map-marker Newport, Newport

Destinationskin Anti-Wrinkle Injections Review from Newport, Newport

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I started having a series of skin peels with destination skin in Cardiff. I went on to have further treatments with them such as Botox and microdermabrasion.

My problem started when I developed a brown patch on my skin. I was so worried about this I went to see a dermatologist (privately). He advised that this was due to the peels. At no point was I advised that hyperpigmentation was a side effect of the treatment.

This was just the start of my problems with destination skin. I went to have botox there which I have had done with them several times before with a lovely nurse named Claire. I went to my appointment to find a completely different injector and to top it off I was left waiting for half an hour when I had an appointment. At no point did any member of staff apologise or offer to reschedule.

My treatment went well and I was booked in for my two week check up. During the two weeks the botox set in and I began to resemble Mr Spock! So I called destination skin to confirm my next appointment and they had no record of it! they made no effort to rebook my previous appointment for the same time.

Instead I had to take time off work because all of the evening appointments were gone. To make things worst I complained as per their Complaints procedure documented on their website. I got an acknowledgement over eight weeks ago and have not heard a thing since. I messaged destination skin via social media.

They advised someone would get back to me that day. Still nothing! I have spent an absolute fortune with destination skin not only on treatments but on products too. It's absolutely disgusting the way that they have dealt with my complaint.

My word of advice is to avoid them completely.

If you have skin problems pay the extra and see a dermatologist someone who I actually qualified to look after skin! Don't make the same mistakes I did!

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Reason of review:
Bad quality

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