Contact Rainbow Connection Customer Service
Rainbow Connection Phone Numbers and Emails
Customer Service Number:
(248) 601-9474
Rainbow Connection Emails:
Contact Information
Rainbow Connection Website:
Rainbow Connection Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Other Info (opening hours):
Other Location:
Satellite Office
3011 W. Grand Blvd,
Suite 218
Detroit, MI 48202
Summary of Rainbow Connection Customer Service Calls
Top Reasons of Customers Calls
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Why Do People Call Rainbow Connection?
Other Question:
- “Interested to endroll my grandson”
Rainbow Connection is a charity organization based in Michigan. The relief activities of the organization are oriented at provision of help to disabled and seriously ill children. Rainbow Connection was established in year 1980. Officially announced annual budget of the organization equals 1.8 million dollars. Rainbow Connection budget is formed with donations of local community members and is used for the purpose of improving lives of children, by making their dreams come true. Rainbow Connection website features a section where volunteer opportunities are listed. Online volunteer application is available for site visitors.

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