Dealing with a business owner who is a BUFFOON!!
It appears that most of the reviews on yelp are by Friends or Family. Rene Ortega who claims he is the owner of Detailing.com treats his Customers TERRIBLE!!!!!!
Renee is extremely Rude and wants the upper hand in any situation and has a Monster Ego with his Customers. He was boasting about how he can he can tell "any customer he will not do business with them" What ever happen to the Customer is our most important Asset? Not at this Company, http://Detailing.com........ the owner is a BUFFOON!!!!
Extremely Aggressive and needs to filter his personal problems. I will never shop there again. There are way to may ways to purchase detailing equipment in this world today, hence, why Renee should take some Customer Service Classes and Loose the EGO........
I truly wish the business the worst!!!!!!!! Zane...
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