Contact West Side Transport Customer Service
West Side Transport Phone Numbers and Emails
Toll-Free Number:
(800) 373-2957
(800) 677-5627
West Side Transport Email:
Contact Information
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West Side Transport has been in operation for almost 40 years. West Side Transport was started by the Vogt family in the late 1960s for the business of salvaging grain spills at train yards. In the late1970s, the founder's sons took the company reins and now Don Vogt acts as President, C.E.O. and Chairman of the Board. After trucking deregulation in 1980, West Side expanded into additional trucking operations, primarily hauling grain for large grain processing operations. By the late 1980s, the trucking operation had rapidly expanded into the truckload, dry van business. In 1994, West Side Transport was operating approximately 200 trucks and as of January 2008, West Side Transport operated more than 470 trucks and over 1,260 trailers. Currently West Side transport is a dry van carrier that operates a fleet of over 600 trucks and 1,500 trailers throughout the continental U.S. The transportation services include long haul, dedicated and total logistics operations. The company is Cedar Rapids, IA.

West Side Transport is ranked 67 out of 1449 in Transportation and Logistics category
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