Debate Politics
Debate Politics Overview
The aggregated data is based on reviews and questionnaires provided by PissedConsumer.com users.
Debate Politics has 1.1 star rating based on 8 customer reviews. Consumers are mostly dissatisfied.
- Rating Distribution
Pros: People willing to discuss, Suited for angry old white racists.
Cons: Clique of old white racists pretending to be progriessives, It is not a political debate forum, Lots of rude people and unfair moderators.Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Be careful if you're conservative, intelligent and good at debating. They get mad about this.and will ban you.", "Beware and Report Mass Bully Attacks Against Civilians to Pissed Consumer", "Stay away", "Go to JusPlainPolitics.com", "Don't waste your time unless you're a masochist.".
The aggregated data is based on reviews and questionnaires provided by PissedConsumer.com users.
Debate Politics has 1.1 star rating based on 8 customer reviews. Consumers are mostly dissatisfied.
- Rating Distribution
Pros: People willing to discuss, Suited for angry old white racists.
Cons: Clique of old white racists pretending to be progriessives, It is not a political debate forum, Lots of rude people and unfair moderators.Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Be careful if you're conservative, intelligent and good at debating. They get mad about this.and will ban you.", "Beware and Report Mass Bully Attacks Against Civilians to Pissed Consumer", "Stay away", "Go to JusPlainPolitics.com", "Don't waste your time unless you're a masochist.".
Consumers are not pleased with Billing Practices and Customer service. The price level of this organization is high according to consumer reviews.

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Verified ReviewerCite is biased with mostly progressive liberals. They ban intelligent conservatives.
I was extremely polite and respectful on this site, but I presented conservative (right-leaning) views. I was given warnings for non-issues.
When they cited the rules I had broken, the rules were completely unrelated to what had actually occurred. I had an account 10 years ago for which I couldn't remember the login information, and I hadn't posted on the account for ten years. One of their rules is that you're not allowed to have two accounts. So, when they learned I had an account ten years ago, they automatically banned me.
I submitted an appeal explaining I couldn't remember my previous login and they never replied. This is a highly biased site that appears to want to create an echo chamber.
- People willing to discuss
- Lots of rude people and unfair moderators
Preferred solution: My account reinstated and unbanned
User's recommendation: Be careful if you're conservative, intelligent and good at debating. They get mad about this.and will ban you.
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerDebate Politics Military Forum Is For NCO's Only: Civilians Are Ganged Up On
The Mods & Admin at Debate Politics encourage and support the Military Forum as being owned by NCO's active duty and retired. These rightwing thugs gang attack posters who are civilians to include military officers who are rare at the domain and who do post to the Military forum, most officers being veterans rather than on active duty.
The NCO's standard tact with civilians who are critical of the military is to tell them to shut up, go away, they don't know anything.
When it's officers making posts the All Knowing SuperMan NCO's of the AVF deny the service of the officer(s), while also saying the officer is a fraud and doesn't know anything. The NCO's become furious at any criticism of themselves or of the armed forces. The Mods & Admin give and thereby encourage and endorse these guys free bullying and private and personal ownership of the Military Forum.
Indeed the Debate Politics Military Forum is exclusively for NCO's to talk to themselves only.
In other words, the Forum is of NCO's, by NCO's, for NCO's only. Everyone else enters at the poster's own risk which is the exact wrong policy and practice.
Preferred solution: Apology
User's recommendation: Beware and Report Mass Bully Attacks Against Civilians to Pissed Consumer

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerDebatePolitics just banned the only SRS transsexual from the forum
DebatePolitics.com had 1 full SRS surgery transsexual., Renae A member for 15 years with over 50,000 posts and over 19,000 positives, Renae was fanatically attacked and hated by an old white Dugeon Master (DM) in the Basement with the ID of DiAnna. She brought along her fellow DMs and groupies in non-stop personal attacks, sneering and ridicule. However, as only a dungeon master, the old white racist, bigot and transphobic DiAnna could not ban Renae. This was solved when DiAnna was promoted to being a moderator, for which it was as certain as the sun rising that she would have the only true transsexual on the forum permanently banned.
Renae had transitioning, including full SRS surgery, during his 15 years on the forum and often posted about that, the counseling and social/professional consequences. Renae even posted pictures of herself along the way, not hiding anything.
This was absolutely intolerable to DiAnna and nearly all the forum staff. With DiAnna finally a moderator they could fully purge the forum of the one and only transsexual. The level of hatred thrown daily at Renae by DiAnna, other DMs, other staff and those in their small clique was rabid and constant. Within a year of becoming moderator, DiAnna had now sucessfully 100% purged debatepolitics.com of any and all transsexuals, though she, other staffers and their clique followers had given Renae personal attacks *** the entire 15 years she was on the forum.
