Contact Village Green Customer Service
Village Green Phone Numbers and Emails
Customer Service Number:
(248) 851-9600Southfield, MI
Customer Service:
(312) 335-2650Chicago, IL
(513) 672-8600Cincinnati and Cincinnati, OH
(214) 431-3090Dallas, TX
Contact Information
Village Green Website:
Village Green Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Other Info (opening hours):
Other Locations:
221 East 4th Street
Suite 410
Cincinnati, OH 45202
3890 W Northwest Hwy
Suite 601
Dallas, TX 75220
Summary of Village Green Customer Service Calls
Top Reasons of Customers Calls
Consumers Call the Most From
Why Do People Call Village Green?
Other Question:
- “I am a patient and I want my medicine. I brought in for breathing and won't let me have it”
- “Parts missing”
Village Green is a real estate company which specializes in property management. It was founded in 1966. The headquarters is based in Farmington Hills, Michigan, United States. There are offices in Scottsdale (AZ), Baltimore (MD), Dallas (TX), Minneapolis (MN), and St. Louis (MO). Village Green manages office space including cafes, restaurants, dry cleaners, and markets. The company serves individuals and businesses. It offers property management and business development service. There is a VG Preferred application for mobile devices with Android and Apple operating systems. It provides a variety of deals in different cities. Village Green got 2014 Best Adaptive Re-use – Soo Line Building and 2015 Best Large Apartment Community - Soo Line Building awards.

Village Green is ranked 617 out of 2737 in Real Estate category
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