Douglas K Wtx

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Stolen I.D,

When my home was broken into all my I.D. was stolen and on the way out took my car keys and took it as well, It's impossible to get picture I.

D, without picture I.D. Matt Thompson and his group of thugs at motor vehicle are a bunch of idiots Beware keep all items separate

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Preferred solution: driver license renewal

Tiffany P Ymj

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Leaked my Phone Number

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

DMI went to the DMV to renew my license. Three days later, I got a fraudulent text message about my license had irregularities with a link to correct it.

I click the link, but didnt fill out any information. My computer started acting funny. So, I had to contact my service provider to check for spyware on my computers.

It was stressful.

Why did the DMV not secure my phone number? I am very upset.

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  • Convenient
  • Unsecured

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

User's recommendation: Please be careful when clicking links.

Amy D Cey

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

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| map-marker Columbus, Georgia

No way possible to login to renew license in Georgia ( Covid -19 Pandemic )

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I am sometimes asked to help 211 during crisis and contracted in court to take care of house here for domestic partner . I tried to renew online license at or online services but all emails with links need information and no links let me reset password to online renew.

Nothing seems to be close either. Impossible agreements.

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  • Friendly
  • Difficult

Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: Go in person of possible.


Department Of Motor Vehicles - Customer Care Review

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

The Dmv ripped me off and violated my inalienable rights.They had me sign a contract with out disclosure and by deceit they tricked me i didnt know the drivers license paper i signed was a contract that when signed by an individual it takes all your rights away and gives the the DMV powers over you like your an employee and when you register your car you sign it over to them.This private corporation is owned by AAA insurance company And this corporation has the power to decide weather or not you can have your freedom to travel on the roads its a scam of the century.Thats rite the money they extort from everyone doesn't benifit anyone it doesn't go to the roads you pay for that when you buy every gallon of gas there is a road tax added.This criminal corporation exstorts money and if you dont pay they send there thug with guns and a badge to collect or now they just go into your bank account and take what ever they want.This is slavery and completely unconstitutional its fraud and extortion.And the courts the police and the dmv are all in on this scam.this *** has got to stop.These peices of criminal *** suspended 4millon calf drivers lic.This last year in california and most were because the fines are so high no one can afford to pay the exstortion fee they make all of us pay.And then you lose your job then your home they take your car you signed ovef to them when you registered it and wham your homeless thats right they have the power to destroy anyones life if they so choose to.Who the he gave these crooks all this power.We have got to stop this its going to make your children homless you think it wont happen to you well think again if you and i dont do something about this now that you know you are not blameless and you let this happen on your watch and you didnt warn anyone.either your part of tbe solution ot your part of the problem these people are liers and satan is the father of all lies spread the truth to everyone.Dont let this happen on your watch.Or eveyone that you didnt warn it will be on your hands come judgement day you are a wathmen now.The truth will set you free.

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Reason of review:
Problems with payment
map-marker Los Angeles, California

Review in Government and Politics category from Los Angeles, California

The Department of motor vehicle The DMV Has been extorting money from the citizens of this country for a long time and getting away with billions of dollars.This criminal extortion under the threat of force.If your not driving for commerce you do not need to have a drivers license and you dont have to have forced insurance or you dont have to register you private automobile.We have been lied to and been scammed by this private corporation that doesnt pay for our roads when you buy gas there is a road tax included at the pump.Its time to stop this theft and exstortion by the DMV!!!Who gave them all this so called power to take what ever they please from your bank accounts who gave them the power to put a lein on your house if you refuse to pay the outrageous fees this private corporation implements on all of us.Who the *** do they think they are to CONTROL my life and dictate to me that i cant travel when its a inalienable right givin to me by my creator.That means no government no man can take this right away from me unless i voluntary give it to them read the contract for your drivers license and you will see the fraud and the criminals for what they are at the Dmv.Look at the code rigut in there code book and surprise it says you dont need a drivers license to travel in your private automobile this *** has got to stop.These criminals are destroying familys over this suspension of drivers license and people are losing there homes there jobs and becoming homeless because of this criminal organization.Who sucks every last dollar from the citizens under the color of law people you need to start doing your home work we must stop this corruption in our government and its private corporations and the evil criminal satanic court system that is sucking the life out of this country the charge of racketeering fraud violations of oaths of office judges acting as commissioners not even real judges kangaroo courts wake up and smell your constitution.If you dont know your rights you dont have any.If you take the time to learn the truth you will be amazed how impowering and it gives you more power in your little finger then all of the government put together!!

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
1 comment

I see jail in your future.

map-marker North Hollywood, California

Review in Government and Politics category from North Hollywood, California

DMV has been committing fraud on the living inhabitants of California.The supreme court has ruled it is unconstitutional to force a dri ers license on those who travel in there private automobiles.If you dont work in commerce driving goods and services like a taxi cab you have the inalienable right to travel as long as you aren't causing harm to some one else.You are not required to register or insure your private automobile.If you are one of the victims of this extortion by the Dmv you need to do your home work.These criminals exstort money under the threat of force to take your property when it states in there code book you dont have to have a drivers license.To travel five millon people in California alone have been victimized by this private corporation.Thats right Triple AAA insurance company are the theives that started this state controled corporation your money dosent go to the roads as most can see because are roads are complete *** the money they steal from your bank account is a crime this has got to stop im going to file a class action law suit against the department of motor vehicle for fraud.We need to stop these criminals it also falls under the Rico act racketeering,fraud,extortion,This is your wake up call!!The people that are profiting from this will say we dont want to pay like every one else has too that is false and a big fat lie propaganda to fool you in to beleaving there very profitable lie!!Do your own research and help stop this very destructive corperation from putting familys on the streets and keep these familys working because they have every one fooled into thinking traveling is a privilege.It is a god givin right that no man no corporation can take from you.This has got to stop if we ever want to break free from the criminal corporations fleecing our once great nation please keep an open mind and question every thing.God bless and God help us to stop this.Thank you for your time!!

