Contact Zimmerman Marine Customer Service
Zimmerman Marine Phone Numbers and Emails
(804) 776-036718691 General Puller Highway Deltaville, VA
(843) 849-245824 Patriots Point Rd Mt. Pleasant, SC
(410) 867-4400389 Deale Rd. Bldg. 5, Suite A Tracys Landing, MD
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Contact Information
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Zimmerman Marine Inc. specializes in boat repair, maintenance, restoration, and customization. The company was founded in 1981. There are several Zimmerman Marine locations: Deltaville (VA), Cardinal (VA), Tracy’s Landing (MD), and Southport (NC). The company provides a broad range of services. They include Carpentry, System Installations, Rigging, Mechanical, Inspection, and many more. Zimmerman Marine has facilities and equipment required to service a wide variety of vessels. The company also builds boats. Available models are as follows: z31, z38, and z46. Custom orders are also possible. Zimmerman Marine provides their clients with yacht purchase support. It represents buyers’ interests before the purchase of a used boat. Consulting assistance is provided by phone.

Zimmerman Marine is ranked 36 out of 445 in Water Transport category
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