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Contact Pure Barre Customer Service

Pure Barre Phone Numbers and Emails

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  • (949) 346-3000
    Privacy Inquiries

Pure Barre Emails:
Privacy Inquiries
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How to Contact Pure Barre?

Most Popular Number:

(949) 346-3000
Privacy Inquiries
Total calls: 13 Last call: Jan 21, 2025
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PissedConsumer Reporter

Pure Barre customer service team is available at the following number: 949-346-3000. Use it for privacy inquiries, such as about how the company processes, collects, and uses your personal information. If you need to get in touch with the nearest Pure Barre studio representative, find its contacts after following the “find a location near you” hyperlink in the upper-right corner of the official company website. is the main Pure Barre email address. Use it for asking about the studios, class formats, events, etc. If you have problems with accessing the company’s site, you can also apply to the appropriate specialist at the mentioned email to report what happened. For privacy policy inquiries, Pure Barre provides the following contact:

The Pure Barre headquarters is located in the United States at PB Franchising SPV, LLC 17877 Von Karman Ave, Suite 100 Irvine, California 92614, United States. Visit the main office if you have corporate or other important matters you can resolve during physical presence only. For sending correspondence, use the following Pure Barre mailing address: 17877 Von Karman Ave. Irvine, California 9261.

Pure Barre studios hours are different. They vary depending on the location. To find out the schedule of the location you need, go to the “Studios” or “find a location near you” page, choose the studio you are interested in, and click on the “Select” button.

Pure Barre provides the ability to contact the nearest Pure Barre studio via the official company website. To get access to it, follow “Studios” or “find a location near you”, choose the studio you are interested in, and click on its telephone number or email address.

Pure Barre Customer Service Overview

The aggregated data is based on calls made from website and questionnaires provided by users.

  • Pure Barre Customer Service is rated at 2 out of 5. Consumers who contact the company are mostly dissatisfied. More commonly used way of contact is by phone.

    Source Distribution
    57% phone 43% email
  • The best phone number to call Pure Barre is 9493463000.

  • The longest wait times are on Tuesday and Friday, while the shortest are on Wednesday and Sunday.

  • Be prepared for the call as Pure Barre may ask you for the following information to identify you as a customer: first and last name.

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PissedConsumer Club

Contact Information

Pure Barre Website:

Pure Barre Help Center:

Corporate Office Address:

PB Franchising SPV, LLC
17877 Von Karman Ave, Suite 100
Irvine, California 92614
United States

Other Info (opening hours):

Mailing Address:

17877 Von Karman Ave.

Irvine, California 9261

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Pure Barre Rating Based on 4 Reviews

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Summary of Pure Barre Customer Service Calls

00:00 AVG CALL

Top Reasons of Customers Calls

Consumers Call the Most From

Why Do People Call Pure Barre?

Payments and Charges Question:

  • “Charged for membership that I wanted to cancel”
  • “Payments”
  • “Billing”

Activation/ Cancellation Question:

  • “Cancel membership”

Account Question:

  • “Membership question”
  • “Membership”

Product/ Service Question:

  • “Membership issue”

Request for Information Question:

  • “Questions about instructing”

Cards Question:

  • “Credit Card still being charged after cancellation”

Other Question:

  • Dissatisfied customer
  • “Car wreck”

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