map-marker Cranford, New Jersey

Denison Job Corps Center Career Training Program Review from Cranford, New Jersey

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I went to job corps twice. Once in Joliet, IL and again in Denison, I .

I got my pharmacy technician license for my home state of MO from Joliet in 2011. But when i went to Denison 3 years later, they gave me the run around. I initially went there to get my LPN, and they said it was an advanced training trade which meant i had to take another trade first since it has been so long since i graduated from Jolie . Which i didn't have a problem with.

My choices were CMA (Certified Medical Assistant) or CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). Well with me having 4 pounds of titanium on my spine and being limited by doctors as to how much weight im allowed to handle, i couldn't do CN . So i went for CMA, has problems there due to my hearing issues when it came to listening to a stethascope. So i decided to just quit and come home.

As soon as word got out that i was "resigning" the staff went crazy. One day they told me i could go straight into placement testing for the local college they offered the LPN trade through and the next they went back to telling me i had to finish either CMA or CNA. Then they tried telling me, i could do CNA "without having to worry about the physical hands on part of it". (How do u expect me to get through a HANDS ON trade without going through the HANDS ON part of the class?

Which btw took up at least 50% of the completion requirements). I finalized all my paperwork and came home in June 2013 and my phone got blown up for a good month or so from them calling me trying to get me to come back. And now here i am (with my pharmacy license still being valid btw) working part time at Walmart as an electronics associate. So my point is, Job Corps is a waste of time!!!!

Oh and also btw, your " separation check is only at or near $1,000.00 IF you get your HSD or GED AND a trade. Cuz when i got my pharmacy license, my check was MAYBE $600-700.

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