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Tallahassee, Florida

Department of Motor Vehicles - Schaumburg

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I went to DMV - Schaumburg, IL last year around October. There is a extremely rude Officer, whose name is Joe and acted as a Supervisor, yelling at customers and doing all the *** things.

I'm not 100% sure his name is Joe, because the staffs here wouldn't give me his last name (they may lied about his first name too). Even I want to file a complaint, there is no accurate information I can provide to the customer service department. This DMV is horrible. They cover each other's' misdeeds and fault, and treat customers as ***.

This Joe, who put wrong address information on my documents, yelled at me asking why I didn't give him the right information. For god's sake, all the forms I submitted to him is filled with EXACT right address information. Guess he must not only *** but also blind.

Everyone will have some bad experience with DMV someday, but the major thing I want to put here is PLZ GIVE US A *** PLACE to submit complaints and get the bad people out of their service job. Apparently, the manager at this DMV does not give a *** about customers experience, and their customer service never give response to your complaint.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

map-marker Putnam, Connecticut

Traveling 80 miles one way for a VIN check

I went to my local DMV in Putnam to register an out of state 1961 motorcycle. I was told to go get a VIN check.

I went to a Putnam Chevrolet Dealership that does VIN checks for the Connecticut DMV. I was told that they were not allowed, by Government decree, to perform a Vin check on any motorcycle manufactured before 1981. I was told to go to Wethersfield for a VIN check. Doesn't the Government trust the local authorized VIN checkers to do a simple VIN check?

Now, I am forced to drive two hours to Wethersfield, wait in line for who knows how long, and then drive two more hours to get home. All to verify that the VIN numbers match the paperwork.

And you guys wonder why people move out of Connecticut. How about streamlining the process?

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  • Slow service
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

map-marker Greece, New York

Department Of Motor Vehicles - Dmv Associate Review from Greece, New York

The DMV associate was incredibly rude and not helpful at all. The only time she seemed to care about helping or her job was after I asked to speak with her superior.

Her name was Vonyee Hall and she was extremely unprofessional. This was at the DC DMV located in Georgetown.

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We had all the documents. I am a teacher very organized type A, and I study the lists of proof of residency.

I had a sheave of the desired docs such as three different banks, renter agreement, letter of verification, govern ment mail with envelope, tax form, pay stub with address from govt job, plus proofs of identification. They seem to specialize in attitude here. What was hurtful was this particular gal knew I knew her from C street and back then she told me, you go to Benning to renew and they go really easy on you there. Ok so a year or so later I see her here and she is like the others here trying to be very obstructionist.

Cant see the letters on the screen? Ok, go home, you need to see the optometrist. Very impatient. No this document invalid, this is, that is.

They all are...Then gives you the infamous checklist like I've never seen it. You need documents from this list! Okay! I point the bank statements from this month, see here?

Its got my name, address, and most recent. See this one? She says, oh where is the apartment number? I say they dont do that anymore, list apt numbers, generally.

She almost kicks me out, as I pick through my documents and say look this matches the checklist...Then sort of rank and impatient, she asks, well why didnt you tell me that before? If you updated address last year then fine. I'll process it. Very not accommodating.

And yes my photo looks like its really my face all stressed out. She wouldnt let me reuse the photo from last year even if it was taken just last year. Didnt offer to let me see the photo she took either until after she gave me the receipt! And then yes, you wonder why she might freak you out?

Purple shaved hair, TWO pairs of glasses on, one for vision, another for "protection", a plastic FACE shield, NOSE mask, and behind a plexiglass window, too! And she karened me twice about my mask not being above my nose or needing to put back on. She almost like wanted me to take photo with mask on! Very weird and bizarre experience.

How do they create a petty officer work force like this? Why does the guard seem bemused by it? We are not their live reality TV show! Sheez.

The scary part is this situational interviewing allows all kinds of arbitrary judgments and it seems sort of embarassing. I guess maybe that explains how just outside along Benning Rd you see more Maryland license plates than DC. Might be easier to buy a cheap car and pick up your license there. I know a lot of people feel challenged about the fickle attitude of these reps.

I bumped into an acquaintance inside and she was told she had to come back.

So I should count my blessings they let me through today. Maybe standing outside in the rain for an hour waiting in line wasnt so bad after all....

map-marker Bakersfield, California

California Vechicle Registration

Anybody out there sick of paying $650.00 dollars a year for vechicle registration tags on their vechicle. It doesn't stop there, if you own more than one vechicle they want equal registration all the cars even though you can't possible drive them all at once.

Overhaul the system, make it right, and put more money back into consumers hands so we can have money to spend on insurance, tires, breaks, and other essential componets of the vechicle. Stop the maddness.

Thank you for allowing my voice to be heard! California isn't the land of the rich anymore, our land value droped 500% and everyone is leaving this state due to poor government oversight...exactly my point!

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Blame the beaners. I mean, you are the one paying for their auto accidents every year.

map-marker Los Angeles, California

DMV charged me 60% for late fees for online payment error.

I paid my vehicle registration fee on time on the DMV's web site. This was back in December 29.

I called both my bank and the DMV in January to find out why the money wasn't deducted from my account if the payment was done automatically. This week a received a letter stating that I owed them 60% more for late fees and because my check was not honor. I called my bank and they never received this transaction. DMV said it was their online system and they couldn't do anything about it.

Please do not use their online payment system. It SUCKS!!!!!!

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