It is important to not be fooled. Nearly all forum staff act like they are young hard core progressive Democrats and civil rights advocates, thinking this makes them look young and enlightened. In fact, nearly all are completely reclusive angry self-pity party old white racists, bigots, xenophobes and transphobes living on social security and Medicare after lives lacking even 15 minutes of fame. Now they are old, sick, alone and living in angry self-pity, for which their worth is in a small, anonymous forum with the connection being their own hate and bigotry mongering clique.
The forum staff themselves are just trolls. They do not debate anything. Rather, they just post snarky ridicules and generic one sentence irrelevant talking points to shut down any debate.
Because they pretend to be progressive Democrats, with DiAnna now in full control of the forum most conservatives have also either been banned or beaten down into being very passive by infractions. Simply, the forum is only about a small clique of reclusive angry old white hate mongering, self-pity parties white people - nothing else.
The bottom-line is unless you are a very old, limited fixed income person angry over your life and finding your worth in hatred of others - misery loves company - there is nothing on this forum for you. Do not be tricked into thinking this is a political debate forum. It is not. It is a racist, bigoted and xenophobic clique of old hate mongering and self-pity white people. Any time you invest in the forum will be lost because it is only a matter of time before you are banned.
- Clique of old white racists pretending to be progriessives
Preferred solution: For oeople to recognize the real purpose of the forum

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerTo warn people
The forum is just a clique of old white racists banning all transsexuals, blacks, Latinos, Asians and all non-white foreign posters.
- Suited for angry old white racists
- It is not a political debate forum
Preferred solution: Forum stop representing it is a political debate forum
User's recommendation: Stay away
The Forum is a clique of a small group of old white progressive Democrats
Over 80% of the forum staff are old white progressive Democrats, with is the antithesis of liberalism and basically is fascism. They allow some relatively passive conservatives to have people to ridicule, post snarky messages and personally attack. Actual two sided political debating is not tolerated for long and the staff and their groupies shut it down quickly by derailing the topic.
To Warn - DebatePolitics.com is a white supremacist organization
DebatePolitics.com is a white nationalist and white segregationist forum to the extreme, but insidiously so. It is the new Stormfront and exists solely to preserve and protect white American culture.
I was on the forum for over 10 years and the only person of color of a different ethnic background that dared post about other than popular current white cultural values. For this I was constantly harassed and stalked by forum staff and their trolls. Anyone could ignore any and all rules including attacking my children and family because they are mixed race and also because I have LGBT family members.
This was not done by a single staff member, but the entire staff supervised and lead by the forum owner himself, a white man in white-suburban-flight Plano, Texas who is currently using the ID of "Schweddy." However, the forum is more run by an ancient old racist white woman in California using the ID of "DiAnna." She is pure racist, homophobic and xenophobic to her bones - as are nearly all the staff.
When a white racist poster attacked my children and family in private messages, it was learned I have a black wife. The most racist moderator DIAnna went berserk when informed this, demanding I divulge that I am in a mixed race marriage, have mixed race children and there are people in my family of different (including non-white) cultural background and have family members who are LGBT. She demanded I divulge my private message to the full forum staff, supervised by the owner.
The owner, the administrators and moderators made no secret to me - but only in private messages - that the forum is ONLY for people of white cultural origins and only to discuss white cultural values. Forum staff, with the owner overseeing it, stated that my having a black wife and mixed race children, plus LGBT family members is "extremely disturbing" and "just not right."
I was permanently banned because I mixed race children, was married to a black woman, and there are LGBT members of my extended/blended family. The attacking white poster was given full immunity for all rules to attack my children, my wife, my ex wife, and myself, to post my private messages on the forum, and overall more violations than were double what would cause a permanent ban.
This forum is nothing but white supremacist KKKish click bait. Even staff members have quit the forum for how extremely, but covertly, racist and bigoted debatepolitics.com truly is. The staff leads trolls to stalk, ridicule and endlessly attack and bait anyone posting outside of a low-class version of American white cultural values - and then ultimately celebrate running off the next person of color or anyone of any different race, ethnicity or sexual orientation in an area they call the "Basement." To make "undesirable" posters (meaning not white and not of their white values and background) seem like liars and ridiculous, the staff will edit your messages if they don't like you - meaning not acting white enough - with no indication you didn't write the message. There is no level corruption the racist staff and owner of the forum will not employ. The forum rules are irrelevant to anything other than however any staff member wants to use or ignore or make up non-existent rules.
The staff members themselves do post about their lives and they are truly losers in life. A bunch of nobodies who get to be KKKers hiding behind IDs in a sense of finally having some power in their old age after a lifetime of failure. Failed relationships. Failed economically. Failed as parents. Basically, the forum is run by old white losers whose only claim to worth is their whiteness, which is then their superiority.
