Contact Saint Michael Medical Center Customer Service
Saint Michael Medical Center Phone Numbers and Emails
Customer Service Number:
(973) 877-5295
(973) 877-5100
Billing Department:
(973) 983-1744
Central Scheduling:
(973) 465-2792
Contact Information
Saint Michael Medical Center Website:
Saint Michael Medical Center Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
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Why Do People Call Saint Michael Medical Center?
Payments and Charges Question:
- “Bill”
Saint Michael Medical Center was founded in 1867. This 357-bed facility center is based in Newark, NJ. The hospital owns all required innovative equipment, allowing to provide quick diagnostic and treatment. To put it briefly, Saint Michael Medical Center is a complex which unites such establishments like, Diabetes Management Center, The Heart and Vascular Institute, The Regional Cancer Center, The Connie Dwyer Breast Center, Metabolic and Bariatric Center. Plus, there are many research labs and centers. On top of that, this hospital is a member of catholic health east. This center accepts donations for developing of diverse programs.

Saint Michael Medical Center is ranked 738 out of 5481 in Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centers category
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