Dr Keith Pierce
Told ME to be the Dcotor/I never got paid/Vitamins/etc
I too had a bad experience too with this doctor and I will never go back and I would never recommend him to anyone. I feel he has such a big ego that it makes him untrustworthy doctor. He was my doctor for a few years before the last straw broke my camel back so to speak! When he told me to hold out my hand and slap the stethoscope in my hand and asked me if I wanted to be the doctor? He did this in front of his new nurse and even she was shocked. I handed it back to him and said “WE ARE DONE HERE” and I stormed out of his office.
I have diabetes so I see him like clockwork and I knew something was up when he fired all his staff and replace them ALL with new people. He got rid of his PA who was awesome! He got rid of her because his patient wanted to see her and not him when we came in and that included me! I was in one of his study for a new inhale insulin called Technosphere by mankind. I did wanted to do it but he kept asking me visit after visit and after about 2 years I agreed to take part. After about 6 months I was taken off the study but I never got paid by him. It has been many years and still Technosphere never hit the market to this day. I think the stuff is only going to kill people because it work so extremely fast when you inhale it.
I think a doctor who decorates all his waiting rooms in a different theme which basically brags about how awesome he is and all the places he has been and all the sporting events he went to and all the plays and operas he has been to be a little off. But this is only my opinion which we are all allowed to have.
You always have to wait in his waiting room almost an hour before they put you in another room just wait another almost another hour until he sees you. Plus he is always pushing you to buy his vitamins that he has in his waiting room vending machine.
Doctor From ***
I already had high blood pressure and Dr. Keith who had ordered all patients to take 15 test for their annual
physical, came at me hostile when I would not take all those test. I started and took 5, but I received a bill
where my insurance was not paying and I could not afford to pay for all those test. He was viscious and told
me that I had to pay, got right up in my face and screamed at me. I was terrified from that experience. I wrote
him a nice letter and said, he would not be my doctor anymore...Good Luck....I was afraid to go into an office
with him in it. He might have hit me. After two weeks, he called and told me to come in for more test. He didnt care what ever, as long as he could get money for those test. I knew some day it would catch up with him. He was lucky I did not report him...today I looked him up..I did not forget....never....
Dr. Office in Livonia, MI charges $86 for 12 pages of records!
I requested my medical records from this office. They said it would be $43 to get them.
They sent the first time only EKG and lab reports. I advised I wanted my records. they said the records belong to the doctor. I said they belong to ME.
Under the HIPPA act, I am entitled to my records. (they made me sit in the waiting room for 1 1/2 hours with a 105 degree fever and misdiagnosed me). They FINALLY sent the records and charged me another $43 which was UNAUTHORIZED. I filed a complaint with the state of Michigan and nothing.
Never got my money back. This doctor drives a Jag and parks in the handicapped parking spaces at his office. Don't go to this doctor and expect your medical records for a small fee.
Greedy people!!!!
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It looks as though this guy's license was suspended about a year ago (early 2014); I am SO not surprised!!