Statistically, over 90% of people who join the forum quit or are banned.
Be VERY careful of joining or being associated with this white nationalist KKKish Stormfront forum - as doing so is the same as joining a Chapter of the KKK. This could come back to bite you in the *** as this forum has come under a spotlight by numerous civil rights organizations and activists. In the past they publicly exposed the real identity of members of white supremacist forums like this one in the past. You may not want a permanent heritage online as a white racist as your legacy.
Do not invest time on this forum. There is a small inner circle of white segregationists and xenophobes that runs the forum and nearly everyone else ultimately is banned or leaves in disgust. In existence for over a decade and a half, less than 300 people ever participate on the forum in a month. Rather, it is the same inner circle of loser white people year after years whose real game is to mess with new people and anyone different from their almost bizarre view of even decent white cultural values. They often pretend to be liberal or progressive, but really it is all just a game for their race-click bait game.
The Owner, Schweddy and the Moderators, RedAskon and Nota Bene
They banned me because I would not be silent about the election being legitmate.
If you don't agree with the Moderators that the election was stolen you will be banned. Beware, My name on the site was Lurchadams. Thanks for listening.
Preferred solution: Apology
User's recommendation: Go to JusPlainPolitics.com
The administrators and moderators are crooked, the owner is oblivious to the chaos on the site
The absent owner(s) allow the morale on the forum to decline. The site runs on participant's donations.
Their appointed moderators play favorites and abuse their power. They are the worst I've ever witnessed on the Internet. Partial to their pets and treat people they don't like badly.
The owners allow false advertising on their site banner. Civility is not a must and some moderators are as partial as they come politically.
The advertise that bias is optional and civility is a must. If the site were on the up and up, the moderators would live up to the owner's claim. They don't.
The basement is an area of the forum that needs to be eliminated. Mostly leftist trolls inhabit and are allowed to bully more conservatively leaned posters.
This wouldn't be so bad but this sort of thing is encouraged by the moderators of the forum.
I'd give this site a negative rating if allowed.
For now, I give it a D-. allowed to
User's recommendation: Don't waste your time unless you're a masochist.
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerThe Sacred and the Profane
Debate Politics Website owners and moderator operators have their favorite posters of course. They're all rightwingers.
The poster who challenges and outduels the chosen and protected posters gets dinged for bad points or gets ejected if the challenges and defeats continue of the mods and their protected posters.
No one with a sense of justice and fairness should attend this website. It is a lost cause and hopeless to change or modify.
The owners and moderators use their agent posters to set up arguments with liberal or progressive posters. Then the liberals / progressives get dinged or ejected when they challenge the protected rightwing posters of the rightwing owners and moderators.
Caveat emptor.

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerDebatePolitics dot com discussion board is a fraud
DebatePolitics.com misrepresents its banner that says civility is a must. DP does it knowingly.
DP is thereby a fraudulent website. Debate Politics solicits donations by members which creates a privileged class of posters. Moderators actively participate in posting to personally post to members Mods do not like. Mods in their posting engage in personal attacks against posters the Mods dislike and disapprove.
Mods actively take sides in debates to advocate the conservative and, most often, the rightwing point of view. I have witnessed and experienced this reality since I became an active posting member in 2014. The bias of the Mods to the extreme right includes the militarizing of the society, i.e., supporting and protecting the rightwing veterans of military service who post and who actively donate to the DP appeal for funds. The appeal for funds for DP appears continuously on the site's Index page.
There is a line bar showing the progress of the donations appeals; the bar in red and green appears continuously 24/7. I myself have had a constant and ongoing private contact with the Mods about this via Personal Messenger. This has been entirely futile, the reason being the Mods are set and fixed in their rightwing purposes, means, goals.
Because there has been no willingness to modify or change the DP website, I have come to Pissed Consumer to try to affect some change to the Debate Politics website and its discussion forums. If DP is incapable of modifying or improving its policies and practices, then internet consumers of politics and government would need to know that DebatePolitics dot com is a fraudulent website.
Preferred solution: Prohibit trolls, political spamming and political stalking at the threads, off topic postings especially and in particular
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Rene, I am a member there and you deserved it. You gained the points to be banned and were banned.
You knew the rules, you violated them and were booted. It's not hard to stay within the lines.
It had nothing to do with your sexuality either. You should try being honest...as you were probably one of the more racist, trolls on the forum....
Rene is an idiot both ways. She got busted out of the Navy for failure to be promoted on schedule.
The meanspirited and shifty mod DiAnna who busted Rene has too many biases to be of any good or value to the domain.
Same for another long term and chronically scolding mod Notre Bene. The owner bringing in other more moderate mods does not change anything about these two.