Courtesy Chevrolet
Is this your business?
Dierdre Vws
Courtesy Chevrolet - WORST EVER
Don't ever go to this dealership unless you want to get riped off!!!!!!! i put $4,000 down toward a car that they said i was 'approved' for?
drove it around for a week and then call me back and said it wasn't approved. Tried to give me a crummy car that and i asked for my down payment. they were trying to charge me $800 for driving their car around for a week and get to sign a contract, but i refused to sign and said that i will not get my money back unless i agree to $500. They are a buch of SNAKES!!!
FRAUD!!! and Will do anything to get your money!!!!
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Courtesy Chevrolet
It's called a spot delivery scam....NEVER leave the dealership until you are certain that your loan is approved and all the T's are crossed and all the I's have been dotted.
Sounds like you couldn't afford it ?