

numbered company, then went bankrupt, there was no way to continue the class action lawsuit, and it was dropped. The warranty no longer exists, and there is no financial relief.

There seem to be several metal roofing businesses in Courtland Ont. where Duraloc was located. Duraloc was bought by another company, and re-named Allmet.

There is also a company called DLD roofing, which stands for Duraloc Direct, and a few days ago I got a card in the mail, as part of a mass mailing. It is from another company in Courtland Ont. called Metal Roof Outlet.

The only good news is that your roof will likely not leak, but it will be unsightly.

One contractor said on another internet site that he had several clients who were letting the stone come off. The roofs have large patches which are brown in appearance, but that is not rust. It is the primer, which I was told will eventually also come off. The damage will appear on the South side first because the sun burns the granules off.

I thought about having mine painted with a metal roofing paint when all the stone, and primer are gone, but I am not sure.

Has anyone tried this ?

It might be worthwhile contacting your MP, and asking if there is anything you, as a consumer can do, or if some laws can be changed to give consumers more protection. If you learn anything helpful, please let us know.

map-marker Dallas, Texas

DURALOC ROOFING did a terrible job shingle roof 6 yrs old

after hurricane charlie we had a roof over applied by duraloc ,within 6-7years it needs to be replaced shingles are cracking, blistering, gravel coating is fillilng our gutters and they are badly stained with brownstreaks coming down. estimate to replace is 15,000 dollars.

atlas shingles were used, their rep said that the shingles used were "Designer shingles " he said it with a straight face we've been told by one roofer it's the worst roof job he's ever seen, they were installed incorrectly as well.

if there's a class action suit out there sign me up!! muriel higgins

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Smith Zos
map-marker Kingston, Ontario

Duraloc Roofing Potential Class Action Lawsuit

To sign up for the potential dura loc class action lawsuit, please go to this site :


I have read about other very frustrated customers, like myself, who have duraloc stone coated metal roofs ( company later rebranded as Allmet, and now an Ontario numbered company)who found that their 50 year warranties were not being honoured when they approached Duraloc about the stone coating coming off, exposing brown primer, that looks like rust, and resulting in a very unattractive, and much devalued home. It has been difficult for people to find other consumers with the same problem, as they are scattered all over Canada and the United States. I hope this site will help. The lawyer seems very competent.

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No, sorry, it is not still active. Duraloc went bankrupt, and all the people stuck with this defective roof are left holding the bag.

I hope your roof does not leak.

It should last many years yet, but will be unsightly. Please see the other comments below.


Is this still active I have this roof and it is failing only 15 years please respond


Did anything come of this? We had a roof installed in 2014, and it has the same problem starting 4 years after the install.


reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1041342

No, unfortunately, Duraloc went bankrupt, and we are all left holding the proverbial bag. About all one can do, as far as I have learned thus far, is to let the stone come off, and then maybe apply metal roof primer and paint.

I am not sure how long this will last, but have been told, maybe it would have to be painted about every 10 years. It would be cheaper than a new roof, although this is not a very satisfactory result for people who paid so much for a metal roof with a 50 yr.

guarantee. I wish I had better news.


We bought the Duraloc 50 year guaranteed metal roof 10 years ago, and have had trouble with the stones coming off from the first rain we had on it. It has been trouble ever since getting any satisfactory resolution to the problem.

Nothing but excuses and the run around.

Very frustrating to pay more for a roof and get much less for it. If we can recoup anything from this shoddy run company, we are in.

Jim and Beckie Splittgerber

Lake Forest, CA


Tessy, If your roof does not leak, and if it was well installed, it shouldn't, then you might be able to have it painted after the stone comes off. That is what many people are doing, me included.

Eventually I will have a test patch, maybe 10 ft. by 10 ft. pressure washed, before a metal primer for roofs is applied, then a metal roofing paint. I have a friend with an old metal roof on a farmhouse, and he says the paint jobs last 10 to 15 years, and he says it is much cheaper than a new roof.

