map-marker Atlanta, Georgia


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The refusal of the judge in my divorce case, Judge Clarence Seeliger of Dekalb County Superior Court, to grant me temporary financial support even though I demonstrated a need for it, caused me to be unable to pay my personal and business bill, including my mortgage bill, which led to the foreclosure of my home. I believe a large reason for this was that my former spouse's attorney (David Givelber) and his former law firm Lawler, Givelber, Green) had made political campaign contributions to Judge Seeliger and several justices of the Georgia Supreme Court, which would explain why the Georgia Supreme Court denied both of my appeals that I filed during my divorce case.

To prevent my home from being foreclosed, I filed several wrongful foreclosure lawsuits and in each case, I asked for an injunction to stop the foreclosure. All three (3) of my wrongful foreclosure cases were presided over by the same judge, Mark Anthony Scott who refused to grant my request for an injunction to stop the foreclosure even though I present multiple reasons to do so and filed a significant amount of evidence to show that my home was premature and wrongfully foreclosed.

In short, Judge Mark Anthony Scott totally disregarded and ignored the wrongful foreclosure of my home which caused my home to be foreclosed.

Following the premature and wrongful foreclosure of my home, which never should have happened or been allowed to take place, I was named as a defendant in a dispossessory (eviction) case filed in Dekalb County Superior Court in Decatur, Georgia. Georgia Alloy, LLC and FDC 94, LLC v. Sam Levine, Dekalb County Superior Court, Case # 18-CV-1430.

The same judge who presided over my three (3) wrongful foreclosure cases, Judge Mark Anthony Scott, was assigned to my eviction case, which is a conflict of interest and violates the judicial canons.

During my eviction case, opposing counsel, John Grimes, filed and prepared fraudulent documents with false statements and material omissions, including the initial complaint, the dispossessory warrant affidavit, prepared order for summary judgment for the judge's signature and several documents filed in the trial and appellate courts where Grimes alleged that the court filed an order for a motions hearing on May 25, 2018, when not only did that not occur, but even Plaintiffs' counsel Grimes did not know about it until May 30, 2018.

Also occurring during my eviction case and another case which I filed for fraud and civil rico, Judge Mark Anthony Scott denied me my right to a jury trial under O.C.G.A. 44-7-53. Judge Scott also refused to let me complete discovery and held a hearing on motions without virtually any notice to me granting the opponents' motion for summary judgment on eviction and rent. Judge Scott signed an order with false statements and material omissions prepared by opposing counsel John Grimes,

During the case, Judge Mark Anthony Scott and Judge Courtney L. Johnson, both of whom had conflicts of interest, and their staff, Dekalb Superior Clerk of Court Debra DeBerry and one or more unknown employees and Odyssey File and Serve Georgia, the electronic e-filing vendor for Dekalb Superior Court which is owned by Tyler Technologies, Inc., conspired and colluded to falsify, alter, forge, remove signatures from my affidavits, remove exhibits, change page counts, change document descriptions, back-date and forward date many of my case filings.

Judges Mark Anthony Scott and Courtney L. Johnson, their staff along with Debra DeBerry, Clerk of Dekalb Superior Court and appeals clerk, Marilyn Roebuck also conspired and colluded to falsify, alter and remove my case filings from the case transcript which I paid in full to be sent to the appeals court and also falsified the case indices omitting many critical filings I made electronically and in cases where they included the filings, they were substantially altered, exhibits removed and/or mislabeled.

Despite the many serious reversible procedural errors committed by Judges Mark Anthony Scott and Courtney L. Johnson of Dekalb County Superior, the appeals court Judges, Carla Wong-McMillian and Christopher McFadden affirmed the lower court's ruling.

In addition to the above, Judges Mark Anthony Scott and Courtney L. Johnson, their staff along with Debra DeBerry, Clerk of Dekalb Superior Court also conspired and colluded to falsify and alter the online case docket by changing the documents titles, dates of filing and other critical information;

When I discovered the fraud on the court and raised *** Judge Courtney Johnson of Dekalb Superior Court transferred the case to Fulton County Superior Court, where Chief Judge Robert McBurney assigned the case to Judge Thomas A. Cox who also had a conflict of interest and proceeded to cover-up and totally disregard and ignore the fraud on the court and doctoring of my case filings and the case record.

Judge Courtney L. Johnson transferred the case even though I filed a motion to recuse with affidavit in the early morning hours of November 9, 2018 before Judge Johnson filed her transfer order at 5:00 PM the same day, but Judge Johnson and the clerk's office colluded and conspired to forward-date my motion to recuse to November 17, 2018 in order for Judge Johnson to not be bound by the recusal rules (i.e. U.S.C.R. 25.3). Even though I discovered and documented the fraud in September and October of 2018, Judge Johnson continued to alter and falsify my filings as described in this paragraph.

The doctoring of the case record could not have been done without the help, knowledge and assistance of the third party e-filing vendor, Odyssey File and Serve Georgia who is owned by Texas based Tyler Technologies, Inc.

These judges, clerk of court officials and the third party e-filing vendor, Odyssey File and Serve Georgia committed many crimes against me, including forgery, tampering with evidence and filing fraudulent documents with the court.

Throughout the entire case and all of my previous cases in Dekalb County Superior Court, including my divorce and wrongful foreclosure cases, many criminal and civil laws and rules were violated and the fraud on the court is extensive. In cases like this involving fraud on the court, including by the Plaintiffs' counsel John Grimes, conflict of interest, constitutional violations, ethics violations, etc. and spoliation or doctoring of the court record (my filings and case transcript which I paid for), the court loses jurisdiction over the case and over me and have to dismiss the case.

Because of the mess created by the court and how it has prejudiced and impacted me, Dekalb County Superior Court has no jurisdiction over my eviction case or over me and are mandatorily required to dismiss this case with prejudice and set aside the foreclosure of my home, but they refuse to do so.

All in all, these Judges Mark Anthony Scott and Courtney L. Johnson have not only gone rogue, but they have totally ignored the facts, law, evidence, their oaths and judicial conduct rules in an effort to unlawfully evict me from my home.

Moral of the story, do not live or purchase a house or have anything at all to do with Dekalb County in Decatur, Georgia.

Update -- I would like to add that several of the judges, including Mark Anthony Scott and Courtney Johnson coordinated and colluded with the clerk of the superior court to falsify, alter, forge, forward and back-date and spoliate my court filings, the online case docket, the case transcript and the case filings index sent to the court of appeals in my dispossessory case. Judge Johnson continued to do this even after I discovered the fraud.

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1 comment

Wow, I feel sorry for you. How could they foreclose on your home? As long as you made all your mortgage payments than they should not be able to evict you from your home.

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