
Poorly made kit car, no return calls or help. Missing Parts

After more than a year and months of pain,

I need to report and warn the public of the bad business practices of kit car manufacturer DDR Motorsport and owner Diego Grullon.

I put a deposit on one of DDR Motorsports cars. The contract stated 3 months to receive the car. After more than a year it was delivered with poorly made, damaged fiberglass body, missing parts,and numerous problems with the chassis. Missed safety welds, poorly engineered floor, and poor construction. Many parts were missing as well. After money was paid, Diego Grullon owner of DDR, does not respond to customers needing their parts, or help with there cars. DDR Motorsport website misleads the public on total build costs. A lawsuit and complaint has been filed against DDR Motorsport, I suspect others will follow. Be aware of these bad business practices. Bob

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3 years and I still never got all the parts the brackets where in the wrong places for the suspention or they where just missing and the mold is the worst I have seen

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