One painter tried to convince me that an elastomeric paint, or coating would be best. I am not sure what to use at this point. Most of the south side is a rusty brown -- the primer, and I have been told that eventually that will come off too exposing the silver coloured galvanized coating. One paint store advised having the roof sandblasted to remove the galvanized coating, but I think that could damage other parts of the house -- it is expensive, and you lose the protective galvanized coating.

I think a good metal primer, then paint, would be best, but I am still researching. I have been told that these roofs, although they look terrible, will last at least another 15 or 20 years, even if we do nothing.

I thought there were laws in Canada that would make Allmet cover the 50 yr. warranties when they bought the company, but apparently they do not have to do this, and Duraloc went bankrupt, so they are not responsible either.

We are stuck with the problem, and I will never trust any warranty again in my life.

If anyone else has information on painting these roofs, I would like to hear from you.

I have also read on the internet that those who paid for recoating with stone, were disappointed with the results -- coming off again after two years or so -- and it is expensive.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-823398

Your information is helpful. Did you find anything else about it since that?

Thinking of painting my 16 year old roof to prevent it from rusting, pushing it for another 10 years, then I'll replace the roof with normal shingles. Not easy to find people to paint roofs.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1175108

Hello Disappointed. Thank you for posting.

No, I have not found out anything much since, except that Allmet is also now out of business, and the new Company quite likely in the same buildings in Courtland is called Headwaters. In my opinion that likely means that not only are the Duraloc warranties worthless, but also the Allmet ones as well. I wonder how long Headwaters will last as a roofing company ?

My roof is still very solid, and tight.

There is no leakage. It was installed in 2004. I am just letting the stone come off before considering painting. I agree that it is not easy to find a metal roof painter in Ontario.

Be careful about " fly by night " organizations that knock on your door. They have not approached me, but I know farmers have them ask them about spray painting metal barn roofs, or even house roofs from time to time. Talk to people at paint stores, and general contractors, or professional painters, and get references from other local people on them. Go see some of their work, and talk to the owners.

When I approached a Sherwin Williams Paint store locally the manager seemed on the defensive, and reluctant to help me. I am not sure why, but the problems with Duraloc may have scared him. I think as with any painting project, washing, then priming with an appropriate metal primer is important. I noticed some metal railing in a park that has a similar galvanized protective coating then paint.

There was a chip in one spot. I could see that a special primer had been used before the paint. This extensive fencing is about 10 years old now, and overall the paint still looks really good, but it was likely baked on.

I have talked to some people who bought 30 or 40 year shingles, and they start to deteriorate badly and lift after only about 10 years in many cases.

That is why I will not replace my roof as long as it is tight, and does not leak. Painting is a much less expensive option, and much less disruptive than installing a whole new roof. One painter told me it could be pressure washed first, then special metal paint primer applied, and then the metal paint. He said it could be applied by spray, or by rolling it on.

I think rolling would be better since spray can get on your brick, eavestrophing, or even a neighbours' house.

Please inform us about what you find out in your research, and if you learn anything about painting these roofs, please let us know. I advise you to have a painter/contractor try a test patch in an area perhaps 10 ft. by 10 or 20 ft. where there is a good snow load that slides off in the winter.

See how it comes through at least one winter and the strong summer sun. My roof, like all the others, is far worse on the south side. That is where the stone comes off first because there is no UV protection in the resin covering the stones, and I have been told that is why they fall off.

Good luck with finding a painting solution.


My roof is 6 years old and the granules have started to come off. Does anyone know if this can be repaired or is the same thing going to happen again. I know warranty co went bankrupt so what other course is there?

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-817089

I got a flyer in the mail from Metal Roof Outlet. Their showroom is at 63 Main Street, Courtland, Ontario.

The brochure says they have been serving Ontario since 1986, and there is a Life Time Warranty on their metal roofing. Their website is metalroofoutlet.com. Duraloc was in Courtland, Ont. and so is Allmet.

DLD roofing ( Duraloc Direct, possible name, not sure ). Are all these businesses connected ?

It is difficult to sort out all the names, and name changes.

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