Contact Ross Park Mall Customer Service
Ross Park Mall Phone Numbers and Emails
Customer Service Number:
(412) 369-4400Shopping Line
Customer Service:
(412) 369-4401Center Management
(317) 636-1600
Ross Park Mall Emails:
Ross Park Mall Customer Service Overview
The aggregated data is based on calls made from website and questionnaires provided by users.
More commonly used way of contact is by phone.
The best phone number to call Ross Park Mall is 4123694400. 75% of consumers used this number to address their issues and concerns.
The longest wait times are on Saturday, while the shortest are on Monday.
The main reason people call Ross Park Mall is for shipping and delivery.
Contact Information
Ross Park Mall Website:
Ross Park Mall Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Other Info (opening hours):
Simon Property Group
225 W Washington St
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3435 USA
Monday - Thursday: 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday- Saturday: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Sunday: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Summary of Ross Park Mall Customer Service Calls
Top Reasons of Customers Calls
Consumers Call the Most From
Why Do People Call Ross Park Mall?
Shipping and Delivery Question:
- “Lost item”
Other Question:
- “Inquiring about wheelchairs”
, , , , Simon Ventures
Ross Park Mall is one of the largest malls in the United States. Ross Park Mall is a part of Simon Malls. Simon Property Group is the largest real estate company in the US. Today, the company owns 391 properties in North America, Asia and Europe. Ross Park Mall includes about 150 different stores that provide a great assortment of various products. The list of stores located in Ross Park Mall includes Apple, bebe, Louis Vuitton, Pottery Barn, Burberry, Banana Republic, and many more. Ross Park Mall also provides dozens of places to eat at and have a great time. Ross Park Mall is a great place for shopping and entertainment.

Ross Park Mall is ranked 6 out of 1073 in Supermarkets and Malls category
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Companies are selected automatically by the algorithm. A company's rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in your profile. The algorithm parameters are: user's rating, number of resolved issues, number of company's responses etc. The algorithm is subject to change in future.