Picture me portrait/CPI corp change ur ways!
I work at picture me portrait studio/CPI corp, in illinois, i have never worked for a company that treats their employees the way they do. since cpi has bought picture me the rules has changed, they change everything on a regular basis, they want us to keep a $80 average, or we will loose hours and then get asked to sign our resignation paper, if we don't get it up.
I'm writing this to hopefully let the customers know and hopefully the big wigs know, that i'm not going to lie, cheat, steal, to our customers, i'm originally from the west coast, and even in school they teach us about customer service..here in illinois/st.louis. they don't know what that means. i didn't sign no contract stating that my job is based on averages to keep my job or to get hours. if they want to fire me go for it, i will fight my butt off to get unemployment.
people have enough stress to deal with in life, why on earth would u want it at work that only pays $8.50 an hour.CPI you need to stop doing what ur doing because you are loosing business, and *** good employees. i know there are some employees out there that don't really care about what they do, but i am one of those that loves their job, and loves taking pics of kids,family, lovers, and new mommies. but i'm looking for a new job. you know it really sucks when your boss sneaks around or does what ever they do to get their avg.
up so they don't get fired or written up, by taking their associates business. I don't know how to change anything there except to tell everyone how i feel, and when i do quit i will still go there to get my kids pics taken, but i will only be getting the advertise package which is cheap, we are not made of money, i don't have $200 to spend on pictures. no one around here does.
CPI you need to change your ways!
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I worked my rear end off 25 years for CNA insurance. If someone left I had to do my job and theirs.
No matter how hard I worked I never got over a competent raise. The pressure to do more was present in time reports, everything you did had a time allotment.Their prime objective was to get premiums and not pay claims. If there was any way to get out of paying a claim, they did it. They had special procedures to keep from paying claims.
The only people they paid well were the high priced attorneys who used loop holes to prevent payment.
All insurance companies work the same way. So, beware.
I forgot to mention every 20 years they routinely fired everyone employed there 20 years or more finally making a decent living and hired new people at minimum wages. They new all kinds of ways to save a buck. There should be a law against them.
Well I agree,it is the same in the lab. It's all numbers,they do not care about the quality of the product they ship.They care even less about the employees.
They doubled the employees workload and gave them .60 cents to 1.00 extra. Because of this they are running 2 machines when before they ran 1 machine, so they need fewer employees. Running 2 machines lowers the quality. They lie and say they inspect the boxes, but it hasn't been done in months.
It has been witnessed employees putting portraits in bags without looking at them.These are the employees they kept, the ones who lie and cheat all for a dollar. The lay off was even more b.s. They laid off all the employees that do not get along with the boss. That doesn't sound professional it sounds personal.
Nothing is professional there. Has anyone ever went into a reception area of a business and seen a dog that just had surgery(with patches on their eyes, whimpering)sitting at the security desk? That was tacky. The boss comes and goes on her own preference for hair, nail, dr.
appts. without it affecting her attendance. Laying off so many employees would seem to mean you wouldn't need as many managers, not the case.
They let go people that actually work(1 supervisor has only 1 employee)and leave the ones that do not do anything. Waste of company money.