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Contact ZooTampa at Lowry Park Customer Service

ZooTampa at Lowry Park Phone Numbers and Emails

Customer Service Number:

  • (813) 935-8552
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Customer Service:

  • (813) 933-8093
    Education Programs
  • (813) 935-8552
    Guest Relations
  • (813) 935-8552 ext 3387
    Support Animals


  • (347) 366-5192

ZooTampa at Lowry Park Emails:

Customer Service
Education Programs, Guest Relations, Membership
Jobs/ Career
Technical Support
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ZooTampa at Lowry Park Customer Service Overview

The aggregated data is based on calls made from website and questionnaires provided by users.

  • ZooTampa at Lowry Park Customer Service is rated at 5 out of 5. Consumers who contact the company are mostly satisfied. More commonly used way of contact is by phone.

    Source Distribution
    87% phone 13% email
  • The best phone number to call ZooTampa at Lowry Park is 8139358552. 86% of consumers used this number to address their issues and concerns.

  • The longest wait times are on Tuesday, while the shortest are on Thursday and Monday.

  • Be prepared for the call as ZooTampa at Lowry Park may ask you for the following information to identify you as a customer: first and last name.

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Contact Information

ZooTampa at Lowry Park Website:

ZooTampa at Lowry Park Help Center:

Corporate Office Address:

Lowry Park Zoological Society of Tampa, INC.
1101 W. Sligh Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33604
United States

Other Info (opening hours):


Monday - Sunday: 9:30am - 5:00pm

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+1(813) 935-9486

ZooTampa at Lowry Park Rating Based on 1 Review

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Summary of ZooTampa at Lowry Park Customer Service Calls

00:00 AVG CALL

Top Reasons of Customers Calls

Consumers Call the Most From

Why Do People Call ZooTampa at Lowry Park?

Cards Question:

  • “Lost identity card at guest tickect booth in front gate”

Refund Question:

  • “Refund. from mich. on the way to the zoo my husband had a seizure. called 911. at the hospital. couldnt get to the zoo”

Payments and Charges Question:

  • “Membership info and reimbursement for event tickets i shouldnt of had to pay for”

Request for Information Question:

  • “I have questions about scooter rental.?cannot get them on phone”

Other Question:

  • “I just want to ask the Animal Care Team if I will be able to see Sdudla the male African elephant in the African elephant Backstage encounter.”
  • “To see if I can come get my tickets”

Compare ZooTampa at Lowry Park Customer Service To

Companies are selected automatically by the algorithm. A company's rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in your profile. The algorithm parameters are: user's rating, number of resolved issues, number of company's responses etc. The algorithm is subject to change in future.

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